YouTube Premium is a monthly subscription service that promises to improve your viewing experience on the internet’s largest video platform. Here’s what you get for your money, so you can decide whether it’s worth it.

YouTube Premium是每月的订阅服务,有望改善您在互联网上最大的视频平台上的观看体验。 这就是您所赚钱的东西,因此您可以决定是否值得。

什么是YouTube Premium? (What Is YouTube Premium?)

YouTube Premium is the site’s paid subscription service. It offers ad-free viewing of all videos, offline playback, and exclusive, paywalled content primarily made by famous YouTube personalities.

YouTube Premium是网站的付费订阅服务。 它提供所有广告的无广告观看,离线播放以及主要由著名YouTube人物制作的独家付费墙内容。

For U.S. subscribers, it currently costs $11.99 a month, and this includes a YouTube Music Premium subscription.

对于美国订阅者,目前每月的费用为$ 11.99,其中包括YouTube Music Premium订阅。

YouTube生态系统 (The YouTube Ecosystem)


Google’s naming schemes have always been a bit of a mess, and the same is true of YouTube. You might be familiar with a service called YouTube Red. Before 2018, that was the site’s subscription tier. However, this changed to YouTube Premium following the rebranding of YouTube Music as an entirely separate app.

Google的命名方案总是一团糟,YouTube也是如此。 您可能熟悉名为YouTube Red的服务。 在2018年之前,这是该网站的订阅层。 但是,在将YouTube音乐重新命名为完全独立的应用后,该名称更改为YouTube高级版。

Since there are so many brands and services now under the YouTube banner, here’s a handy guide to help you tell them apart:


  • YouTube Premium: The site’s primary paid subscription service.

    YouTube Premium:该网站的主要付费订阅服务。

  • YouTube Music: A separate music streaming service with its own app that allows you to listen to music for free. It’s Google’s competitor to Spotify and Apple Music.

    YouTube音乐:一项独立的音乐流媒体服务,具有自己的应用程序,可让您免费收听音乐。 它是Google的Spotify和Apple Music的竞争对手。

  • YouTube Music Premium: The subscription ($9.99) version of YouTube Music. Unlike the free version, it allows background play, offline downloads, and higher bitrate audio in the Music app. You can also get this as part of your YouTube Premium subscription. It currently includes access to Google Play Music, but it will soon fully replace that.

    YouTube音乐高级版:订阅(9.99美元)的YouTube音乐。 与免费版本不同,它允许在“音乐”应用中进行后台播放,离线下载和更高比特率的音频。 您也可以将其作为YouTube高级版订阅的一部分。 目前,它可以访问Google Play音乐 ,但很快就会完全取代它。

  • YouTube TV: A live TV service similar to Hulu that allows you to watch live TV and record cloud-based DVR.

    YouTube TV :类似于Hulu的直播电视服务,可让您观看直播电视并录制基于云的DVR。

  • YouTube Kids: An app designed primarily for kids, that contains only age-appropriate content. The features of YouTube Premium also apply to this.

    YouTube Kids :主要为儿童设计的应用,仅包含适合年龄的内容。 YouTube Premium的功能也适用于此。

保费的好处 (The Benefits of Premium)

If you’re thinking of subscribing to YouTube Premium, it does have a host of features to consider. Here’s a list of the service’s current benefits:

如果您打算订阅YouTube Premium,那么它确实具有许多功能可供考虑。 以下是该服务当前收益的列表:

  • Ad-free viewing: You can view everything on the site without any ads. You also get ad-free viewing on any platform you sign in to with your Google account, including the web, smartphones, Roku, or any other streaming devices.

    无广告观看:您可以观看网站上的所有内容而无需任何广告。 您还可以在使用Google帐户登录的任何平台(包括网络,智能手机,Roku或任何其他流媒体设备)上观看免费广告。

  • YouTube originalsYou get access to original content, primarily from high-profile creators, along with some tv shows, documentaries, and movies.

    YouTube原创作品 您可以访问主要来自知名创作者的原创内容,以及一些电视节目,纪录片和电影。

  • Background play: If you’re on mobile, the audio from the video you’re viewing will continue to play even if you’re outside the app or your phone display is closed. On Android, you can also view videos picture-in-picture while you use other apps on your phone.

    后台播放:如果您在移动设备上,即使您不在应用程序外部或手机显示屏关闭,正在观看的视频中的音频也将继续播放。 在Android上,您还可以在手机上使用其他应用时以画中画的方式查看视频。

  • Download videos: You can download videos or playlists to watch offline on your smartphone or tablet.


  • YouTube Music Premium: You get access to this service and all the features that come with it, as well.

    YouTube Music Premium:您还可以使用此服务及其附带的所有功能。

Google might add additional features to Premium in the future, so stay tuned!


对创作者的贡献 (Contributing to Creators)

Wachiwit/ShutterstockWachiwit /快门

One of the least talked about aspects of YouTube Premium is revenue sharing.


If you already block ads on YouTube with an ad blocker, the Premium service might sound pretty useless. However, ad blockers prevent creators on the platform from receiving revenue from your views. For many, the ad revenue is one of their primary sources of income.

如果您已经使用广告拦截器屏蔽了YouTube上的广告 ,那么Premium服务可能听起来毫无用处。 但是,广告拦截器会阻止平台上的创建者从您的视图中获得收益。 对于许多人来说,广告收入是他们的主要收入来源之一。

Premium offers a way for viewers to have an ad-free experience, while still contributing to their favorite content creators.


To compute this, YouTube combines a portion of all the revenue it gets from the service. It then distributes that amount to creators based on the total view time they received from Premium subscribers. So, the channels you watch most get a bigger share of the pie.

为了对此进行计算,YouTube将其从服务中获得的所有收入的一部分进行了合并。 然后,根据创建者从高级订户那里获得的总观看时间,将其分配给创建者。 因此,您观看最多的频道会获得更大的份额。

Due to YouTube’s strict monetization rules, many videos get demonetized. However, a creator can still make revenue from Premium subscribers, even if her video is ineligible for ads.

由于YouTube严格的营利规则,许多视频都被取消了货币化。 但是,即使创作者的视频不符合广告资格,创作者仍然可以从高级订阅者那里获得收入。

物有所值吗? (Is Premium Worth It?)

It depends on how often you use the service. If you frequently use the mobile app, background play and offline downloading are fantastic features to have. With so many YouTube channels now hosting long-form content, the option to listen to lengthy videos when you’re not in the app is handy. It’s great for listening while you drive or cook dinner.

这取决于您使用服务的频率。 如果您经常使用移动应用程序,则后台播放和脱机下载是绝佳的功能。 现在有如此多的YouTube频道托管长格式内容,因此可以方便地选择不在应用中时收听冗长的视频。 开车或做饭时聆听非常适合。

If you most often watch YouTube from your desktop, the utility is definitely in the ad-blocking. Video ad revenues have been falling lately, which has led creators to put even more ads in their content. If you want to watch videos uninterrupted while still supporting those who make them, Premium is the only way to do so.

如果您最常从台式机观看YouTube,则该实用程序肯定会出现在广告屏蔽中。 视频广告收入最近一直在下降,这导致创作者在其内容中投放了更多广告。 如果您想在不间断地观看视频的同时仍然支持制作视频的人,那么Premium是唯一的方式。

One thing to consider, though, is the Originals library is relatively small. If you’re not interested in watching Premium content from creators, you’ll probably find the selection pretty lackluster.

不过,要考虑的一件事是Originals库相对较小。 如果您对观看创作者的高级内容不感兴趣,那么您可能会发现选择非常乏味。



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