
It’s that Ask How-To Geek time of week again; this week we’re looking at monitoring Android mobile usage, learning Windows keyboard shortcuts, and repairing old photographs.

就是每周再次询问“如何进行极客”; 本周,我们将研究监视Android手机的使用情况,学习Windows键盘快捷键以及修复旧照片。

如何监控Android手机上的移动使用情况? (How Can I Monitor Mobile Usage On My Android Phone?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My cellular provider is really brutal with the overage fees and I’m worried about getting slammed by them again. I can log into my account and check my usage online but that’s a hassle and not very up-to-the-minute. Is there anything I can do on my actual phone to keep an eye on things?

我的移动电话服务提供商对超额收费确实很残酷,我担心会再次遭到他们的猛烈抨击。 我可以登录我的帐户并在线检查我的使用情况,但这很麻烦,而且不是最新的。 我可以在实际的手机上做任何事情来监视事情吗?



Data Miser in Mississippi


Dear Data Miser,


We’d highly recommend checking out our guide to cutting down your Android phone bill. One of the applications we highlight is Droid Stats, a great little app that includes a home screen widget which reports on minutes used, text messages send, and data transferred. It doesn’t interface with your provider (it does the calculations locally) but it does a great job.

我们强烈建议您查看我们的指南,以减少您的Android手机费用。 我们重点介绍的应用程序之一是Droid Stats,它是一款出色的小应用程序,其中包括一个主屏幕小部件,该小部件可报告使用时间,短信发送和数据传输情况。 它不与您的提供程序交互(它在本地进行计算),但是做得很好。

如何快速学习Windows键盘快捷键? (How Can I Quickly Learn Windows Keyboard Shortcuts?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I’ve been an “everything by mouse” guy for a long time but a recent wrist injury has made mouse use painful. How can I quickly get up to speed with Windows shortcuts?

很长一段时间以来,我一直是“鼠标所能做的一切”,但是最近的手腕受伤使鼠标使用感到痛苦。 如何快速掌握Windows快捷方式?



Busted Wrist in Wisconsin


Dear Busted Wrist,


Are you using a traditional mouse? While we’re all about shortcuts they won’t help you when you need to use the mouse and it still hurts. Have you considered using a trackball? Several of us around the office switched to Logitech Trackman trackballs years ago and the level of comfort is through the roof.

您使用的是传统鼠标吗? 虽然我们都是关于快捷键的,但是当您需要使用鼠标时,它们仍然无法为您提供帮助,但仍然很痛。 您是否考虑过使用轨迹球? 几年前,我们办公室中的一些人改用了Logitech Trackman轨迹球,而舒适感却是通过屋顶实现的。

That said, getting up to speed with Windows shortcuts shouldn’t take too long. The first place you should stop is the source itself, here’s a Microsoft list of the major Windows 7 keyboard shortcuts. We also have a guide to 10 lesser known but helpful keyboard shortcuts here. Here’s a printable list of shortcuts that includes shortcuts for Windows 7 apps. Also, for many applications there are shortcut guides online (especially popular and/or complex ones like Photoshop and Word). You’d be well served to search for lists and PDFs for applications you use frequently like “keyboard shortcuts Excel 2007” or such.

就是说,了解Windows快捷方式的时间应该不会太长。 您应该停止的第一个地方是源代码本身,这是Microsoft Windows 7主要键盘快捷键的列表。 我们还提供了10个鲜为人知但有用的键盘快捷键的指南。 这是可打印的快捷方式列表,其中包括Windows 7应用程序的快捷方式。 另外,对于许多应用程序,在线都有快捷指南(特别是流行的和/或复杂的指南,例如Photoshop和Word)。 对于经常使用的应用程序(例如“键盘快捷键Excel 2007”等),您将很容易搜索列表和PDF。

One final piece of advice we’ll give: stick with it. You only become a shortcut ninja if you resist the urge to grab the mouse. Keep plugging away at using the shortcuts and soon you won’t even think to reach for your mouse anymore.

我们将给出的最后一条建议是:坚持下去。 如果您拒绝抓住鼠标的冲动,那么您只会成为捷径忍者。 继续使用快捷键,您很快就不会再想用鼠标了。

如何修复损坏的照片? (How Can I Repair Damaged Photographs?)

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

My great grandfather’s birthday is coming up. For his birthday party and as a gift for him, I’d like to repair some old photos that have been scratched/lightly damaged. I called around to some photographers/photo restoration places in the area and the prices they are charging are really high. I get that I’m paying for experience and results but it’s way out of my price range. I have access to Photoshop through my college’s computer labs, could you point me in the right direction? The damage is minimal enough that I feel like with a few tips and a weekend spent practicing I could really do this. Thanks!

我曾祖父的生日快到了。 为了给他的生日聚会和作为礼物送给他,我想修复一些被划伤/轻微损坏的旧照片。 我打电话到该地区的一些摄影师/照片恢复场所,他们收取的价格确实很高。 我知道我是在为经验和成果付费,但是这超出了我的价格范围。 我可以通过大学计算机实验室访问Photoshop,您能为我指明正确的方向吗? 造成的损害非常小,我感觉到一些提示,花了一个周末练习,我才能做到这一点。 谢谢!



Old Photos in Philadelphia


Dear Old Photos,


Fortunately for you doing basic scratch repair is not something you need to apprentice under a master for. Even more fortunate, we happen to have a guide for you right here. Make sure to set aside your original high resolution scans and work on copies of them in case anything goes wrong (a good practice to get into whether you’re an amateur or an old pro).

幸运的是,对于您而言,进行基本的划痕修复不是您需要在熟练的师傅的帮助下进行的工作。 更幸运的是,我们恰巧在这里为您提供了指南。 确保保留原始的高分辨率扫描,并处理它们的副本,以防万一发生任何问题(无论您是业余爱好者还是老职业人士,这都是一种很好的做法)。

Have a pressing tech question? Email us at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to help you solve your technology problems.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 给我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com ,我们将尽力帮助您解决技术问题。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/73827/ask-how-to-geek-monitoring-android-mobile-usage-windows-keyboard-shortcuts-and-repairing-damaged-photographs/



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