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#########How to use command line arguments#######

==>For Windows users

Go to "Start -> Run" (On Windows 7/Vista, press

"WindowsKey+R" or use the search box at the bottom of the Start menu)

and enter the file path and file name of the application, followed by

the command line arguments. For example,

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" -ProfileManager

(including the quotation marks). In this example the file path to the installation directory

is C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox, the file name of the Firefox

application is firefox.exe, and the command line argument we are using

is ProfileManager. You should place a hyphen (-) directly before each

command line argument that you wish to use.

If you regularly wish to start your application using command line

arguments then you can also create a shortcut on your Desktop which

includes them. To do this, right-click on an open space of the desktop

and choose "New -> Shortcut". Follow the wizard to create the new

shortcut. When it prompts you for location (not name), type the file

path and file name followed by the command line arguments, exactly as in

the example above.


==>For Linux and Mac OS X users

Open a Terminal window and type what you want to execute. On

Linux, the shortcuts to your Terminal window will vary in location

depending on your desktop environment. On Mac OS X go to your

Applications/Utilities folder and choose "Terminal". Enter the path to

the application, then a space, followed by a hypen (-) and the

command-line argument. For example, to start the Firefox with the

Profile Manager on Mac OS X, you would enter the following:

/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox -ProfileManager

On some Mac versions (needs clarification), this command looks like

/Applications/Firefox.app/Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin -ProfileManager

※※※List of command line arguments (incomplete)[命令行参数列表(不完整)]


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