本文为《Linear algebra and its applications》的读书笔记


  • Least-Squares problems
  • Solution of the General Least-Squares Problem
    • ATAx=ATbA^TA\boldsymbol x=A^T\boldsymbol bATAx=ATb
    • 当 AAA 的列正交时,快速找到最小二乘解
    • 利用 QR 分解

Least-Squares problems

  • Inconsistent systems arise often in applications. When a solution is demanded and none exists, the best one can do is to find an x\boldsymbol xx that makes AxA\boldsymbol xAx as close as possible to b\boldsymbol bb. Think of AxA\boldsymbol xAx as an approximationapproximationapproximation to b\boldsymbol bb. The smaller the distance between b\boldsymbol bb and AxA\boldsymbol xAx, given by ∥b−Ax∥\left\|\boldsymbol b - A\boldsymbol x\right\|∥b−Ax∥, the better the approximation.

  • The general least-squares problem is to find an x\boldsymbol xx that makes ∥b−Ax∥\left\|\boldsymbol b - A\boldsymbol x\right\|∥b−Ax∥ as small as possible. ∥b−Ax∥\left\|\boldsymbol b - A\boldsymbol x\right\|∥b−Ax∥ is called the least-squares error of this approximation.

The adjective “least-squares” arises from the fact that ∥b−Ax∥\left\|\boldsymbol b - A\boldsymbol x\right\|∥b−Ax∥ is the square root of a sum of squares.

  • Notice that AxA\boldsymbol xAx will necessarily be in ColAColAColA. So we seek an x\boldsymbol xx that makes AxA\boldsymbol xAx the closest point in ColAColAColA to b\boldsymbol bb. See Figure 1.

Solution of the General Least-Squares Problem

ATAx=ATbA^TA\boldsymbol x=A^T\boldsymbol bATAx=ATb

  • Apply the Best Approximation Theorem in Section 6.3 to the subspace ColAColAColA. Let
    b^=projColAb\hat \boldsymbol b=proj_{ColA}\boldsymbol bb^=projColA​bBecause b^\hat\boldsymbol bb^ is in ColAColAColA, the equation Ax=b^A\boldsymbol x =\hat\boldsymbol bAx=b^ is consistent, and there is an x^\hat\boldsymbol xx^ in Rn\mathbb R^nRn such that
    Ax^=b^(1)A\hat\boldsymbol x =\hat\boldsymbol b\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1)Ax^=b^          (1)Since b^\hat\boldsymbol bb^ is the closest point in ColAColAColA to b\boldsymbol bb, a vector x^\hat\boldsymbol xx^ is a least-squares solution of Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b if and only if x^\hat\boldsymbol xx^ satisfies (1). See Figure 2. [There are many solutions of (1) if the equation has free variables.]
  • Suppose x^\hat\boldsymbol xx^ satisfies Ax^=b^A\hat\boldsymbol x =\hat\boldsymbol bAx^=b^. By the Orthogonal Decomposition Theorem in Section 6.3, b−b^\boldsymbol b -\hat\boldsymbol bb−b^ is orthogonal to ColAColAColA, so b−Ax^\boldsymbol b - A\hat\boldsymbol xb−Ax^ is orthogonal to each column of AAA. If aj\boldsymbol a_jaj​ is any column of AAA, then aj⋅(b−Ax^)=0\boldsymbol a_j \cdot (\boldsymbol b- A\hat\boldsymbol x)=0aj​⋅(b−Ax^)=0, and ajT(b−Ax^)=0\boldsymbol a^T_j(\boldsymbol b - A\hat\boldsymbol x)= 0ajT​(b−Ax^)=0. Since each ajT\boldsymbol a^T_jajT​ is a row of ATA^TAT ,
    AT(b−Ax^)=0(2)A^T (\boldsymbol b - A\hat\boldsymbol x)=\boldsymbol 0\ \ \ \ \ \ \ (2)AT(b−Ax^)=0       (2)(This equation also follows from (ColA)⊥=NulAT(Col\ A)^\perp=Nul\ A^T(Col A)⊥=Nul AT.) Thus
    ATb−ATAx^=0ATAx^=ATb\begin{aligned}A^T \boldsymbol b - A^TA\hat\boldsymbol x&=\boldsymbol 0\\ A^TA\hat\boldsymbol x&=A^T \boldsymbol b\end{aligned}ATb−ATAx^ATAx^​=0=ATb​These calculations show that each least-squares solution of Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b satisfies the equation
    The equation represents a system of equations called the normal equations (法方程) for Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b. A solution of (3) is often denoted by x^\hat\boldsymbol xx^.

  • The next theorem gives useful criteria for determining when there is only one least-squares solution of Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b. (Of course, the orthogonal projection b^\hat\boldsymbol bb^ is always unique.)

Formula (4) for x^\hat \boldsymbol xx^ is useful mainly for theoretical purposes and for hand calculations when ATAA^TAATA is a 2×22\times 22×2 invertible matrix.


  • If Ax=0A\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0Ax=0, then ATAx=0A^TA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0ATAx=0 ∴NulA⊆NulATA\therefore NulA\subseteq NulA^TA∴NulA⊆NulATA.
  • If ATAx=0A^TA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol 0ATAx=0, then xTATAx=(Ax)TAx=0\boldsymbol x^TA^TA\boldsymbol x =(A\boldsymbol x)^TA\boldsymbol x=\boldsymbol 0xTATAx=(Ax)TAx=0 ∴Ax=0\therefore A\boldsymbol x=\boldsymbol 0∴Ax=0 ∴NulATA⊆NulA\therefore NulA^TA\subseteq NulA∴NulATA⊆NulA. ∴NulA=NulATA∴rankATA=n−dimNulATA=n−dimNulA=rankA\therefore NulA= NulA^TA\\\therefore rankA^TA=n-dimNulA^TA=n-dimNulA=rankA∴NulA=NulATA∴rankATA=n−dimNulATA=n−dimNulA=rankASo when AAA has nnn linearly independent columns, rankATA=rankA=nrankA^TA=rankA=nrankATA=rankA=n, which means ATAA^TAATA is an invertible matrix.

当 AAA 的列正交时,快速找到最小二乘解

  • The next example shows how to find a least-squares solution of Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b when the columns of AAA are orthogonal. Such matrices often appear in linear regression problems.


  • Find a least-squares solution of Ax=bA\boldsymbol x =\boldsymbol bAx=b for


  • Because the columns a1\boldsymbol a_1a1​ and a2\boldsymbol a_2a2​ of AAA are orthogonal, the orthogonal projection of b\boldsymbol bb onto ColAColAColA is given by
    Now that b^\hat \boldsymbol bb^ is known, we can solve Ax^=b^A\hat\boldsymbol x=\hat\boldsymbol bAx^=b^. But this is trivial, since we already know what weights to place on the columns of AAA to produce b^\hat\boldsymbol bb^. It is clear from (5) that

  • In some cases, the normal equations for a least-squares problem can be illillill-conditioned(病态的)conditioned(病态的)conditioned(病态的); that is, small errors in the calculations of the entries of ATAA^TAATA can sometimes cause relatively large errors in the solution x^\hat \boldsymbol xx^.

利用 QR 分解

  • If the columns of AAA are linearly independent, the least-squares solution can often be computed more reliably through a QRQRQR factorization of AAA (described in Section 6.4).

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