
Just about any self respecting geek always has a flash drive handy. Whether it is on your key ring on in your purse, having the ability to access certain files and utilities anywhere can really come in handy at times. However, if you were to lose or have this flash drive stolen, depending on what is stored on the drive, you could be setting yourself up for a completely preventable disaster.

几乎任何有自尊心的极客都会随身携带闪存驱动器。 无论它是放在钱包里的钥匙扣,还是有能力随时随地访问某些文件和实用程序。 但是,如果您丢失了该闪存驱动器或使该闪存驱动器被盗,则根据驱动器上存储的内容,可能会为完全可预防的灾难做好准备。

With the help of TrueCrypt, you can easily protect the data stored your flash drive so that if it is lost or stolen, nobody will be able to get to your sensitive files.


Image via LadiesGadgets

图片 来自LadiesGadgets

创建一个TrueCrypt卷 (Creating a TrueCrypt Volume)

Plug in the flash drive you want to protect data on copy any data you want to protect onto a folder on your hard disk. We will move them to the encrypted volume once we are done.

插入要保护数据的闪存驱动器,然后将要保护的任何数据复制到硬盘上的文件夹中。 完成后,我们会将它们移至加密卷。

The process of creating an encrypted file container for a flash drive is no different from the normal TrueCrypt process. If you are familiar with how to do this already, you can skip this section or just scroll through it for a quick refresher.

为闪存驱动器创建加密文件容器的过程与正常的TrueCrypt过程没有什么不同。 如果您已经熟悉如何执行此操作,则可以跳过本节,或者只是滚动浏览本节以快速复习。

From the Tools menu, select Volume Creation Wizard.


Select the option to Create an encrypted file container.


We do not want to select the option to encrypt a non-system partition/drive because this would prevent us from loading the files required to mount a TrueCrypt volume on our flash drive. This would mean the computer we plug our flash drive into would have to already have TrueCrypt installed in order to access our data.

我们不想选择用于加密非系统分区/驱动器的选项,因为这将阻止我们加载将TrueCrypt卷安装到闪存驱动器上所需的文件。 这意味着我们插入闪存驱动器的计算机必须已经安装TrueCrypt才能访问我们的数据。

Select the option to create a Standard TrueCrypt volume.


Set the destination to a file located on your flash drive.


Set your encryption options. The default values will do nicely.

设置您的加密选项。 默认值会很好。

Set the size for the encrypted volume. Make sure you leave at least 10 MB free so there is room for the TrueCrypt files required for mounting and dismounting the volume.

设置加密卷的大小。 确保至少留出10 MB的可用空间,以便有足够的空间容纳安装和卸载卷所需的TrueCrypt文件。

Set a strong password.


Wait patiently while the TrueCrypt volume is created.


在闪存驱动器上加载TrueCrypt二进制文件 (Loading the TrueCrypt Binary Files on Your Flash Drive)

In order to access your encrypted volume on systems which do not have TrueCrypt loaded, you must load the required binary files needed to mount the container on the host system. Thankfully, TrueCrypt has a function which makes this easy.

为了在未加载TrueCrypt的系统上访问加密卷,必须加载将容器安装在主机系统上所需的必需二进制文件。 值得庆幸的是,TrueCrypt具有简化此功能的功能。

From the Tools menu, select Traveler Disk Setup.

从工具菜单中,选择Traveler Disk Setup。

We will come back to what this notice means a bit later.


Browse to the drive letter of your flash drive under the File Settings.


Under AutoRun Configuration, select the option to Auto-mount the TrueCrypt volume and then set the following options:


  • Enter the file name only of the TrueCrypt volume file. 仅输入TrueCrypt卷文件的文件名。
  • Select First available as the drive letter. 选择“第一个可用”作为驱动器号。
  • Select the option Open Explorer window for mounted volume. 选择选项“打开资源管理器窗口”以安装卷。

Create traveler disk with the set options.


This is an important notice.


In order for TrueCrypt to mount a volume on a host system, one of the following conditions must be met:


  1. TrueCrypt must be installed natively on the host system already. TrueCrypt必须已经本地安装在主机系统上。
  2. You must have administrative rights on the host system. 您必须对主机系统具有管理权限。

The reason you need administrative rights if TrueCrypt is not installed natively is due to the requirement that a system driver must be loaded on the host system in order to mount the encrypted volume. Since only administrators can load and unload system drivers, you must have this level of access or you will not be able to mount the TrueCrypt driver.

如果未本地安装TrueCrypt,则需要管理权限的原因是由于必须在主机系统上加载系统驱动程序才能安装加密卷。 由于只有管理员才能加载和卸载系统驱动程序,因此您必须具有此访问级别,否则将无法安装TrueCrypt驱动程序。

On the other hand, if the driver is already present on the host (i.e. TrueCrypt is installed natively), you should be able to mount your encrypted driver with normal user level access.


Once the traveler disk setup is complete, you should see your flash drive shows with a TrueCrypt icon in Windows Explorer.


在主机上轻松打开TrueCrypt卷 (Easily Opening the TrueCrypt Volume on the Host Machine)

Once you have configured your flash drive as a TrueCrypt Traveler Disk, opening the contents in Windows Explorer should look something like the screen below.

将闪存驱动器配置为TrueCrypt Traveler磁盘后,在Windows资源管理器中打开内容应类似于以下屏幕。

Notice there is an autorun.inf file which was created during the setup. Getting back to the message box we said we would discuss later, this is intended to run automatically when the flash drive is plugged into the host machine, however most Windows machines have the AutoRun option disabled (as they should), so this will never execute. Because of this, you will have to mount and dismount your TrueCrypt volume manually.

注意,有一个在安装过程中创建的autorun.inf文件。 回到消息框,我们说我们将在后面讨论,它打算在将闪存驱动器插入主机时自动运行,但是大多数Windows机器都禁用了AutoRun选项(应如此),因此它将永远不会执行。 因此,您将必须手动安装和卸载TrueCrypt卷。

Of course, doing it manually isn’t acceptable so with a couple of batch scripts we can easily mount and dismount the TrueCrypt volume with a double-click.


Open the autorun.inf file in Notepad and copy the text following the line which begins with “open=”.

在记事本中打开autorun.inf文件,然后复制以“ open =”开头的行之后的文本。

Create a new text file called MountTC.bat and paste what you previously copied into this file. When run, this batch file will mount the TrueCrypt volume stored on the flash drive onto the host system.

创建一个名为MountTC.bat的新文本文件,然后将以前复制的文件粘贴到该文件中。 运行时,此批处理文件会将存储在闪存驱动器中的TrueCrypt卷装载到主机系统上。

Back in the autorun.inf file, copy the text following the line which begins with “shell\dismount\command=”.

返回autorun.inf文件,复制以“ shell \ dismount \ command =”开头的行后面的文本。

Create a new text file called DismountTC.bat and paste what you previously copied into this file. When run, this batch file will dismount all the TrueCrypt volumes on the host system.

创建一个名为DismountTC.bat的新文本文件,并将先前复制的内容粘贴到该文件中。 运行时,此批处理文件将卸载主机系统上的所有TrueCrypt卷。

When finished, you should see the two batch files we created in your flash drive.


打开TrueCrypt卷 (Opening the TrueCrypt Volume)

After you plug in the flash drive to the host machine if the TrueCrypt volume does not attempt to mount itself automatically, simply run the MountTC.bat file. Remember, TrueCrypt must be natively installed or you have to have administrative rights on the host machine. You will get a UAC prompt if TrueCrypt is not natively installed, so confirm you want to continue.

如果TrueCrypt卷没有尝试自动安装,则将闪存驱动器插入主机后,只需运行MountTC.bat文件。 请记住,TrueCrypt必须本地安装,否则您必须在主机上具有管理权限。 如果没有本地安装TrueCrypt,则会出现UAC提示,因此请确认您要继续。

Enter your password for the TrueCrypt volume.


Your volume will be mounted and your encrypted files will now appear.


Copy any files you want to protect inside of your TrueCrypt volume and nobody will be able to access them without the password.


Once you are finished, simply run the DismountTC.bat file and your TrueCrypt volume will be gracefully dismounted.


重要安全公告 (Important Security Notice)

It is important to understand that while your files are encrypted on the flash drive, once you mount the TrueCrypt volume on the host machine, they are at the mercy of this machine. As a result, you should be careful where you decide to access your files.

重要的是要理解,尽管文件在闪存驱动器上进行了加密,但是一旦在主机上安装了TrueCrypt卷,这些文件将受到该计算机的支配。 因此,在决定访问文件的位置时应格外小心。

Download TrueCrypt





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