
前台页面.aspx 添加一个div和一个label,Label的内容在Page_Load中调用构造函数生成。


protected void Create_MailBody(string mailto,string mailfrom)


string mailbody = "

"+mailto + ",";

mailbody += "

Thanks again for granting us the project. We are in the process of lunching he project. We well need your help to confirm or provide the following information.


mailbody += "

1. Please confirm that the CAD files as in quote are latest if not please email us the latest. Please also point out the changes between quoted file and latest files.


mailbody += "

2. Please provide 2D files with tolerances and critical dimensions for our quality control purpose.


mailbody += "

3. Please provide an assembly file if these parts are assembled together.


mailbody += "

4. Please provide the mating part drawings if these parts will be assembled the other parts. Or please provide us real samples of mating part. We will try the fitiness before shipping.


mailbody += "

We have setup a project website for this project. You may login to view the project team, project launch info and project status.


mailbody += "

Please let us know if you have any questions.


mailbody += "

Best Regards.


mailbody += "

" + mailfrom + "

mailbody += "  ICOMold
  6415 Angle RD


lbl_content.Text = mailbody;



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