From Scratch: using Next.js (React), Bulma & Zeit Now


(written in April, posted in august, some stuff might be out of date)


I’m new to front-end. Part of the fun is figuring out small projects to discover new tricks. The later fun comes from showing what I found out in case anyone else wanted to try the same things. This guide uses Next.js (it’s basically react) to build the frontend & backend, we’ll style the app with Bulma, and host it with Zeit Now (hiding our API key so no one hacks us).

我是前端新手。 有趣的部分是找出小型项目以发现新的技巧。 以后的乐趣来自展示我发现的结果,以防其他人想尝试相同的东西。 本指南使用Next.js(基本上是在React)来构建前端和后端,我们将使用Bulma样式化应用程序,并使用Zeit Now托管它(隐藏我们的API密钥,因此没有人会入侵我们)。

For this project, I’m turning my youtube playlist of drone videos to render a gallery on my website


View Demo — Github Repo

查看演示 — Github回购

先决条件 (Pre-requisites)

  • Node.jsNode.js
  • Signup with Zeit Now and download their CLI


入门 (Getting Started)

Let’s get the installation & configuration out of the way first. Let’s start by creating the next.js skeleton.

让我们首先进行安装和配置。 让我们从创建next.js框架开始。

npx create-next-app

Now let’s install the node_modules we’ll be using:


npm i node-sass bulma dotenv axios

安装样式(布尔玛) (Installing Styling (Bulma))

Let’s setup the styling with node-sass & bulma. Open your package.json configuration file and copy/paste the scripts for css:build & css:watch:

让我们使用node-sass和bulma设置样式。 打开您的package.json配置文件,然后复制/粘贴css:buildcss:watch的脚本:

// package.json"scripts": {"dev": "next dev","build": "next build","start": "next start","css:build": "node-sass --omit-source-map-url assets/sass/styles.scss static/css/styles.css","css:watch": "npm run css:build -- --watch"}

This script will turn a .SCSS file into a static CSS file. To do this, we need to create the .SCSS file.

该脚本会将.SCSS文件转换为静态CSS文件。 为此,我们需要创建.SCSS文件。

In the folder root, create a new folder called assets, then create a sub-folder called sass, then inside this folder create a file called styles.scss


Now we can load bulma into styles.scss with the following code:


// assets/styles/styles.scss@charset "utf-8";@import '../../node_modules/bulma/bulma.sass';

Next, we’ll build the static .CSS file with styles.scss. In the terminal:

接下来,我们将使用styles.scss构建静态.CSS文件。 在终端中:

npm run css:build

This creates a folder called static with the styles.css nested inside.


Now we can use this styling inside our app. To do so, let’s create a Head component that we can use inside all our pages consistently. Create the file TheHead.js inside the components folder:

现在,我们可以在应用程序内部使用此样式。 为此,我们创建一个Head组件,可以在所有页面中一致地使用它。 在components文件夹内创建文件TheHead.js

// components/TheHead.jsimport Head from 'next/head'export default () => (    <Head>        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />        <meta charSet="utf-8" />        <title>youtube playlist</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/static/css/styles.css" />    </Head>)

Let’s now update pages/index.js by replacing everything with the following code. Notice the import and use of <TheHead /> component.

现在,通过将所有内容替换为以下代码来更新pages / index.js 。 注意<TheHead />组件的导入和使用。

// pages/index.jsimport React, { Component } from 'react'import TheHead from '../components/TheHead'export default class index extends Component {  render() {    return (      <div><TheHead />        <section className="section">          <div className="columns">            <div className="column is-8 is-offset-2">              <h1 className="title">                Bulma is installed!              </h1>              <a className="button is-primary">Button Test</a>            </div>          </div>        </section>      </div>    )  }}

Now let’s see how this looks.


npm run css:buildnpm run dev
If everything was installed correctly, your site should look like this (with the green button).

创建后端 (Creating the Backend)

To use the Youtube API v3, you need to have an API Key. If we used this within the frontend/client, anyone could see the key and hack into our google account. Luckily, Next.js & Zeit Now makes it easy to deploy a backend that can fetch the playlist information without exposing our API Key.

要使用Youtube API v3,您需要具有API密钥。 如果我们在前端/客户端中使用此功能,则任何人都可以看到密钥并入侵我们的Google帐户。 幸运的是,Next.js和Zeit Now使得部署后端很容易,该后端无需公开我们的API密钥即可获取播放列表信息。

设置环境变量 (Setting up the Environment Variables)

Let’s start by configuring our .env files, which allows us to work locally and on production without exposing our keys.


Create a new file in root called next.config.js.


// next.config.jsrequire('dotenv').config()module.exports = {    env: {        // Reference a variable that was defined in the .env file and make it available at Build Time        APIKEY: process.env.APIKEY,        PLAYLIST: process.env.PLAYLIST,    },}

Then create a new file in root called .env



Then create two new files in root called .nowignore & .gitignore


// .nowignore.envnode_modules// .gitignore.envnode_modules

设置API (Setting up the API)

Next.js makes it easy to setup APIs out of the box (we don’t need express).


Create a new file pages/api/server.js (create a new folder called api inside of pages).

创建一个新文件pages / api / server.js (在页面内部创建一个名为api的新文件夹)。

// pages/api/server.jsimport fetch from 'axios'import getConfig from 'next/config'const key = process.env.APIKEYconst playlist = process.env.PLAYLISTconst maxResults = 3const apiURL = `${maxResults}&playlistId=${playlist}&key=${key}`module.exports = async (req, res) => {    try {      // const result = await fetch(apiURL)      // res.status(200).json(      res.status(200).json(apiURL)    } catch (err) {      res.status(500).json('Whoops, something went wrong')    }}

Save the file, then restart your server (ctrl-c & npm run dev). Then visit localhost:3000/api/server. You should get the following response.

保存文件,然后重新启动服务器(ctrl-c和npm run dev)。 然后访问localhost:3000 / api / server 。 您应该得到以下答复。

If you see appABC & keyABC, then your environment variables are working!

如果看到appABCkeyABC ,那么您的环境变量正在运行!

设置API密钥和播放列表 (Setup the API Key & Playlist)

Head over and sign-in to: and create a new project

前往并登录: https : //并创建一个新项目

Select & create credentials (API key)


Take the newly generated API key and paste it into your .env file. This will then be available throughout our app.

使用新生成的API密钥并将其粘贴到您的.env文件中。 然后,它将在整个应用程序中可用。

// .envAPIKEY=PasteYourKeyHerePLAYLIST=appABC

On your Google Console, navigate to your dashboard and enable API & Services.


Search for “Youtube” and then select & enable Youtube Data API v3

搜索“ Youtube”,然后选择并启用Youtube Data API v3

Now let’s grab the playlist ID. Navigate to your youtube playlists. Copy the URL and then paste the ID into your .env file:

现在,让我们获取播放列表ID。 导航到您的youtube播放列表。 复制URL,然后将ID粘贴到您的.env文件中:

// url of the youtube playlist .envAPIKEY=PasteYourKeyHerePLAYLIST=PL1i-TpHn0XgwXFgOmP_axN4mxE-vVA0gt

Open up your /api/server.js file and uncomment the code we hid earlier. We can comment out res.status(200).json(apiURL) so that we can use it for debugging later if needed.

打开/api/server.js文件,然后取消注释我们之前隐藏的代码。 我们可以注释掉res.status(200).json(apiURL),以便以后在需要时将其用于调试。

// pages/api/server.jsimport fetch from 'axios'import getConfig from 'next/config'const key = process.env.APIKEYconst playlist = process.env.PLAYLISTconst maxResults = 3const apiURL = `${maxResults}&playlistId=${playlist}&key=${key}`module.exports = async (req, res) => {    try {      const result = await fetch(apiURL)      res.status(200).json(      // res.status(200).json(apiURL)} catch (err) {      res.status(500).json('Whoops, something went wrong')    }}

Save everything & restart your server (Ctrl-C and then npm run dev). Once compiled, visit localhost:3000/api/server and you should get a json like the following:

保存所有内容并重新启动服务器(Ctrl-C,然后npm run dev)。 编译后,访问localhost:3000 / api / server,您应该得到一个类似于以下内容的json:

{"kind":"youtube#playlistItemListResponse","etag":"\"p4VTdlkQv3HQeTEaXgvLePAydmU/ONj3fEgwTdkCNzYy4qEjt_a2i_A\"","nextPageToken":"CAMQAA","pageInfo":{"totalResults":20,"resultsPerPage":3},"items":[{"kind":"youtube#playlistItem","etag":"\"p4VTdlkQv3HQeTEaXgvLePAydmU/BaaKN-5F21x53nw6GEnHSwaNtDw\"","id":"UEwxaS1UcEhuMFhnd1hGZ09tUF9heE40bXhFLXZWQTBndC5ENDU4Q0M4RDExNzM1Mjcy","snippet":{"publishedAt":"2019-02-17T00:57:40.000Z","channelId":"UCNLJ9gzT_wVT8wbX8OVuaCA","title":"Brunssummerheide – MAVIC AIR Drone","description":"												


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