





a.所有萤火虫都是中性的,因此任意一只萤火虫会被其他萤火虫所吸引,而不管它们的性别(all fireflies are unisex so that one firefly will be attracted to other fireflies regardless of their sex);

b.吸引力与它们的亮度成正比,因此,对于任何两个闪烁的萤火虫来说,亮度越低的萤火虫会向亮度越高的萤火虫移动。吸引力与亮度成正比,两者都随着距离的增加而减小。如果没有比特定萤火虫更亮的萤火虫,它会随机移动(Attractiveness is proportional to their brightness, thus for any two flashing fireflies, the less brighter one will move towards the brighter one. The attractiveness is proportional to the brightness and they both decrease as their distance increases. If there is no brighter one than a particular firefly, it will move randomly);

c.萤火虫的亮度受目标函数的地形影响或决定。对于最大化问题,亮度可以简单地与目标函数的值成正比(The brightness of a firefly is affected or determined by the landscape of the objective function. For a maximization problem, the brightness can simply be proportional to the value of the objective function)。

















其中第二项是由于吸引力,而第三项是随机化,是随机化参数。rand是一个均匀分布在[0,1]中的随机数生成器。对于我们实现中的大多数情况,我们可以取. 此外,随机化项可以很容易地扩展到正态分布或其他分布。此外,如果刻度在不同维度上有显著差异,例如在一个维度,又比如:,另一方面,用代替是一个好主意,其中d维中的标度参数应根据感兴趣问题的实际标度确定。

现在,参数表示了吸引力的变化,其值对于确定收敛速度和F A算法的行为至关重要。理论上,, 但实际上,是由待优化系统的特征长度决定的。因此,在大多数应用程序中,它通常从0变化



% ======================================================== %
% Files of the Matlab programs included in the book:       %
% Xin-She Yang, Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms,  %
% Second Edition, Luniver Press, (2010).   www.luniver.com %
% ======================================================== %    % -------------------------------------------------------- %
% Firefly Algorithm for constrained optimization using     %
% for the design of a spring (benchmark)                   %
% by Xin-She Yang (Cambridge University) Copyright @2009   %
% -------------------------------------------------------- %function fa_mincon
% parameters [n N_iteration alpha betamin gamma]
para=[40 500 0.5 0.2 1];
format long;help fa_mincon.m
% This demo uses the Firefly Algorithm to solve the
% [Spring Design Problem as described by Cagnina et al.,
% Informatica, vol. 32, 319-326 (2008). ]% Simple bounds/limits
disp('Solve the simple spring design problem ...');
Lb=[0.05 0.25 2.0];
Ub=[2.0 1.3 15.0];% Initial random guess
u0=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(size(Lb));[u,fval,NumEval]=ffa_mincon(@cost,@constraint,u0,Lb,Ub,para);% Display results
total_number_of_function_evaluations=NumEval%%% Put your own cost/objective function here --------%%%
%% Cost or Objective functionfunction z=cost(x)
z=(2+x(3))*x(1)^2*x(2);% Constrained optimization using penalty methods
% by changing f to F=f+ \sum lam_j*g^2_j*H_j(g_j)
% where H(g)=0 if g<=0 (true), =1 if g is false%%% Put your own constraints here --------------------%%%
function [g,geq]=constraint(x)
% All nonlinear inequality constraints should be here
% If no inequality constraint at all, simple use g=[];
% There was a typo in Cagnina et al.'s paper,
% the factor should 71785 insteady of 7178 !
g(4)=x(1)+x(2)-1.5;% all nonlinear equality constraints should be here
% If no equality constraint at all, put geq=[] as follows
geq=[];%%% End of the part to be modified -------------------%%%%%% --------------------------------------------------%%%
%%% Do not modify the following codes unless you want %%%
%%% to improve its performance etc                    %%%
% -------------------------------------------------------
% ===Start of the Firefly Algorithm Implementation ======
% Inputs: fhandle => @cost (your own cost function,
%                   can be an external file  )
%     nonhandle => @constraint, all nonlinear constraints
%                   can be an external file or a function
%         Lb = lower bounds/limits
%         Ub = upper bounds/limits
%   para == optional (to control the Firefly algorithm)
% Outputs: nbest   = the best solution found so far
%          fbest   = the best objective value
%      NumEval = number of evaluations: n*MaxGeneration
% Optional:
% The alpha can be reduced (as to reduce the randomness)
% ---------------------------------------------------------% Start FA
function [nbest,fbest,NumEval]...=ffa_mincon(fhandle,nonhandle,u0, Lb, Ub, para)
% Check input parameters (otherwise set as default values)
if nargin<6, para=[20 50 0.25 0.20 1]; end
if nargin<5, Ub=[]; end
if nargin<4, Lb=[]; end
if nargin<3,
disp('Usuage: FA_mincon(@cost, @constraint,u0,Lb,Ub,para)');
end% n=number of fireflies
% MaxGeneration=number of pseudo time steps
% ------------------------------------------------
% alpha=0.25;      % Randomness 0--1 (highly random)
% betamn=0.20;     % minimum value of beta
% gamma=1;         % Absorption coefficient
% ------------------------------------------------
n=para(1);  MaxGeneration=para(2);
alpha=para(3); betamin=para(4); gamma=para(5);% Total number of function evaluations
NumEval=n*MaxGeneration;% Check if the upper bound & lower bound are the same size
if length(Lb) ~=length(Ub),disp('Simple bounds/limits are improper!');return
end% Calcualte dimension
d=length(u0);% Initial values of an array
% ------------------------------------------------
% generating the initial locations of n fireflies
[ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0);% Iterations or pseudo time marching
for k=1:MaxGeneration,     %%%%% start iterations% This line of reducing alpha is optionalalpha=alpha_new(alpha,MaxGeneration);% Evaluate new solutions (for all n fireflies)
for i=1:n,zn(i)=Fun(fhandle,nonhandle,ns(i,:));Lightn(i)=zn(i);
end% Ranking fireflies by their light intensity/objectives
for i=1:n,ns(i,:)=ns_tmp(Index(i),:);
end%% Find the current best
nso=ns; Lighto=Lightn;
nbest=ns(1,:); Lightbest=Lightn(1);% For output only
fbest=Lightbest;% Move all fireflies to the better locations
[ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,nbest,...Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub);end   %%%%% end of iterations% -------------------------------------------------------
% ----- All the subfunctions are listed here ------------
% The initial locations of n fireflies
function [ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0)% if there are bounds/limits,
if length(Lb)>0,for i=1:n,ns(i,:)=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d);end
else% generate solutions around the random guessfor i=1:n,ns(i,:)=u0+randn(1,d);end
end% initial value before function evaluations
Lightn=ones(n,1)*10^100;% Move all fireflies toward brighter ones
function [ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,...nbest,Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub)
% Scaling of the system
scale=abs(Ub-Lb);% Updating fireflies
for i=1:n,
% The attractiveness parameter beta=exp(-gamma*r)for j=1:n,r=sqrt(sum((ns(i,:)-ns(j,:)).^2));% Update moves
if Lightn(i)>Lighto(j), % Brighter and more attractivebeta0=1; beta=(beta0-betamin)*exp(-gamma*r.^2)+betamin;tmpf=alpha.*(rand(1,d)-0.5).*scale;ns(i,:)=ns(i,:).*(1-beta)+nso(j,:).*beta+tmpf;endend % end for jend % end for i% Check if the updated solutions/locations are within limits
[ns]=findlimits(n,ns,Lb,Ub);% This function is optional, as it is not in the original FA
% The idea to reduce randomness is to increase the convergence,
% however, if you reduce randomness too quickly, then premature
% convergence can occur. So use with care.
function alpha=alpha_new(alpha,NGen)
% alpha_n=alpha_0(1-delta)^NGen=10^(-4);
% alpha_0=0.9
alpha=(1-delta)*alpha;% Make sure the fireflies are within the bounds/limits
function [ns]=findlimits(n,ns,Lb,Ub)
for i=1:n,% Apply the lower boundns_tmp=ns(i,:);I=ns_tmp<Lb;ns_tmp(I)=Lb(I);% Apply the upper boundsJ=ns_tmp>Ub;ns_tmp(J)=Ub(J);% Update this new movens(i,:)=ns_tmp;
end% -----------------------------------------
% d-dimensional objective function
function z=Fun(fhandle,nonhandle,u)
% Objective
z=fhandle(u);% Apply nonlinear constraints by the penalty method
% Z=f+sum_k=1^N lam_k g_k^2 *H(g_k) where lam_k >> 1
z=z+getnonlinear(nonhandle,u);function Z=getnonlinear(nonhandle,u)
% Penalty constant >> 1
lam=10^15; lameq=10^15;
% Get nonlinear constraints
[g,geq]=nonhandle(u);% Apply inequality constraints as a penalty function
for k=1:length(g),Z=Z+ lam*g(k)^2*getH(g(k));
% Apply equality constraints (when geq=[], length->0)
for k=1:length(geq),Z=Z+lameq*geq(k)^2*geteqH(geq(k));
end% Test if inequalities hold
% H(g) which is something like an index function
function H=getH(g)
if g<=0,H=0;
end% Test if equalities hold
function H=geteqH(g)
if g==0,H=0;
%% ==== End of Firefly Algorithm implementation ======


% ======================================================== %
% Files of the Matlab programs included in the book:       %
% Xin-She Yang, Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms,  %
% Second Edition, Luniver Press, (2010).   www.luniver.com %
% ======================================================== %    % -------------------------------------------------------- %
% Firefly Algorithm for constrained optimization using     %
% for the design of a spring (benchmark)                   %
% by Xin-She Yang (Cambridge University) Copyright @2009   %
% -------------------------------------------------------- %function fa_ndim
% parameters [n N_iteration alpha betamin gamma]
para=[20 500 0.5 0.2 1];help fa_ndim.m% Simple bounds/limits for d-dimensional problems
Ub=2*ones(1,d);% Initial random guess
u0=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d);[u,fval,NumEval]=ffa_mincon(@cost,u0,Lb,Ub,para);% Display results
total_number_of_function_evaluations=NumEval%%% Put your own cost/objective function here --------%%%
%% Cost or Objective functionfunction z=cost(x)
% Exact solutions should be (1,1,...,1)
z=sum((x-1).^2);%%% End of the part to be modified -------------------%%%%%% --------------------------------------------------%%%
%%% Do not modify the following codes unless you want %%%
%%% to improve its performance etc                    %%%
% -------------------------------------------------------
% ===Start of the Firefly Algorithm Implementation ======
%         Lb = lower bounds/limits
%         Ub = upper bounds/limits
%   para == optional (to control the Firefly algorithm)
% Outputs: nbest   = the best solution found so far
%          fbest   = the best objective value
%      NumEval = number of evaluations: n*MaxGeneration
% Optional:
% The alpha can be reduced (as to reduce the randomness)
% ---------------------------------------------------------% Start FA
function [nbest,fbest,NumEval]...=ffa_mincon(fhandle,u0, Lb, Ub, para)
% Check input parameters (otherwise set as default values)
if nargin<5, para=[20 500 0.25 0.20 1]; end
if nargin<4, Ub=[]; end
if nargin<3, Lb=[]; end
if nargin<2,
disp('Usuage: FA_mincon(@cost,u0,Lb,Ub,para)');
end% n=number of fireflies
% MaxGeneration=number of pseudo time steps
% ------------------------------------------------
% alpha=0.25;      % Randomness 0--1 (highly random)
% betamn=0.20;     % minimum value of beta
% gamma=1;         % Absorption coefficient
% ------------------------------------------------
n=para(1);  MaxGeneration=para(2);
alpha=para(3); betamin=para(4); gamma=para(5);% Total number of function evaluations
NumEval=n*MaxGeneration;% Check if the upper bound & lower bound are the same size
if length(Lb) ~=length(Ub),disp('Simple bounds/limits are improper!');return
end% Calcualte dimension
d=length(u0);% Initial values of an array
% ------------------------------------------------
% generating the initial locations of n fireflies
[ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0);% Iterations or pseudo time marching
for k=1:MaxGeneration,     %%%%% start iterations% This line of reducing alpha is optionalalpha=alpha_new(alpha,MaxGeneration);% Evaluate new solutions (for all n fireflies)
for i=1:n,zn(i)=fhandle(ns(i,:));Lightn(i)=zn(i);
end% Ranking fireflies by their light intensity/objectives
for i=1:n,ns(i,:)=ns_tmp(Index(i),:);
end%% Find the current best
nso=ns; Lighto=Lightn;
nbest=ns(1,:); Lightbest=Lightn(1);% For output only
fbest=Lightbest;% Move all fireflies to the better locations
[ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,nbest,...Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub);end   %%%%% end of iterations% -------------------------------------------------------
% ----- All the subfunctions are listed here ------------
% The initial locations of n fireflies
function [ns,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,d,Lb,Ub,u0)% if there are bounds/limits,
if length(Lb)>0,for i=1:n,ns(i,:)=Lb+(Ub-Lb).*rand(1,d);end
else% generate solutions around the random guessfor i=1:n,ns(i,:)=u0+randn(1,d);end
end% initial value before function evaluations
Lightn=ones(n,1)*10^100;% Move all fireflies toward brighter ones
function [ns]=ffa_move(n,d,ns,Lightn,nso,Lighto,...nbest,Lightbest,alpha,betamin,gamma,Lb,Ub)
% Scaling of the system
scale=abs(Ub-Lb);% Updating fireflies
for i=1:n,
% The attractiveness parameter beta=exp(-gamma*r)for j=1:n,r=sqrt(sum((ns(i,:)-ns(j,:)).^2));% Update moves
if Lightn(i)>Lighto(j), % Brighter and more attractivebeta0=1; beta=(beta0-betamin)*exp(-gamma*r.^2)+betamin;tmpf=alpha.*(rand(1,d)-0.5).*scale;ns(i,:)=ns(i,:).*(1-beta)+nso(j,:).*beta+tmpf;endend % end for jend % end for i% Check if the updated solutions/locations are within limits
[ns]=findlimits(n,ns,Lb,Ub);% This function is optional, as it is not in the original FA
% The idea to reduce randomness is to increase the convergence,
% however, if you reduce randomness too quickly, then premature
% convergence can occur. So use with care.
function alpha=alpha_new(alpha,NGen)
% alpha_n=alpha_0(1-delta)^NGen=10^(-4);
% alpha_0=0.9
alpha=(1-delta)*alpha;% Make sure the fireflies are within the bounds/limits
function [ns]=findlimits(n,ns,Lb,Ub)
for i=1:n,% Apply the lower boundns_tmp=ns(i,:);I=ns_tmp<Lb;ns_tmp(I)=Lb(I);% Apply the upper boundsJ=ns_tmp>Ub;ns_tmp(J)=Ub(J);% Update this new movens(i,:)=ns_tmp;
end%% ==== End of Firefly Algorithm implementation ======


% ======================================================== %
% Files of the Matlab programs included in the book:       %
% Xin-She Yang, Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms,  %
% Second Edition, Luniver Press, (2010).   www.luniver.com %
% ======================================================== %    % =========================================================%
% Firefly Algorithm by X S Yang (Cambridge University)     %
% Usage: firefly_simple([number_of_fireflies,MaxGeneration])
%  eg:   firefly_simple([12,50]);                          %
% ======================================================== %
% This is a demo for 2D functions; for higher dimenions,   %
% you should use fa_ndim.m or fa_mincon.m                  %
% Parameters choice:
% Gamma should be linked with scales. Otherwise, the FA    %
% the efficiency will be significantly reduced because     %
% the beta term may be too small.                          %
% Similarly, alpha should also be linked with scales,      %
% the steps should not too large or too small, often       %
% steps are about 1/10 to 1/100 of the domain size.        %
% In addition, alpha should be reduced gradually           %
% using alpha=alpha_0 delta^t during eteration t.          %
% Typically, delta=0.9 to 0.99 will be a good choice.      %
% ======================================================== %function [best]=firefly_simple(instr)
% n=number of fireflies
% MaxGeneration=number of pseudo time steps
if nargin<1,   instr=[12 50];     end
n=instr(1);  MaxGeneration=instr(2);
% Show info
help firefly_simple.m
rand('state',0);  % Reset the random generator
% ------ Four peak functions ---------------------
% Converting to an inline function
% range=[xmin xmax ymin ymax];
range=[-5 5 -5 5];% ------------------------------------------------
alpha=0.2;      % Randomness 0--1 (highly random)
gamma=1.0;      % Absorption coefficient
delta=0.97;      % Randomness reduction (similar to % an annealing schedule)
% ------------------------------------------------
% Grid values are used for display only
% Display the shape of the objective function
figure(1);    surfc(x,y,z);% ------------------------------------------------
% generating the initial locations of n fireflies
% Display the paths of fireflies in a figure with
% contours of the function to be optimizedfigure(2);
% Iterations or pseudo time marching
for i=1:MaxGeneration,     %%%%% start iterations
% Show the contours of the functioncontour(x,y,z,15); hold on;
% Evaluate new solutions
zn=f(xn,yn);% Ranking the fireflies by their light intensity
xn=xn(Index); yn=yn(Index);
xo=xn;   yo=yn;    Lighto=Lightn;
% Trace the paths of all roaming  fireflies
% Move all fireflies to the better locations
% Use "hold on" to show the paths of fireflieshold off;% Reduce randomness as iterations proceed
alpha=newalpha(alpha,delta);end   %%%%% end of iterations
best(:,1)=xo'; best(:,2)=yo'; best(:,3)=Lighto';% ----- All subfunctions are listed here ---------
% The initial locations of n fireflies
function [xn,yn,Lightn]=init_ffa(n,range)
Lightn=zeros(size(yn));% Move all fireflies toward brighter ones
function [xn,yn]=ffa_move(xn,yn,Lightn,xo,yo,...Lighto,alpha,gamma,range)
ni=size(yn,2); nj=size(yo,2);
for i=1:ni,
% The attractiveness parameter beta=exp(-gamma*r)for j=1:nj,
if Lightn(i)<Lighto(j), % Brighter and more attractive
beta0=1;     beta=beta0*exp(-gamma*r.^2);
endend % end for j
end % end for i
[xn,yn]=findrange(xn,yn,range);% Reduce the randomness during iterations
function alpha=newalpha(alpha,delta)
alpha=alpha*delta;% Make sure the fireflies are within the range
function [xn,yn]=findrange(xn,yn,range)
for i=1:length(yn),if xn(i)<=range(1), xn(i)=range(1); endif xn(i)>=range(2), xn(i)=range(2); endif yn(i)<=range(3), yn(i)=range(3); endif yn(i)>=range(4), yn(i)=range(4); end
%  ============== end =====================================





1.Xin-She Yang Firefly Algorithms for Multimodal Optimization

2.Firefly Algorithm - File Exchange - MATLAB Central

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