



pod 'React', :path => '../rn-source', :subspecs => [  'Core',  'RCTActionSheet',  'RCTText',  'RCTImage',  'ART',  # needed for debugging  # Add any other subspecs you want to use in your project  ]  


import { ART } from 'react-native'
const { Surface, Shape, Path, Group } = ART;



首先我们知道ART是在react-native 中引用的,所以我们到node_modules下找到react-native 文件夹,如图:

到这里,我们首先要看一下package.json 文件,这是react-native 所用的组件列表,如图:



get ART() { return require('ReactNativeART'); },



让我们回过头来看看ReactNativeART的入口文件(也就是Libraries下的ART文件夹下的 ReactNativeART.js),拉到下面我们可以看到:

var ReactART = {LinearGradient: LinearGradient,RadialGradient: RadialGradient,Pattern: Pattern,Transform: Transform,Path: Path,Surface: Surface,Group: Group,ClippingRectangle: ClippingRectangle,Shape: Shape,Text: Text,


var Path = require('ARTSerializablePath');
var Transform = require('art/core/transform');
// Native Componentsvar NativeSurfaceView = createReactNativeComponentClass({validAttributes: SurfaceViewAttributes,uiViewClassName: 'ARTSurfaceView',
});var NativeGroup = createReactNativeComponentClass({validAttributes: GroupAttributes,uiViewClassName: 'ARTGroup',
});var NativeShape = createReactNativeComponentClass({validAttributes: ShapeAttributes,uiViewClassName: 'ARTShape',
});var NativeText = createReactNativeComponentClass({validAttributes: TextAttributes,uiViewClassName: 'ARTText',
function LinearGradient  ...
function RadialGradient  ...
function Pattern  ...
class ClippingRectangle extends React.Component {render() {var props = this.props;var x = extractNumber(props.x, 0);var y = extractNumber(props.y, 0);var w = extractNumber(props.width, 0);var h = extractNumber(props.height, 0);var clipping = [x, y, w, h];// The current clipping API requires x and y to be ignored in the transformvar propsExcludingXAndY = merge(props);delete propsExcludingXAndY.x;delete propsExcludingXAndY.y;return (<NativeGroupclipping={clipping}opacity={extractOpacity(props)}transform={extractTransform(propsExcludingXAndY)}>{this.props.children}</NativeGroup>);}



  1. surface,shape,group,text都是原生组件,
  2. ClippingRectangle是封装的一层group,
  3. LinearGradient,RadialGradient,Pattern分别是3个func,
  4. 而path和Transform则是引用的art文件,在上面我们已经看到了react-native的package.json引用了art组件。



var Path = require('ARTSerializablePath');


/*** Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.* All rights reserved.** This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the* LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree. An additional grant* of patent rights can be found in the PATENTS file in the same directory.** @providesModule ARTSerializablePath*/
'use strict';// TODO: Move this into an ART mode called "serialized" or somethingvar Class = require('art/core/class.js');
var Path = require('art/core/path.js');var MOVE_TO = 0;
var CLOSE = 1;
var LINE_TO = 2;
var CURVE_TO = 3;
var ARC = 4;var SerializablePath = Class(Path, {initialize: function(path) {this.reset();if (path instanceof SerializablePath) {this.path = path.path.slice(0);} else if (path) {if (path.applyToPath) {path.applyToPath(this);} else {this.push(path);}}},onReset: function() {this.path = [];},onMove: function(sx, sy, x, y) {this.path.push(MOVE_TO, x, y);},onLine: function(sx, sy, x, y) {this.path.push(LINE_TO, x, y);},onBezierCurve: function(sx, sy, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y) {this.path.push(CURVE_TO, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y);},_arcToBezier: Path.prototype.onArc,onArc: function(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation) {if (rx !== ry || rotation) {return this._arcToBezier(sx, sy, ex, ey, cx, cy, rx, ry, sa, ea, ccw, rotation);}this.path.push(ARC, cx, cy, rx, sa, ea, ccw ? 0 : 1);},onClose: function() {this.path.push(CLOSE);},toJSON: function() {return this.path;}});module.exports = SerializablePath;

说明我们的path直接就使用的art/core/path.js 文件,而看这里的实现,全部使用的是this.path.push()+参数的方法,我们接下来去看下art/core/path.js 的push方法,如下:

push: function(){var p =, ' ').match(/[a-df-z]|[\-+]?(?:[\d\.]e[\-+]?|[^\s\-+,a-z])+/ig);if (!p) return this;var last, cmd = p[0], i = 1;while (cmd){switch (cmd){case 'm': this.move(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'l': this.line(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'c': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 's': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], null, null, p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'q': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 't': this.curve(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'a': this.arc(p[i+5], p[i+6], p[i], p[i+1], p[i+3], !+p[i+4], p[i+2]); i += 7; break;case 'h': this.line(p[i++], 0); break;case 'v': this.line(0, p[i++]); break;case 'M': this.moveTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'L': this.lineTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'C': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'S': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], null, null, p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'Q': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++], p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'T': this.curveTo(p[i++], p[i++]); break;case 'A': this.arcTo(p[i+5], p[i+6], p[i], p[i+1], p[i+3], !+p[i+4], p[i+2]); i += 7; break;case 'H': this.lineTo(p[i++], this.penY); break;case 'V': this.lineTo(this.penX, p[i++]); break;case 'Z': case 'z': this.close(); break;default: cmd = last; i--; continue;}last = cmd;if (last == 'm') last = 'l';else if (last == 'M') last = 'L';cmd = p[i++];}return this;},


命令 名称 参数
M moveto 移动到 (x y)+
Z closepath 关闭路径 (none)
L lineto 画线到 (x y)+
H horizontal lineto 水平线到 x+
V vertical lineto 垂直线到 y+
C curveto 三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x1 y1 x2 y2 x y)+
S smooth curveto 光滑三次贝塞尔曲线到 (x2 y2 x y)+
Q quadratic Bézier curveto 二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x1 y1 x y)+
T smooth quadratic Bézier curveto 光滑二次贝塞尔曲线到 (x y)+
A elliptical arc 椭圆弧 (rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y)+
R Catmull-Rom curveto* Catmull-Rom曲线 x1 y1 (x y)+

其实这里我有个疑虑,并不了解ARTSerializablePath.js 中调用push的原理,貌似指定了0-4的参数,

var MOVE_TO = 0;
var CLOSE = 1;
var LINE_TO = 2;
var CURVE_TO = 3;
var ARC = 4;


_path = new Path("M0 0 Q5 20……");


  1. 渐变色(安卓不能渐变)
  2. 画扇形图(安卓绘制方式不同)


if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
path.move(or + or * ss, or - or * sc). // move to starting point
arc(or * ds, or * -dc, or, or, large). // outer arc
line(dr * es, dr * -ec); // width of arc or wedge
} else {
path.path.push(ARC, CIRCLE_X, CIRCLE_Y, RX, startAngle / 360 * TwoPI, (startAngle / 360 * TwoPI) - ((endAngle - startAngle) / 360 * TwoPI), 0)


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