人人网 查看隐私照片

When you take a photo with your smartphone (or a modern digital camera), it logs the photo’s GPS coordinates and embeds it in the image metadata, or EXIF. This is how your phone is able to show a map view of your photo library.

当您使用智能手机(或现代数码相机)拍摄照片时,它会记录照片的GPS坐标并将其嵌入图像元数据或EXIF中。 这就是您的手机能够显示照片库的地图视图的方式。

Now, you can of course turn geotagging off—here’s how to do it on iOS and Android—but does it really matter? There are plenty of scare articles out there saying that the world is going to find your children if you share photos of them on social media, but is their any merit to it? Let’s look at some of the most common methods of sharing photos and see.

现在,您当然可以关闭地理标记-这是在iOS和Android上执行的方法 -但这真的重要吗? 有很多吓人的文章说,如果您在社交媒体上分享他们的照片,世界将会找到您的孩子,但这对他们有什么好处? 让我们看一下共享照片的一些最常见方法。

通过电子邮件,短信或其他方式直接共享照片 (Directly Sharing Photos Over Email, Text Messaging, or Other Means)

If you directly share an image file with someone, you are also including the embedded metadata. This means if you email it to them, text it to them, or use a shared folder in a service like Dropbox or Google Drive, they will have the GPS coordinates where you took it.

如果您直接与某人共享图像文件,则还包括嵌入式元数据。 这意味着,如果您通过电子邮件将其发送给他们,将其发送给他们,或使用诸如Dropbox或Google Drive之类的服务中的共享文件夹,则它们将具有GPS坐标。

This might sound scary, but let’s back things up. How many people do you send photos to that don’t already know where you live? The vast majority of the time, I’m sharing images with family and friends; I’m sure you are too.

这听起来可能很吓人,但让我们备份一下。 您向多少人发送了不知道您住的地方的照片? 大多数时候,我是在与家人和朋友分享图片; 我确定你也是。

Now, if you’re sending someone photos of a car or games console that they’re considering buying off you, things might be a little different. In that case, go right ahead and remove the metadata (here’s how to do it on iOS and on Android) before you send the photos.

现在,如果您要向某人发送某人正在考虑购买您的汽车或游戏机的照片,那么情况可能会有所不同。 在这种情况下,在发送照片之前,请继续删除元数据(这是在iOS和Android上的处理方法 )。

将照片上传到Facebook (Uploading Photos to Facebook)

If you look at the metadata from an image you download from Facebook, you’ll see there is none.

When someone says “social media”, they’re almost always talking about Facebook, and when it comes to Facebook, you are safe to upload photos with geotags. During the upload process, Facbook strips all the metadata—including the location—from the image, so no one will be able to get it from your Profile.

当有人说“社交媒体”时,他们几乎总是在谈论Facebook,而谈到Facebook,您可以安全地上传带有地理标记的照片。 在上传过程中,Facbook会从图像中剥离所有元数据(包括位置),因此没有人能够从您的个人资料中获取它。

This isn’t to say you shouldn’t make sure your Facebook account is as private as possible. It just means that sharing a photo isn’t going to tell everyone where you live.

这并不是说您不应该确保您的Facebook帐户尽可能私密 。 这仅意味着共享照片不会告诉每个人您的住处。

在Instagram上分享图像 (Sharing Images on Instagram)

Unsurprisingly, Instagram, seeing as it’s owned by Facebook, treats photos the same way. When you upload them, the EXIF data is all removed. You can choose to include the photo’s location on Instagram, but it’s not pulled from the geotag data. Instead, it uses your phones GPS to find where you are now and suggests nearby locations. (That’s why if you share a photo later, it’ll suggest your current location, not ones near where the photo was taken.)

毫不奇怪,Instagram拥有Facebook所有权,因此以相同的方式对待照片。 上载它们时,EXIF数据将全部删除。 您可以选择将照片的位置包括在Instagram中,但不会从地理标记数据中提取。 取而代之的是,它使用您的手机GPS来查找您现在的位置并建议附近的位置。 (这就是为什么如果以后共享照片,它会提示您当前的位置,而不是附近的照片拍摄位置。)

在Twitter上分享图片 (Sharing Images on Twitter)

Twitter, like Facebook and Instagram, strips all the EXIF data from the images you upload with your Tweets. No one will find your location from your photos there.

Twitter和Facebook和Instagram一样,会从您使用推文上传的图像中删除所有EXIF数据。 没有人会从那里的照片中找到您的位置。

However, Twitter has a different problem: you can share your exact location along with a Tweet. The image you attach might not have your home’s GPS coordinates, but the Tweet certainly can. Like always though, there’s a way to turn that off.

但是,Twitter存在另一个问题:您可以与Tweet共享您的确切位置。 您附加的图像可能没有房屋的GPS坐标,但是Tweet当然可以。 像往常一样,有一种方法可以将其关闭 。

在Reddit和Imgur上共享图像 (Sharing Images on Reddit and Imgur)

Whether you use Reddit’s own image upload feature or the popular third-party image host Imgur, the result is the same as with the other social networks: the EXIF data, including the geotags, is stripped out as you upload them. That’s not to say you won’t find images with EXIF data on Reddit; if someone posts a link to an image hosted by a service that does keep geotags or hosts their own images, it will be there, but it does mean you’re very unlikely to accidentally share a photo with EXIF data intact.

无论您使用Reddit自己的图像上传功能还是流行的第三方图像主机Imgur ,结果都与其他社交网络相同:上载时,EXIF数据(包括地理标签)会被剥离。 这并不是说您不会在Reddit上找到带有EXIF数据的图像。 如果有人发布指向由服务托管的图像的链接,而该服务的确保留了地理标记或托管自己的图像,则该链接将在其中,但这确实意味着您不太可能意外地共享完好无损的EXIF数据。

在Flickr和500px上共享图像 (Sharing Images on Flickr and 500px)

The only major social networks that don’t automatically strip location data when you upload images are those actually dedicated to photography, like Flickr and 500px. For these sites, displaying metadata like camera, lens, shutter speed, and aperture is an important part of the conversation around the images.

上载图像时,唯一不会自动剥离位置数据的主要社交网络是实际上专门用于摄影的社交网络,例如Flickr和500px。 对于这些站点,显示元数据(如相机,镜头,快门速度和光圈)是围绕图像进行对话的重要部分。

Now, you don’t have to share the geotag data; both sites give you the option to exclude it when you upload your photos. It’s just that it won’t get removed automatically.

现在,您不必共享地理位置标签数据; 当您上传照片时,这两个站点都提供了将其排除的选项。 只是它不会自动删除。

Geotags really aren’t the scary thing that they’re sometimes portrayed as. It’s highly unlikely you’ll accidentally share your location just using a photo. It’s best not to post private information publicly on social media, but you can get away with sharing most photos totally safely. Sure, you can remove it before you post, if you want—after all, better safe than sorry—but most of the time, it probably won’t matter.

地理标记确实不是有时被描绘成的可怕的事物。 仅使用照片,您极有可能不小心分享您的位置。 最好不要在社交媒体上公开发布私人信息,但是您可以完全安全地共享大多数照片。 当然,如果需要,可以在发布前将其删除-毕竟比后悔更安全 -但是大多数时候,这可能并不重要。

And if you want to make sure, you can always download some photos from a social network you’re worried about and check out the EXIF data. If there’s any geotags, you’ll see them.

而且,如果您想确定,可以随时从担心的社交网络下载一些照片,并查看EXIF数据 。 如果有任何地理标记,您将看到它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340566/are-location-tagged-photos-really-a-privacy-concern/

人人网 查看隐私照片

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