
I visited a website on my company's Intranet today using Microsoft Edge (the new "evergreen" browser in Windows 10*) and got an interesting warning. "This website needs Internet Explorer." At first I was taken aback, but then I got to thinking about it and it made sense.

今天,我使用Microsoft Edge(Windows 10 *中新的“常绿”浏览器)访问了公司内联网上的网站,并得到了一个有趣的警告。 “此网站需要Internet Explorer。” 起初我很吃惊,但后来我开始考虑它,这很有意义。

Let me back up. I was talking with awesome Web Developer Catt Small today and she mentioned how sometimes Chrome will update silently and break some little piece of the web in order to move the larger web forward. This means that Catt would have to then update her website to support this new feature or tweak the way she uses a feature in order for Random Visitor to have a Good Experience. This is life on the Evergreen Web and we techies are generally cool with it.

让我备份。 我今天正在和一位出色的Web开发人员Catt Small交谈,她提到有时候Chrome会默默地更新并破坏网络中的一些小片段,以使大型Web向前发展。 这意味着Catt随后必须更新她的网站以支持此新功能,或者调整她使用功能的方式,以使随机访问者获得良好的体验。 这就是Evergreen网站上的生活,我们的技术人员通常对此很满意。

In a world where we all write our websites with feature detection and (generally) gracefully degrade when features aren't around, things just work. But at the same time, it does make the Web itself a moving target.

在一个所有人都编写带有功能检测功能的网站的世界中,当功能不存在时(通常)正常降级时,一切正常。 但与此同时,它确实使Web本身成为移动的目标。

Flash, Silverlight, and Java are on the way out and JavaScript is the web's assembly (it's true and happening, you can't deny it anymore) so we should always be able to emulate what we need with JavaScript's Virtual Machine, even arcade games amazingly frozen in amber by Jason Scott. As the web moves it WILL be important to have browsers that can render yesterday's web as well as tomorrow's.

Flash,Silverlight和Java即将淘汰, JavaScript是Web的组件(这是真的,正在发生,您不能再否认了),因此我们应该始终能够模仿JavaScript的虚拟机,甚至是街机游戏所需要的东西杰森•斯科特( Jason Scott)将琥珀冷冻得惊人。 随着网络的发展,拥有能够呈现昨天和明天的网络的浏览器将非常重要。

However, a few important aspects need to be called out in my opinion.


常绿的网络带来了巨大的责任 (With an Evergreen Web comes Great Responsibility)

Firefox, Edge, Chrome are all Evergreen browsers now. They really need to make smart decisions - hopefully as a collective when appropriate - to not Break Everything.

Firefox , Edge , Chrome现在都是Evergreen浏览器。 他们确实需要做出明智的决定-希望在适当的时候作为一个集体-不破坏一切。

We also need to realize that we will have to leave some folks behind. Some older operating systems won't be able to run the latest browser. Some browsers come with the operating system or phone and don't upgrade often.

我们还需要意识到,我们将不得不抛弃一些人。 某些较旧的操作系统将无法运行最新的浏览器。 某些浏览器随操作系统或电话一起提供,并且不经常升级。

如果我们要这样做,我们都需要这样做 (If we're gonna do this, we all need to do it)

Everyone needs to get on board (*cough*Safari) and move forward.

每个人都需要登上(*咳嗽* Safari )并继续前进。

常绿网络是一种特权 (An Evergreen Web is a kind of privilege)

This is an interesting one that Catt and I talked about (podcast coming soon!) Again, not every company has the money, resources, or patience to keep their sites Evergreen. Things will break. Not every non-technical relative will have an Evergreen browser. These may seem like edge cases, but they aren't.

这是我和Catt谈到的一个有趣的话题(播客即将播出!)同样,并不是每个公司都拥有金钱,资源或耐心来保持其站点为Evergreen。 事情会破裂。 并非每个非技术亲戚都将拥有Evergreen浏览器。 这些看似边缘情况,但事实并非如此。

My wife has been in university these last few years and I swear it's like browsing the web in 2003. She's got a collection of browsers, literally, and bookmarked the school's sites that work in specific browsers. I'll find her running IE, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox on her own, and when I ask what's up, I'm told that "this blackboard site only works in Firefox" or "this testing app only works in IE."

我的妻子这几年来一直在上大学,我发誓就像在2003年浏览网络一样。她拥有一系列的浏览器,从字面上看,并为学校的特定浏览器上的网站添加了书签。 我会发现她自己运行IE,Edge,Chrome和Firefox,当我问出什么问题时,我被告知“此黑板站点仅在Firefox中可用”或“此测试应用程序仅在IE中可用”。

This kind of haves-and-have-nots split will continue for the foreseeable future while mission-critical (everything mission critical to someone) apps continue to be used.


兼容模式(无论如何实施)都将很重要 (Compatibility Modes (however they are implemented) will be important)

While your startup or agile team can likely fix little issues that pop up on your websites, that super-old web-based Expense reporting system that your company use DOES WORK in the right browser. It works. It's OK that it works and it should be allowed to work. While I was shaken by the error message I saw above for a moment, I understood it and I was able to get my "nevergreen" copy of IE to open that old-but-functional website quite nicely. I've found myself wishing, on occasion, that my copy of Chrome 44 could just act like Chrome 38 for a site or two.

尽管您的启动或敏捷团队可能会解决您网站上弹出的一些小问题,但您公司使用的基于Web的超旧费用报告系统却在正确的浏览器中运行。 有用。 没问题,应该允许它工作。 当我对上面看到的错误消息感到震惊时,我理解了该错误消息,并且能够获得IE的“ evergreen ”副本,从而很好地打开了那个旧的但功能正常的网站。 我发现自己有时希望我的Chrome 44副本可以像一个站点或两个站点的Chrome 38一样工作。

Additionally, there will be Enterprises that won't (for whatever reason) want to be as Evergreen as we'd like them to be. There concerns are usually around compatibility. For many giant companies, changing stuff means breaking stuff.

此外,将有一些企业(无论出于何种原因)不希望像我们希望的那样成为常青树。 通常存在兼容性方面的问题。 对于许多大型公司来说,改变东西意味着打破东西。

* Evergreen browsers are always fresh, always updated. Chrome and Edge are "evergreen" browsers that support the latest Web Technologies and most importantly you shouldn't have to think about version numbers.

*常绿浏览器总是新鲜的,总是更新的。 Chrome和Edge是支持最新Web技术的“常绿”浏览器,最重要的是,您不必考虑版本号。

Do you welcome our Evergreen Overlords? Sound off in the comments.

您欢迎我们的常绿霸主吗? 在评论中听起来不错。

相关阅读 (Related Reading)

  • The Problem with Evergreen Browsers常绿浏览器的问题
  • This is Hurting Us All: It's Time To Stop这正在伤害我们所有人:是时候停止了
  • Evergreen Browsers by Tom DaleTom Dale的Evergreen Browsers
  • Evergreen Browsers by Rob EisenbergRob Eisenberg的Evergreen Browsers

SOCIAL: Hey folks, please do follow me on Facebook https://fb.me/scott.hanselman or Twitter! https://twitter.com/shanselman

社会:嗨伙计们,请不要跟我在Facebook上https://fb.me/scott.hanselman或Twitter! https://twitter.com/shanselman

* Photo "Road Work" by Grempz used under CC BY 2.0

*由CC BY 2.0使用的Grempz的照片“ Road Work”

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/the-evergreen-web



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