

The light from the sun. It helps plants to grow.

the light from the Sun


The gases that surround the earth. We cannot see air, but it is everywhere.

the gases that surround the earth



A liquid that is necessary for life. Water moves food to the parts of a plant.

a liquid that is necessary for life


The area available for use. If there is space, a plant can grow big and strong.

the area available for use


Soil is where plants grow. Soil is the top part of the earth.

the top part of the earth


Warmth is the state or quality of being warm.

the state or quality of being warm


to take something from one place to another


the earth where plants live

Insect-eating Plants

Venus flytrap 捕蝇草

pitcher plant  猪笼草

A plant needs many things to help it grow. It needs sunlight, water, and air to help it grow. Sunlight comes from the Sun. It gives the plant warmth.

A plant needs water to grow. Water helps carry food from the soil to all its parts. Soil has food for plants to grow big and strong.

We cannot see air, but it is also important for  the plant to grow.

Plants grow in the ground.

A plant needs space in the ground to grow bigger.

Cause=Condition, Situation

What  Plants Need


A plant gets sunlight, warmth, water, air, soil and space.


The plant grows big and strong.

Soil has food for plants to grow.

A plant needs space in the ground to grow bigger.

We cannot see air, but this gas is important for a plant to grow.

If a plant does not have enogh food or water, the plant will not grow big and strong.

What Plants Need to Grow相关推荐

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