
初试结束第15天, 之前简单的处理了部分毕设方面的任务, 对接下来的学习做了个简单的规划

day1: 两数之和


解法1(字典): 20 ms

通过已知的target和当前的value值可以计算出剩下的number是多少(number + value = target)
再判断number是否出现在字典的键中即可, 如果出现则返回两个数字的索引

注意: 这里 判断的 if 语句要放在dic[value] = index的前面,不然在第一轮且 value + value = target的情况下会产生错误
第一轮遍历中 先插入字典,此时字典为{3:0},因为第一个value3,而target刚好是6,得到的other_number也为3, 就会错误的返回0,0的结果.

class Solution(object):def twoSum(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[int]"""dic = {}for index, value in enumerate(nums):other_number = target - valueif other_number in dic:return dic[other_number], indexdic[value] = index  // 先判断后插入,避免了当index=dic[other_number]的情况

解法2(暴力解): 1884 ms

这种解法基本上不用什么思路, 直接两次遍历就够了

class Solution(object):def twoSum(self, nums, target):""":type nums: List[int]:type target: int:rtype: List[int]"""l = len(nums)for i in range(l):for j in range(i + 1, l):if nums[i] + nums[j] == target:return i, jreturn None

day2: 两数相加


解法1(遍历): 72 ms

链表是在数据结构中学习到的, 这里第一反应没有想到什么特别适合python特性的解法,就先按最大宗的解法求解,可能更契合C的大众思路。


result = ListNode()head = resultcarry = 0con = 0while l1 and l2:num = l1.val + l2.val + carryones = num % 10carry = num // 10if con == 0:result.val = oneselse:result.next = ListNode(ones)result = result.nextl1 = l1.nextl2 = l2.nextcon += 1while l1:num = l1.val + carryones = num % 10carry = num // 10result.next = ListNode(ones)result = result.nextl1 = l1.nextwhile l2:num = l2.val + carryones = num % 10carry = num // 10result.next = ListNode(ones)result = result.nextl2 = l2.nextif carry:result.next = ListNode(carry)return head

解法2:(递归): 56 ms

python解法思路: 每次将进位加到l1.val上, 并根据l1,l2,carry的信息决定是否往result中继续添加节点

# Definition for singly-linked list.
# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, next=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.next = next
class Solution:def addTwoNumbers(self, l1: ListNode, l2: ListNode) -> ListNode:num = l1.val + l2.valones = num % 10carry = num // 10result = ListNode(ones)if l1.next or l2.next or carry:if l1.next:l1 = l1.nextelse:l1 = ListNode(0)if l2.next:l2 = l2.nextelse:l2 = ListNode(0)l1.val += carryresult.next = self.addTwoNumbers(l1, l2)return result


# 创建对象Solutionsol = Solution()# 定义l1链表l1 = ListNode(9)l1.next = l11 = ListNode(9)l11.next = l12 = ListNode(9)# 定义l2链表l2 = ListNode(9)l2.next = l21 = ListNode(9)# 获取返回值的链表head = sol.addTwoNumbers(l1, l2)

错解: TypeError: object of type 'ListNode' has no len()

第一遍做题的时候没有看清楚是链表,把l1,和 l2当做列表来做了, 最后出现了错误

        carry = 0len1 = len(l1)len2 = len(l2)if len1 > len2:l1.extend([0 for i in range(len1 - len2)])if len2 > len1:l2.extend([0 for i in range(len2 - len1)])con = 0for i, j in zip(l1, l2):sum = i + j + carryones = sum % 10carry = sum // 10if con == 0:result = ListNode(ones)con += 1else:result.next = ListNode(ones)if carry:result.next = ListNode(carry)return result

day3 无重复字符的最长子串


解法1(滑动窗口): 64ms

python解法思路, 利用滑动窗口的思想,用li来记录当前窗口的值,用num来记录窗口滑动中的最大值
何为滑动窗口: 如当窗口为dabc时,下一个遍历到的字符为a,此时窗口变为dabca将会含有重复的a,我们要把第一个出现的a与其之前的元素剔除,新窗口为bca 继续相后移动

class Solution:def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:li = []num = 0if len(s) == 0:return 0for word in s:if word in li:index = li.index(word)li = li[index + 1:]li.append(word)num = num if len(li) < num else len(li)return num

解法2(暴力循环): 1816 ms


class Solution:def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:num = 0for i in range(len(s)):li = []for j in range(i, len(s)):if s[j] in li:break li.append(s[j])num = num if num > len(li) else len(li)return num

解法3(暴力循环): 468 ms


class Solution:def lengthOfLongestSubstring(self, s: str) -> int:num = 0for i in range(len(s)):li = set()for j in range(i, len(s)):if s[j] in li:break li.add(s[j])num = num if num > len(li) else len(li)return num

day4 无重复字符的最长子串


解法1: (普通思路) : 56 ms

python解法思路: 运用list自带的拼接操作与排序操作完成本题

class Solution:def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> float:li = list(sorted(nums1 + nums2))length = len(li)if length % 2 == 0:return (li[length // 2 - 1] + li[length // 2]) / 2else:return li[length // 2]

解法2: (numpy一行解): 144 ms

python解法思路: 用numpy自带的求中位数的函数完成一行解题的效果

import numpy as np
class Solution:def findMedianSortedArrays(self, nums1: List[int], nums2: List[int]) -> float:return np.median(list(sorted(nums1 + nums2)))

day5: 167. 两数之和 II - 输入有序数组


解法1: (字典): 36ms

    dic = {}for index, value in enumerate(numbers):other_number = target - valueif other_number in dic:return dic[other_number], index + 1dic[value] = index + 1

解法2: (二分查找): 56ms

class Solution:def binary_search_no_recursion(self, num, low, high, target):'''二分查找: 非递归版:param num: 有序数组:param low: 下标: 起始位置:param high: 上标: 结束位置:param target: 目标值:return: 目标值的索引'''while low <= high:mid = (low + high) // 2if num[mid] == target:return midelif num[mid] > target:  # 在左边high = mid - 1else:  # 在右边low = mid + 1return -1def twoSum(self, numbers: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:length = len(numbers)for index, number in enumerate(numbers):other = target - numbertindex = self.binary_search_no_recursion(numbers, index, length, other) + 1if tindex:return index + 1, tindex

解法3: (双指针):

python解法思路: low从最左边开始, high从最右边开始,因为是有序数组并且题目说了只对应唯一的答案,所以不用考前numbers=[2,2,4,2],target=4这种情况, 双指针法利用一次遍历,判断当前两指针指向的数字之和与target的对比,根据偏差分别移动lowhigh, 相比于二分查找法只需要O(n)的时间复杂度

class Solution:def twoSum(self, numbers: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:length = len(numbers)low = 0high = length - 1while low < high:s = numbers[low] + numbers[high]if s == target:return low + 1, high + 1elif s > target:high -= 1else:low += 1

day6: 653. 两数之和 IV - 输入 BST


解法1: 中序+二分查找: 68ms

解题思路: 先通过中序生成一个有序数组, 转为之前做过的题 167

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:def findTarget(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], k: int) -> bool:if not root:return Falsetmp = []def in_order(root):if not root:return Falsein_order(root.left)tmp.append(root.val)in_order(root.right)in_order(root)left, right = 0, len(tmp) - 1while left < right:lr_sum = tmp[left] + tmp[right]if lr_sum == k:return Trueelif lr_sum < k:left += 1else:right -= 1return False

解法2: 中序+Hash: 80ms

解题思路: 在递归的过程中检查目标值是否在set中,若存在则返回

# Definition for a binary tree node.
# class TreeNode:
#     def __init__(self, val=0, left=None, right=None):
#         self.val = val
#         self.left = left
#         self.right = right
class Solution:def findTarget(self, root: Optional[TreeNode], k: int) -> bool:s = set()def order(node):if not node:return Falseif k - node.val in s:return Trues.add(node.val)return order(node.left) or order(node.right)return order(root)

day7: 15. 三数之和


解法1: 暴力:(超时)

class Solution:def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:result = []length = len(nums)if length < 3:return resultfor i in range(length):for j in range(i + 1, length):target = 0 - nums[i] - nums[j]if target in nums[j + 1:]:tmp = sorted([nums[i], nums[j], target])if tmp not in result:result.append(tmp)return result

解法2: 双指针: 4776 ms


class Solution:def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:result = []length = len(nums)if length < 3:return resultnums.sort()for i in range(length):low = i + 1high = length - 1target = -1 * nums[i]while low < high:if nums[low] + nums[high] == target:if sorted([nums[i], nums[low], nums[high]]) not in result:result.append([nums[i], nums[low], nums[high]])low += 1elif nums[low] + nums[high] < target:low += 1else:high -= 1return result

解法3: 双指针优化去重: 504 ms

if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: continue因为nums已经变为有序数组,因此对于重复的数字一定是相邻的,我们可以跳过这种已经搜索过的数字. 在搜索过程中我们可以跳过. 在两数之和中, 使用while去重,跳过一些重复的数字,增加效率

class Solution:def threeSum(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[List[int]]:if len(nums) < 3:return []nums.sort()res = []for i in range(0, len(nums) - 2):if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]: continuetarget = -nums[i]left, right = i + 1, len(nums) - 1while left < right:s = nums[left] + nums[right]if s == target:res.append([nums[i], nums[left], nums[right]])# 去重while left < right:left = left + 1if nums[left - 1] != nums[left]: breakwhile left < right:right = right - 1if nums[right + 1] != nums[right]: breakelif s < target:left = left + 1else:right = right - 1return res

day8: 18. 三数之和


python解法: 644 ms

与三数之和类似, O(n3) 排序后先用两层循环固定两个数, 然后在剩下的数组里使用双指针

def fourSum(nums, target):length = len(nums)result = []if length < 4:return resultnums.sort()for i in range(length - 3):if i > 0 and nums[i] == nums[i - 1]:continuefor j in range(i + 1, length - 2):if j > i + 1 and nums[j] == nums[j - 1]:continueexpect = target - (nums[i] + nums[j])low = j + 1high = length - 1while low < high:recent = nums[low] + nums[high]if expect == recent:result.append([nums[i], nums[j], nums[low], nums[high]])while low < high:low += 1if nums[low] != nums[low - 1]:breakwhile low < high:high -= 1if nums[high + 1] != nums[high]:breakelif expect > recent:low += 1else:high -= 1return result

day9: 989. 数组形式的整数加法


解法1: python特性: 88ms

利用python的int函数可以将str转换为int的特性, 将list中的数据转为int再相加,最后转为list输出

class Solution:def addToArrayForm(self, num: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:s = ''for i in num:s += str(i)return [int(i) for i in str(int(s) + k)]

解法2: 遍历: 76ms

与两数相加类似, 循环遍历num与k, 因为k给的是整数,因此用k//10 k%10来起到遍历的作用,要考虑到num与k的长度问题,已经最高位进位问题

class Solution:def addToArrayForm(self, num: List[int], k: int) -> List[int]:result = []carry = 0length = len(num) - 1while length >= 0 or k != 0:if length <= -1:number = 0else:number = num[length]one = k % 10k = k // 10now_number = number + carry + oneresult.append(now_number % 10)carry = now_number // 10length -= 1if carry:result.append(carry)result.reverse()return result

day10: 66.加一


python解法: 8ms

class Solution(object):def plusOne(self, digits):""":type digits: List[int]:rtype: List[int]"""s = ''for digit in digits:s += str(digit)return [int(i) for i in str(int(s) + 1)]

python解法: 12ms

class Solution(object):def plusOne(self, digits):""":type digits: List[int]:rtype: List[int]"""carry = 1result = []for digit in digits[::-1]:num = digit + carrycarry = num // 10result.append(num % 10)if carry:result.append(carry)result.reverse()return result

python解法: 16 ms

这边digits.insert(0, 1)也可以改为digits=[1] + digits

def plusOne(digits):""":type digits: List[int]:rtype: List[int]"""for i in range(len(digits) - 1, -1, -1):digits[i] += 1if digits[i] == 10:digits[i] = 0else:return digitsdigits.insert(0, 1)return digits

day11:415. 字符串相加


python解法(python特性): 32 ms


class Solution(object):def addStrings(self, num1, num2):""":type num1: str:type num2: str:rtype: str"""return str(eval(num1 + '+' + num2))

python解法(遍历): 24ms

        l1 = len(num1) - 1l2 = len(num2) - 1carry = 0result = ''while l1 >= 0 or l2 >= 0:x = ord(num1[l1]) - ord('0') if l1 >= 0 else 0y = ord(num2[l2]) - ord('0') if l2 >= 0 else 0s = x + y + carryresult += str(s % 10)carry = s // 10l1 -= 1l2 -= 1if carry:result += str(carry)return result[::-1]

day12:67. 二进制求和


解法1: 遍历求和:24ms


class Solution(object):def addBinary(self, a, b):""":type a: str:type b: str:rtype: str"""l1 = len(a) - 1l2 = len(b) - 1carry = 0result = ''while l1 >= 0 or l2 >= 0:x = ord(a[l1]) - ord('0') if l1 >= 0 else 0y = ord(b[l2]) - ord('0') if l2 >= 0 else 0s = x + y + carryresult += str(s % 2)carry = s // 2l1 -= 1l2 -= 1if carry:result += str(carry)return result[::-1]



class Solution(object):def addBinary(self, a, b):""":type a: str:type b: str:rtype: str"""return bin(int(a, 2) + int(b, 2))[2:]

day13:912. 排序数组


解法1: 归并: 348 ms

class Solution(object):def sortArray(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[int]"""return self.merge_sort(nums)def merge(self, left, right):'''合并操作,将两个有序数组left[]和right[]合并成一个大的有序数组'''# left与right的下标指针l, r = 0, 0result = []while l < len(left) and r < len(right):if left[l] < right[r]:result.append(left[l])l += 1else:result.append(right[r])r += 1result += left[l:]result += right[r:]return resultdef merge_sort(self, alist):if len(alist) <= 1:return alist# 二分分解num = len(alist) // 2left = self.merge_sort(alist[:num])right = self.merge_sort(alist[num:])# 合并return self.merge(left, right)

解法2: 快排: 348 ms

class Solution:def sortArray(self, nums: List[int]) -> List[int]:# 快速排序def quick_sort(start, end):# 只剩一个元素时,不用再进行排序if start >= end: return# 任意找到个基准放到前面idx = random.randint(start, end)nums[start], nums[idx] = nums[idx], nums[start]pivot = nums[start]l, r = start, endwhile l < r:# 从右向左找到小的while l < r and nums[r] >= pivot:r -= 1# 从左向右找到大的while l < r and nums[l] <= pivot:l += 1nums[l], nums[r] = nums[r], nums[l]# 确定基准点的位置nums[start], nums[l] = nums[l], nums[start]quick_sort(start, l-1)quick_sort(l+1, end)quick_sort(0, len(nums) - 1)return nums

解法3: 内置函数 348 ms

class Solution(object):def sortArray(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: List[int]"""return sorted(nums)

day14:283. 移动零


解法 (直接赋值)28ms

遍历一遍数组, 使用快慢指针的思想, 如果没有遇到0的时候low=i,那么nums[low] = nums[i]相当于原地赋值, 如果遇到了0,会导致low指针落后与i, 即low指向0的位置,而ilow快一个位置, 遍历结束之后,所有的非零元素都稳定地移动到了数组的前方,low停止的位置往后都是原来0的位置

class Solution(object):def moveZeroes(self, nums):""":type nums: List[int]:rtype: None Do not return anything, modify nums in-place instead."""low = 0length = len(nums)for i in range(length):if nums[i] == 0:continuenums[low] = nums[i]low += 1while low < length:nums[low] = 0low += 1return nums

day14:56. 合并区间


解题思路: 先对intervals按每组区间的第一个数排序, 这样之后只需要比较前一区间的右边界与后一区间的左边界即可,在遍历的过程中判断区间是否覆盖,有覆盖则修改res中区间的右边界,无覆盖则将当前区间加入res

class Solution(object):def merge(self, intervals):""":type intervals: List[List[int]]:rtype: List[List[int]]"""if len(intervals) == 1:return intervalsintervals.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])res = [intervals[0]]for i in range(1, len(intervals)):data = intervals[i]if data[0] <= res[-1][1]:res[-1][1] = max(data[1],res[-1][1])else:res.append(data)return res

day15:179. 最大数


解法1: pythoncmp_to_key自定义排序: 40ms

cmp_to_key自定义排序规则, 这里int(x + y) - int(y + x))代表前后两项, 如 nums = [3,30,34,5,9]时, x,y3 30的时候开始比较 int(x+y) = int(330) = 330, int(y+x)=int(303) 因此前者大, 3要在30的前面. 依此类推。

from functools import cmp_to_keyclass Solution:def largestNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> str:return str(int(''.join(sorted(map(str, nums), key=cmp_to_key(lambda x, y: (int(x + y) - int(y + x))), reverse=True))))
from functools import cmp_to_keyclass Solution:def largestNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> str:nums.sort(key=cmp_to_key(lambda x,y: int(str(y)+str(x)) - int(str(x)+str(y))))ans = ''.join([str(num) for num in nums])return str(int(ans))

解法1: 优化32ms

from typing import Listclass LargerNumKey(str):def __lt__(x, y):return x+y > y+xclass Solution:def largestNumber(self, nums: List[int]) -> str:largest_num = ''.join(sorted(map(str, nums), key = LargerNumKey))return "0" if largest_num[0] == '0' else largest_num

解法2: 快排: 40ms

    def quick_sort(alist, start, end):"""快速排序"""if start >= end:returnmid = alist[start]tmp = ''low = starthigh = endwhile low < high:while low < high and int(alist[high] + mid) >= int(mid + alist[high]):high -= 1alist[low] = alist[high]while low < high and int(alist[low] + mid) < int(mid + alist[low]):low += 1alist[high] = alist[low]alist[low] = midquick_sort(alist, start, low - 1)quick_sort(alist, low + 1, end)li = list(map(str, nums))quick_sort(li, 0, len(nums) - 1)li = li[::-1]return str(int(''.join(li)))

day16:JZ6 从尾到头打印链表


解法1: 链表+列表逆序: 65ms

# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None
# 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可
# @param listNode ListNode类
# @return int整型一维数组
class Solution:def printListFromTailToHead(self , listNode: ListNode) -> List[int]:res = []# write code herewhile listNode:res.append(listNode.val)listNode = listNode.nextreturn res[::-1]

解法2: 链表+栈 输出:71ms

class Stack(object):"""栈"""def __init__(self):self.items = []def is_empty(self):"""判断是否为空"""return self.items == []def push(self, item):"""加入元素"""self.items.append(item)def pop(self):"""弹出元素"""return self.items.pop()def peek(self):"""返回栈顶元素"""return self.items[len(self.items)-1]def size(self):"""返回栈的大小"""return len(self.items)
class Solution:def printListFromTailToHead(self , listNode: ListNode) -> List[int]:res = []s = Stack()# write code herewhile listNode:s.push(listNode.val)listNode = listNode.nextwhile not s.is_empty():res.append(s.pop())return res

解法3: 链表逆置: 62ms

思路: reverse代表新链表的头, 将原链表中的节点断开,连入新链表中,完成逆置

# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None
# 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可
# @param listNode ListNode类
# @return int整型一维数组
class Solution:def printListFromTailToHead(self , listNode: ListNode) -> List[int]:res = []# 链表逆置new_head = Nonenode = listNodewhile node:tmp = node.nextnode.next = new_headnew_head = nodenode = tmpwhile new_head:res.append(new_head.val)new_head=new_head.nextreturn res

day17: JZ24 反转链表

# class ListNode:
#     def __init__(self, x):
#         self.val = x
#         self.next = None
# 代码中的类名、方法名、参数名已经指定,请勿修改,直接返回方法规定的值即可
# @param head ListNode类
# @return ListNode类
class Solution:def ReverseList(self , head: ListNode) -> ListNode:if not head or not head.next:return headnew_head = None while head:p = headhead = head.nextp.next = new_headnew_head = preturn new_head


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