写Hexagon DSP程序流程

In general the developer follows these steps:

  1. Define an API in IDL that will perform their computation
  2. Compile IDL into a header and Android library
  3. Call the API directly from their application
  4. Results are returned just like a normal function call and it appears to the application as if the work was performed locally.

cornerApp例子主要是对输入图像做高斯滤波并检测fast角点,具体图像算法部分使用的是高通自带的fastcv SDK。

#define CORNER_APP_IDL#include "AEEStdDef.idl"interface cornerApp{AEEResult filterGaussianAndCornerFastQ(in sequence<uint8> src,in uint32 srcWidth,in uint32 srcHeight,rout sequence <uint8> dst,in int32 blurBorder,in uint32 srcStride,in int32 barrier, in uint32 border, rout sequence <uint32> xy,in uint32 nCornersMax, rout uint32 nCorners,rout sequence <uint32> renderBuffer);};#endif CORNER_APP_IDL

经过QAIC IDL Compiler后会生成cornerApp.h/cornerApp_stub.c/cornerApp_skel.c,我们只关注cornerApp.h,因为它对应idl文件的c接口,截取cornerApp.h关键部分如下

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {#endif
__QAIC_HEADER_EXPORT AEEResult __QAIC_HEADER(cornerApp_filterGaussianAndCornerFastQ)(const uint8* src, int srcLen, //所有的sequence<xxx>被解析为const xxx*指针,srcLen代表xxx的个数uint32 srcWidth, uint32 srcHeight, uint8* dst, int dstLen, int32 blurBorder, uint32 srcStride, int32 barrier, uint32 border, uint32* xy, int xyLen, uint32 nCornersMax, uint32* nCorners, //rout uint32 nCorners, 输出被解析为指针,用于将值传出uint32* renderBuffer, int renderBufferLen) __QAIC_HEADER_ATTRIBUTE;
#ifdef __cplusplus


#include "fastcv.h"  // 高通fastcv SDK头文件
#include "cornerApp.h"
#include "AEEStdErr.h"/*===========================================================================REMOTED FUNCTION
/*-------------------------------begin corner detection app functions---------------------------------------------------------------------*/AEEResult cornerApp_filterGaussianAndCornerFastQ(const uint8* src,int srcLen, uint32 srcWidth, uint32 srcHeight, uint8* dst, int dstLen, int32 blurBorder,uint32 srcStride, int32 barrier, uint32 border, uint32* xy, int xylen, uint32 nCornersMax,uint32* nCorners,uint32* renderBuffer, int renderBufferLen)
{// Perform color conversion from YUV to RGB. Output renderBuffer is the original // buffer after conversion to RGB, upon which the caller of this function must draw // the corners detected in the desired manner. fcvColorYUV420toRGB565u8(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, renderBuffer);// 高通fastcv SDK提供的函数// Gaussian blur the image and then detect corners using Fast9 detection algorithm.// Return the list of corners for application to draw upon the rendered image.fcvFilterGaussian3x3u8(src, srcWidth, srcHeight, dst, blurBorder);// 高通fastcv SDK提供的函数fcvCornerFast9u8(dst, srcWidth, srcHeight, srcStride, barrier, border, xy, nCornersMax, nCorners);// 高通fastcv SDK提供的函数return AEE_SUCCESS;

fastcv提供的所有接口请参考下载的Hexagon_SDK路径: file:///E:/Qualcomm/Hexagon_SDK/3.5.2/docs/FastCV/Applications_Computer%20Vision.html#FastCV%20Library

int test_main_start(int argc, char* argv[]);
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
{return test_main_start(argc, argv);
}static uint8_t *dataBuf = NULL;
static uint8_t *blurredImgBuf = NULL;
static uint32_t *corners = NULL;
static uint32_t *renderBuf = NULL;void deinitQ6(void)
{int nErr = 0;if (dataBuf) rpcmem_free(dataBuf);if (corners) rpcmem_free(corners);if (blurredImgBuf) rpcmem_free(blurredImgBuf);if (renderBuf) rpcmem_free(renderBuf);VERIFY(0 == dspCV_deinitQ6());return;bail:if(nErr) {printf("error in deinitQ6: %d\n", nErr);}
int initQ6(uint32_t srcHeight, uint32_t srcWidth)
{int nErr = 0;dspCV_Attribute attrib[] ={// Slightly more MCPS than are available on current targets{DSP_TOTAL_MCPS, 1000}, // drive the clock to MAX on known targets{DSP_MCPS_PER_THREAD, 500}, // 12 GB/sec is slightly higher than the max realistic max BW on existing targets.{PEAK_BUS_BANDWIDTH_MBPS, 12000},// This app is non-real time, and constantly reading/writing memory{BUS_USAGE_PERCENT, 100},               };nErr = dspCV_initQ6_with_attributes(attrib, sizeof(attrib)/sizeof(attrib[0]));if (nErr){printf("error in dspCV_initQ6: %d\n", nErr);return(1);}// allocate ion buffersVERIFY(0 != (dataBuf = (uint8_t*)rpcmem_alloc(ION_HEAP_ID_SYSTEM, RPCMEM_DEFAULT_FLAGS, srcWidth*srcHeight*3/2)));VERIFY(0 != (blurredImgBuf = (uint8_t*)rpcmem_alloc(ION_HEAP_ID_SYSTEM, RPCMEM_DEFAULT_FLAGS, srcWidth*srcHeight)));VERIFY(0 != (renderBuf = (uint32_t*)rpcmem_alloc(ION_HEAP_ID_SYSTEM, RPCMEM_DEFAULT_FLAGS, srcWidth*srcHeight * 3 / 2 *sizeof(uint32_t))));VERIFY(0 != (corners = (uint32_t*)rpcmem_alloc(ION_HEAP_ID_SYSTEM, RPCMEM_DEFAULT_FLAGS, XY_SIZE*sizeof(uint32_t))));return 0;bail:printf("out of memory in initQ6: %d\n", nErr);deinitQ6();return 2;
}void compareResults(int arg1, int arg2, const char* compareStr)
{printf("%s\t Expected: %d\tGot: %d\n", compareStr, arg2, arg1);return;
}int test_main_start(int argc, char* argv[]) {uint32_t srcWidth;uint32_t srcHeight;int retVal, i;uint32_t numCornersDetected = 0;        // DSP handleuint32_t cornerThreshold = 20;//FastRPC机制(fast remote procedure calls, docs/Technologies_FastRPC.html)//将计算任务从CPU发送到DSP。数据传输涉及ION memory。//FastRPC主要接口:rpcmem_init/rpcmem_alloc/rpcmem_free/rpcmem_deinit//FastRPC申请的内存为ION共享内存rpcmem_init();srcWidth = 800;srcHeight = 480;// call dspCV_initQ6_with_attributes() to bump up Q6 clock frequency// Since this app is not real-time, and can fully load the DSP clock & bus resources // throughout its lifetime, vote for the maximum available MIPS & BW.// lligen add NOTE 1: The dspCV library in ${HEXAGON_SDK_ROOT}/lib/fastcv/dspCV aims to // abstract as much of the DSP runtime environment as possible, to reduce effort in // offloading compute processing to the DSP. It offers API's to perform such functions as // clock/power voting, multi-threaded callbacks, concurrency checking, and HVX resource // management.// lligen add NOTE 2: using dspCV remote API's is no longer recommended from SDM660 forward. // They are still supported for backward compatibility.retVal = initQ6(srcHeight, srcWidth);if (retVal){printf("init failed!! status %d\n",retVal);rpcmem_deinit();return retVal;}printf("initq6 done...\n");if (retVal){printf("init failed!! status %d\n",retVal);rpcmem_deinit();return retVal;}// 图像数据复制到ION内存,DSP运行时会直接使用ION内存数据memcpy(dataBuf, tmpcorner_test2, srcWidth * srcHeight);unsigned long long t1 = GetTime();int anyFailures = 0;for (i = 0; i < LOOPS; i++){// 调用之前写好的接口retVal = cornerApp_filterGaussianAndCornerFastQ(dataBuf, srcWidth*srcHeight * 3/2, //输入图片格式为YUV420srcWidth,srcHeight,blurredImgBuf, srcWidth * srcHeight,0,  // blurBorder (fcvFilterGaussian)srcWidth,  // srcStride (fcvCornerFast)cornerThreshold,7,(uint32*)corners, XY_SIZE,MAX_NUM_CORNERS,(uint32*)&numCornersDetected,(uint32*)renderBuf, srcWidth * srcHeight / 2);anyFailures |= retVal;}unsigned long long t2 = GetTime();if (AEE_SUCCESS != retVal){printf("corner detection returned error code %d\n", retVal);}else{#if 0uint32_t *cornerPtr = corners;for (i = 0; i < numCornersDetected; i++){uint32_t x = *(cornerPtr++);uint32_t y = *(cornerPtr++);printf("corner #:%d \t (x,y): %d, %d\n", i, (int)x, (int)y);}
#endifprintf("Num corners detected: %d. Expected: 60 \n", (int)numCornersDetected);anyFailures |= (numCornersDetected != 60);}#ifdef __hexagon__printf("run time of corner detection: %llu PCycles (from %llu-%llu) for %d iterations\n", t2-t1, t1, t2, LOOPS);
#elseprintf("run time of corner detection: %llu microseconds for %d iterations\n", t2-t1, LOOPS);
#endif// free ion buffersdeinitQ6();rpcmem_deinit();printf("deinit done...\n");if (anyFailures != 0) printf ("cornerApp FAILED!!!\n");else printf ("cornerApp SUCCESS\n");return anyFailures;


cd E:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\3.5.2\examples\fastcv\cornerApp
python .\cornerApp_walkthrough.py -T sm8150


cd E:\Qualcomm\Hexagon_SDK\3.5.2\examples\fastcv\cornerApp
$make V=android_Debug_aarch64 tree CDSP_FLAG=1
$make V=hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv83_v66 tree
adb push android_Debug_aarch64/ship/cornerApp /vendor/bin
adb shell chmod 777 /vendor/bin/cornerApp
adb shell mkdir /vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/sdk
adb push hexagon_Debug_dynamic_toolv83_v66/ship/libcornerApp_skel.so /vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/sdk/
adb push android_Debug_aarch64/ship/libcornerApp.so /vendor/lib64/
// 依赖的libfastcvadsp.so/libdspCV_skel.so 手机自带, 在/vendor/lib/rfsa/adsp,如果没有,那也需要adb push
// 执行前,每台手机需要先Generate testsig,参考上一篇文章的**编译与运行calculator实例**部分
adb shell export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/vendor/lib64/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ADSP_LIBRARY_PATH="/vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/sdk\;/vendor/lib/rfsa/dsp/testsig;" /vendor/bin/cornerApp
initq6 done...
Num corners detected: 60. Expected: 60
run time of corner detection: 227263 microseconds for 100 iterations
deinit done...
cornerApp SUCCESS

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