ZipArchive::addFile — Adds a file to a ZIP archive from the given path

ZipArchive::addFromString — Add a file to a ZIP archive using its contents

ZipArchive::addGlob — Add files from a directory by glob pattern

ZipArchive::addPattern — Add files from a directory by PCRE pattern

ZipArchive::close — Close the active archive (opened or newly created)

ZipArchive::count — Counts the number of files in the achive

ZipArchive::deleteIndex — Delete an entry in the archive using its index

ZipArchive::deleteName — Delete an entry in the archive using its name

ZipArchive::getArchiveComment — Returns the Zip archive comment

ZipArchive::getCommentIndex — Returns the comment of an entry using the entry index

ZipArchive::getCommentName — Returns the comment of an entry using the entry name

ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesIndex — Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::getExternalAttributesName — Retrieve the external attributes of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::getFromIndex — Returns the entry contents using its index

ZipArchive::getFromName — Returns the entry contents using its name

ZipArchive::getNameIndex — Returns the name of an entry using its index

ZipArchive::getStatusString — Returns the status error message, system and/or zip messages

ZipArchive::getStream — Get a file handler to the entry defined by its name (read only)

ZipArchive::locateName — Returns the index of the entry in the archive

ZipArchive::open — Open a ZIP file archive

ZipArchive::renameIndex — Renames an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::renameName — Renames an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::setArchiveComment — Set the comment of a ZIP archive

ZipArchive::setCommentIndex — Set the comment of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::setCommentName — Set the comment of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::setCompressionIndex — Set the compression method of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::setCompressionName — Set the compression method of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::setEncryptionIndex — Set the encryption method of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::setEncryptionName — Set the encryption method of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesIndex — Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::setExternalAttributesName — Set the external attributes of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::setPassword — Set the password for the active archive

ZipArchive::statIndex — Get the details of an entry defined by its index

ZipArchive::statName — Get the details of an entry defined by its name

ZipArchive::unchangeAll — Undo all changes done in the archive

ZipArchive::unchangeArchive — Revert all global changes done in the archive

ZipArchive::unchangeIndex — Revert all changes done to an entry at the given index

ZipArchive::unchangeName — Revert all changes done to an entry with the given name

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