
  • 什么是逻辑综合
    • compile
    • elaboration
  • 术语表
    • Onset Offset Dont’care(DCset)
    • Boolean space(B^n)
    • TFI TFO logic network
    • literal Cubes List of cubes
    • DAG FI != PI FO != PO CONE support MFFC
    • Tautology
    • SAT
    • cover
    • cont'd...
  • Experienced optimization guide from papers.
  • 1.常用函数逻辑表示
    • 1.1逻辑函数的最小项
    • 1.2 SOP表示
      • 1.2.1 SOP变换(RM逻辑)
      • 1.2.2 shannon分解
      • 1.2.3 shannon cofactor
      • 1.2.4 Boolean Derivatives(布尔导数)
    • 1.3 BDD
      • 1.3.1 BDD
      • 1.3.2 OBDD
      • 1.3.3 ROBDD
      • 1.3.4 BDD的实现..
      • 1.3.5 BDD的应用场景..
    • 1.4 AIG
    • 1.5 MIG...
    • 1.6 XMG...
  • 2.优化算法
    • 2.1 Lazy Man’s Logic Synthesis
      • 2.1.1 Contributions
      • 2.1.2 Why proposed ?
      • 2.1.3 Background
      • 2.1.4 Algorithm
      • 2.1.5 Result
    • 2.2 window based resubstitution
      • 2.2.1 Contributions
      • 2.2.2 Why proposed ?
      • 2.2.3 Background
        • Exhaustive simulation
        • Windowing
        • Reconvergence-driven cut computation
      • 2.2.4 Algorithm
        • Rewriting
        • Resubstitution
        • Redundancy removal
      • 2.2.5 Results
    • 2.3 Rewriting
  • 3. 储备知识
    • 3.1 what is blif ?
    • 3.2 setup time和hold time
    • 3.3 弄懂时序逻辑
      • 3.3.1 RS 触发器
      • 3.3.2 D触发器(A Flip Flop, DFF)
      • 3.3.3 寄存器
    • 3.4 mux & decoder & selector
    • 3.5 HVT/SVT/LVT





第一步 (compile):

第二步 (logic optimization):

第三步 (technology mapping):



在这里以Verilog开源仿真工具Icarus Verilog为例解释这两个名词的具体含义,这一部分参考自 iVerilog的工作原理,Icarus Verilog是由Stephen Williams开发的Verilog仿真工具,官网http://iverilog.icarus.com,代码开源在https://github.com/steveicarus/iverilog。









Onset Offset Dont’care(DCset)


  • Onset
  • Offset
  • Dontcare(DCset)

Boolean space(B^n)



TFI TFO logic network

  • logic network

Logic networks are directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) composed of logic gates and realizing Boolean functions, which are functions defined over the Boolean space B = { 0 , 1 } , taking primary inputs as inputs and presenting the function outputs at the primary outputs. In this paper, we work with and-inverter graphs (AIGs), but this framework can also be applied to other types of logic networks.


A gate in a logic network usually computes a simple function of its fan-ins, and passes the resulting value to all of its fanouts. In the case of AIGs, a gate is always an AND gate, and the inverters are represented by complemented wires with no cost (that is, they do not add to the circuit size). We also refer to a gate as a node. The transitive fan-in (TFI) or the transitive fan-out (TFO) of a node n is a set of nodes such that there is a path between n and these nodes in the direction of fan-in or fan-out, respectively.

literal Cubes List of cubes



A cube is defined as the AND of a set of literals functions (‘conjunction’ of literals).



  • 如果C属于函数fC是一个cube,那么C是函数f的一个蕴涵项。
  • 如果C属于布尔空间B^nCk个文字数,那么|C|包含2^(n-k)个顶点。
  • 一个具有n个变量的蕴涵项是一个最小项。

List of cubes说白了就是一系列cubes的集合 (sum of cubes),等价于积之和 (sum of products, SOP),下文中将会有介绍,这里不再做赘述。

DAG FI != PI FO != PO CONE support MFFC


  • DAG
    一个电路可以被表示为一个有向无环图 (Directed Acyclic Graph) C(G,N),其中G代表具体的逻辑门,而N表示连接这些逻辑门的有向边,对于每一个门G都被赋予了一个具体的布尔逻辑函数Fg,该门会根据具体的输入计算出输出。

  • FI
    Fanin和primary input的概念不能混淆,前者表示当前该节点所有的前导节点,即该节点的所有扇入–》FI(g)={g'|(g',g) belongs to N},而后者表示该电路所有的原始输入。

  • FO
    同上,Fanout和primary output的概念也不能混淆,前者表示当前该节点所有的后导节点,即该节点的所有扇出–》FO(g)={g'|(g',g) belongs to N},而后者表示该电路所有的原始输入。

  • CONE

The CONE(g) of a gate g is the transtive fanin of g and g itself


The SUPPORT(g) of a gate g are all inputs inn its cone.

  • MFFC
    一个节点n或者门g的MFFC是指该门g的扇入CONE的一个子集,该子集中包含了一些节点,这些节点满足的条件是每一条经过这些节点到最终输出PO的路径都需要经过该门g或者该节点n,这样一个FI CONE的子集才能被称作为MFFC。

A maximum fanout free cone (MFFC) of a node n is a subset of the fanin cone containing only nodes such that every path from these nodes to the POs passes through n. Informally, if a node is removed, the nodes in its MFFC are also removed.

图示例:对于节点⑥而言,所有的FI CONE为{1,2,4},没有一个扇入满足MFFC的条件,所以该节点不具有MFFC,但是对于节点⑤而言,它的MFFC是 {3}。


找到满足条件的解使得函数的值为 0.

Find an assignment to the inputs that evaluate a given vertex to “0”.


找到一组满足条件的解使得函数的值为 1.

Find an assignment to the inputs that evaluate a given vertex to “1”.




A set of cubes that represents f is called a cover of f.


Experienced optimization guide from papers.

  • Scalable Logic Synthesis using a Simple Circuit Structure, Sec 2.4, Alan, 2006

A tree-like(non-reconvergent) structure does not lead to any don’t-cares in the local space of the node,don’t care may not get better qor for this kind of structure.





  • 每个乘积项都包含了全部输入变量;
  • 每个乘积项中的输入变量可以是原变量或者反变量;
  • 同一输入变量的原变量和反变量不会同时出现在同一乘积项中




1.2 SOP表示



1.2.1 SOP变换(RM逻辑)

由前所述,我们知道在一个最小项里面,原变量和反变量不可能同时存在,所以对于任意两个最小项mimj(i not equal j)而言,它们“与”的结果都是0,因此“或”运算符可以替换为“异或(Exclusive-OR)”运算符,转换后的表达式如下:

其中bi代表1或者0,pi代表乘积项(i not equal j),更准确的说应该是最小项。


Pi 表示乘积项,k表示乘积项的个数,U表示乘积项之间的逻辑“或”关系,把所有乘积项的集合定义为S,在这里需要注意的是,乘积项与最小项是不同的概念,乘积项包含最小项,对于每一个乘积项Pi,可以改写为最小项的形式:










  • 示例


1.2.2 shannon分解



  • 下面通过一个例子对香农分解进行更好的解释:


1.2.3 shannon cofactor




此时表达式F(xi=1)是positive cofactor,F(xi=0)是negative cofactor。香农展开也可以通过简单的展开进行证明如下(0同理):

1.2.4 Boolean Derivatives(布尔导数)


1.3 BDD

1.3.1 BDD



  • 具有一个根节点root,两个字节点01
  • 每一个节点都有两个子节点,对应着一个具体的变量
  • 是一个香农因子展开树,该项是针对于BDD而言,ROBDD不具备此项

例如对于一个给定电路的逻辑函数如下,最简单(naive way)的BDD表达方式是根据真值表一步一步向下表示如下:



  • By tracing paths to the 1 node, we get a cover of pair wise disjoint cubes.
  • The power of the BDD representation is that it does not explicitly enumerate all paths; rather it represents paths by a graph whose size is measures by its nodes and not paths.
  • A DAG can represent an exponential number of paths with a linear number of nodes.
  • BDDs can be used to efficiently represent sets
      interpret elements of the onset as elements of the set
      f is called the characteristic function of that set

1.3.2 OBDD


1.3.3 ROBDD

ROBDD全称为reduced ordered BDD,其实从英文全称就可以看出来与BDD相比,ROBDD主要差异体现在reducedordered两个方面:

  • Reduced

  • Ordered



  • Rule1:如果任意节点的两个子节点是相同的,那么该节点将会被删除

  • Rule2: 如果两个图有同构(isomorphic)图,将会用其中一个来替换它们


  • Rule1
  • Rule2

1.3.4 BDD的实现…

1.3.5 BDD的应用场景…

1.4 AIG

-AIG related

 A combinational And-Inverter Graph (AIG) is a Boolean network composed of two-input ANDs and inverters. To derive an AIG, the SOPs of the nodes in a logic network are factored, the AND and OR operations of the factored forms are converted into two-input ANDs and inverters using DeMorgan’s rule, and these two-input ANDs are added to the AIG manager in a topological order. The size (area) of an AIG is the number of its nodes; the depth (delay) is the number of nodes on the longest path from the PIs to the POs. The goal of AIG minimization is to reduce both area and delay.

  • 结构哈希

 Structural hashing of AIGs ensures that all constants are propagated and there is no two-input AND nodes with identical fanins (up to a permutation). Structural hashing is performed on-the-fly by hash-table lookups when AND nodes added to an AIG manager, which helps reduce the AIG size.

  • cut

 A cut C of a node n is a set of nodes of the network, called leaves of the cut, such that each path from a PI to n passes through at least one leaf. Node n is called the root of cut C. The cut size is the number of its leaves. A trivial cut of a node is the cut composed of the node itself. A cut is K-feasible if the number of leaves in the cut does not exceed K. A cut is dominated if there is another cut of the same node, which is contained, set-theoretically, in the given cut.

  • 示例

1.5 MIG…

1.6 XMG…


2.1 Lazy Man’s Logic Synthesis

paper: Lazy Man’s Logic Synthesis Wenlong, Yang Lingli Wang, Alan Mishchenko

2.1.1 Contributions


  • A new way of performing logic synthesis. Instead of deriving new circuit structures during runtime of a logic synthesis algorithm, the structure is retrieved from a precomputed library.
  • A new way of accumulating circuit structures in a library and hashing them using a semi-canonical form, which trades speed of computation for reduced memory.
  • Analysis of the logic synthesis benchmarks to show the number of frequently occurring semi-canonical classes of 12-input functions and how much memory is needed to represent a realistic library of these functions.
  • Promising results of delay optimization after FPGA mapping into 4-LUTs and 6-LUTs, obtained using the proposed approach to logic synthesis.

2.1.2 Why proposed ?


 Different tools perform logic synthesis in different ways resulting in different circuit structures. These differences occur because implementations use heuristics and pursue different optimization goals. As a result, there is no “best” circuit structure for a given function. Sometimes even a suboptimal structure may be useful. For example, the result of technology mapping depends on the initial circuit structure [10]. In some cases, a suboptimal circuit before mapping leads to a better result after mapping.
 This is why, in many applications, it is desirable to have multiple structural representations of each function. Hence, it is necessary to run different tools and different scripts and produce several structural snapshots of the same design. However, maintaining multiple tools or routinely applying multiple synthesis scripts is expensive and inefficient.
 The proposed approach named “lazy man’s logic synthesis” learns from the output of different tools applied to various designs and creates a library of AIG structures. When these structures are available and compactly recorded, there is no need to perform traditional logic synthesis. It is enough to check whether a function is already present in the library. The process of looking up is made fast by hashing functions using an affordable semi-canonical form described in this paper.

2.1.3 Background

  • AIG related
    Please refer to Section 1.4.
  • NPN equivalent

Two functions are NPN-equivalent if one of them can be obtained from the other by negation and/or permutation of the inputs and outputs

  • positive minterm

A positive minterm is a complete assignment of input variables, which makes the function evaluate to 1.

2.1.4 Algorithm


LMS is based on collecting, storing, and re-using circuit structures of Boolean functions with 6-12 input variables. Since the total number of completely-specified Boolean functions of N variables is 2(2N), storing all of them is infeasible for N > 4. For larger values of N, only the functions occurring frequently in the benchmarks should be considered. We call such functions practical and give frequency statistics in the experimental results section.


However, even the number of practical functions can be very large. To reduce this number and memory needed to store them in a library, they can be broken into equivalence classes using a canonical form. In this case, only representatives of equivalence classes are stored in the library.

  • Algorithm 1: Generating semi-canonical form

对于多输入变量的函数,并不计算所有的NPN等价类,只是根据所跑的benchmark计算practical的类,因此称作semi-canonical form,好处是可以节省大量的run time。

Details: The procedure takes the truth table of a Boolean function and transforms it into a semi- canonical form. This form is the Boolean function of the representative of the equivalence class, to which the given function belongs. First, the output of the function is complimented based on the number of 1s in it. Then, the phase of each variable is decided by the number of the 1s in the negative and positive cofactors. Lastly, the variable ordering is determined by sorting variables using the number of 1s in their cofactors. Variables uCanonPhase and pCanonPerm record the changes in the truth table. They are returned to the calling procedure and later used to determine how to unpermute the subgraphs stored in the library, when this subgraph is used to synthesize a given function.

  • Algorithm 2: Adding structures to library


All the optimized structures are stored in the same AIG manager. A library of N-input functions contains also functions with less than N-inputs, but they are remapped to structures which depend on the variables with the smallest variable indexes. Each circuit structure stored in the AIG is identified by a separate primary output.

In this paper, we use the LUT mapper if in ABC as a structural cut browser to generate a fixed number of K-input cuts for each node in benchmark circuits.

Here are the commands for library construction implemented in ABC as part of this work:

  1. rec_start: Starts the LMS recorder.
  2. rec_add: Explores cuts of the current network using the cut browser and add useful AIG structures to the library.
  3. rec_filter: Removes those structures form the library, whose semi-canonical classes appear less frequently than the limit given by
    the user.
  4. rec_merge: Merges two previously computed libraries, by combining their circuit structures without the cut browser.
  5. rec_ps: Prints statistics for the currently loaded library.
  6. rec_use: Transforms the internal library to the current network in ABC, so it can be written into a file.
  7. rec_stop: Deletes the current library. Useful before the computation of a new library begins or when it is desirable to free
    the memory used by the currently stored library.
  • Algorithm 3: Perform LMS on subject graph.

  • SOP balancing uses only one AIG structure derived from an SOP of the function, while LMS has multiple structures to choose from,
    including those derived by SOP balancing, if these were harvested
    during library computation.
  • LMS scales to larger functions (up to 12 inputs and more), while SOP balancing works in practice only when the number of variables does not exceed 8.

2.1.5 Result

  • 如何创建library

Before the experiment, rec_start is called. After the experiment, rec_use is called, followed by writing the library into a file.
read file; st; rec_add; // add the original AIG structures
• dc2; rec_add; // add structures derived by dc2
• if -K 8; bidec; st; rec_add;
• if -K 8; mfs; st; rec_add;
• if -K 8; bidec; st; rec_add;
• if -g -K 6; st; rec_add;// add structures created by SOP balancing
• if -g -K 6; st; rec_add;

  • 实验步骤比较对象
  • Map: st; resyn2; if -K 4 or 6
  • MapC: st; resyn2; dch -f; if -K 4 or 6
  • SOPBC: st; if -gm -K 6; st; resyn2; dch -f; if -K 4 or 6
  • LMSC: st; if -ym -K 6; st; resyn2; dch -f; if -K 4 or 6
  • 实验结果

2.2 window based resubstitution

2.2.1 Contributions


This paper proposes a resurgence of rewriting and peephole optimization. However, instead of structural matching and rule-based synthesis used in the classical approach, the proposed local transformations rely on efficient modern techniques, such as precomputation, reconvergence analysis, cut enumeration, Boolean matching, exhaustive simulation of small logic cones, and local resource-aware decision procedures based on Boolean satisfiability.

2.2.2 Why proposed ?


  • AIG作为同构网络,处理速度较快
  • Instead of graph isomorphic and SOP-based optimization, Boolean functions of a group of AIG nodes is computed in terms of various fanin cuts. Several exhaustive and selective cut computations can be used, including a recent development that can efficiently enumerate all cuts up to 12 inputs.
  • The Boolean functions of cuts are represented using truth tables. Due to the high speed of bit-parallel manipulation, sub-problems arising in local optimization are often solved, without using SAT or BDDs, by exhaustive simulation, which scales up to 16 inputs.

2.2.3 Background

  • 详见术语表以及section 1.4.

Exhaustive simulation

Exhaustive simulation is a practical way of checking equivalence of Boolean function of a node whose size does not exceed 16 inputs. Exhaustive simulation is performed using bitwise simulation of the cone with 2^k different input patterns, where k is the number of leaves. Another way of looking at exhaustive simulation is that it computes the truth-table of the root in terms of the elementary truth-tables set at the leaves.





Figure 2.3.2 shows a 1 × 1 window for node N in a DAG. The nodes labeled I1 , O1 , S, L, and R are in correspondence with the pseudo-code in Figure 2.3.1. The window’s roots (top) and leaves (bottom) are shaded. Note that the nodes labeled by P do not belong to TFI and TFO of N, but represent reconvergent paths in the vicinity of N. The left-most root and right-most root are not in the TFO of N and can be dropped, as explained above

Reconvergence-driven cut computation

当从节点输出开始的路径在到达 PO 之前再次相遇时,就会发生重新收敛.

Reconvergence occurs when the paths starting at the output of a node meet again before reaching the POs. Reconvergence is inevitable due to logic sharing in multi-level logic networks, but excessive reconvergence is often redundant.

  • 基于重新收敛的cut计算

Present a simple and efficient cut computation algorithm, which computes a cut close to a given size (if such cut exists) while heuristically maximizing the cut volume and the number of reconvergent paths subsumed in the cut.

2.2.4 Algorithm


  • what is rewriting ?


Rewriting is a fast greedy algorithm for minimizing the number of AIG nodes by iteratively selecting AIG subgraphs rooted at a node and replacing them with smaller pre-computed subgraphs, while preserving the functionality of the node.


• Using 4-input cuts instead of two-level subgraphs.
• Restricting rewriting to preserve the number of logic levels.
• Developing several variations of AIG rewriting that look at
larger subgraphs and/or attempt to reduce the delay.
• Experimental tune-up for logic synthesis applications.


  For the purposes of AIG rewriting, all 4-feasible cuts of the nodes are found by the fast cut enumeration procedure. For each cut, the Boolean function is computed and its NPN-class is determined by table lookup. Manipulation of 4-variable functions is fast because they are represented using truth tables stored as 16-bit bit-strings. Altogether there are 222 NPN equivalence classes of 4-variable functions, of which only about 100 appear as functions of 4-feasible cuts in any of the available benchmarks, and only about 40 of these have been found experimentally to lead to improvements in rewriting. The unifying characteristic of these 40 remaining NPN-classes is that they are decomposable using simple disjoint-support decomposition.
 All non-redundant AIG implementations of the representative functions of the 40 equivalence classes are pre-computed in advance and stored in the hash table, hashed by the truth table of their NPN-class. The AIG subgraphs are stored in a shared DAG with approximately 2,000 nodes. This DAG is compiled into our program as an integer array, which noticeably reduced the setup time of the rewriting package.

  • Algorithm
    4-input rewriting algorithm

After trying all available subgraphs, the one that leads to the largest improvement at a node is used at the node. If there is no improvement but “zero-cost replacement” is enabled, a new subgraph that does not increase the number of nodes is used.

  • Example

Example. Figure 3.1.2 shows three AIG subgraphs for the function F = abc. They are pre-computed and stored. Figure 3.1.3 shows two instances of AIG rewriting. The upper part of the figure shows the situation when Subgraph 1 is detected in the circuit and replaced by Subgraph 2. The lower part of the figure shows two nodes AND(a, b) and AND(a, c) already present in the network. In this case, Subgraph 2 can be replaced by Subgraph 1. In both cases, the network has one node less.


  • what is resubstitution ?

Resubstitution expresses the function of a node using other nodes (called divisors) already present in the network. The transformation is accepted if the new implementation of the node is in some sense better than its current implementation using the immediate fanins.

  • Some backgrounds

In the case of an AIG, the best outcome of resubstitution is when the whole MFFC of the node can be freed and the node’s function can be expressed using other nodes, currently outside of the node’s MFFC. This outcome corresponds to a 0-resubstitution when no new nodes are added to the AIG while the MFFC is removed. Similarly, if the MFFC is composed of more than one node, and there is no 0 resubstitution, the best outcome is given by a 1 resubstitution, which exists if the function of the node, whose MFFC is being considered, can be expressed using the available node and exactly one additional node.

  • re-substitution example

    In the AIG shown in Figure 3.2.2 (left), node g has MFFC of size 2 composed of nodes g and p. One node can be saved if node g is replaced by the complement of node f, which does not belong to the original AIG but can be added on top of the already present nodes n and m, as shown in Figure 3.2.2 (right). Indeed, g = a(b + c + d), f = n + m = a(b + c) + ad = a(b + c + d). This resubstitution is an example of applying the algebraic distributive transform.

Redundancy removal


2.2.5 Results


2.3 Rewriting

paper: DAG-aware AIG rewriting: A fresh look at combinational logic synthesis, Alan, 2006.

3. 储备知识

3.1 what is blif ?


The goal of BLIF is to describe a logic-level hierarchical circuit in textual form.

  • example

.names v3 v6 j u78 v13.15
1–0 1
-1-1 1
0-11 1


 In a given row of the single-output-cover, “1” means the input is used in uncomplemented form, “0” means the input is complemented, and “–” means not used. Elements of a row are AND ed together, and then all rows are OR ed.

The translation of the above sample logic-gate into a sum-of-products notation would be as follows:
v13.15 = (v3 u78’) + (v6 u78) + (v3’ j u78)
To assign the constant “0” to some logic gate j, use the following construct:
.names j
To assign the constant “1”, use the following:
.names j

这里只给出了很基本的一种组合逻辑blif格式,如果想了解更多关于blif的内容,请参考文章:Berkeley Logic Interchange Format ( BLIF )

3.2 setup time和hold time

请参考本人另外一篇博客: setup time和hold time

3.3 弄懂时序逻辑







3.3.1 RS 触发器

  • 电路图:

S是Set 的首字母,也就是设置端,R 是Reset 的首字母,也就是复位端。


输出信号的状态就是(Q^(N+1) 次态) 同时刻输入信号的状态就是(S、R) 输出之前的状态就是(Q^N 现态)

  • 真值表



3.3.2 D触发器(A Flip Flop, DFF)



3.3.3 寄存器



More details u can refer to this presentation [寄存器讲解]

3.4 mux & decoder & selector

请参考本人这篇博客 ,
mux & decoder & selector详解



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  5. oracle 904 maxsize,EXP-00008: 遇到 ORACLE 错误 904 ORA-01003
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  8. jupyter notebook一些实用技巧
  9. sql 异常除非另外还指定了 TOP、OFFSET 或 FOR XML,否则,ORDER BY 子句在视图、内联函数、派生表、子查询和公用表表达式中无效。...
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