


1.1.1 空格、Tab、\014

static int
tok_get(struct tok_state *tok, const char **p_start, const char **p_end)
{.../* Get indentation level */if (tok->atbol) { //atbol => at begin of line, 在行开头int col = 0;int altcol = 0;tok->atbol = 0;for (;;) {//死循环,一直跳过空格、\t、\014c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == ' ') {col++, altcol++;}else if (c == '\t') {col = (col / tok->tabsize + 1) * tok->tabsize;altcol = (altcol / ALTTABSIZE + 1) * ALTTABSIZE;}else if (c == '\014')  {/* Control-L (formfeed) */col = altcol = 0; /* For Emacs users */}else {//其他字符,退出forbreak;}}tok_backup(tok, c); //将正常的字符放回缓冲区中...

1.1.2 处理空白行


static int
tok_get(struct tok_state *tok, const char **p_start, const char **p_end)
{.../* Get indentation level */if (tok->atbol) { //atbol => at begin of line, 在行开头...if (c == '#' || c == '\n' || c == '\\') {/* Lines with only whitespace and/or commentsand/or a line continuation charactershouldn't affect the indentation and arenot passed to the parser as NEWLINE tokens,except *totally* empty lines in interactivemode, which signal the end of a command group. */if (col == 0 && c == '\n' && tok->prompt != NULL) {blankline = 0; /* Let it through */}else if (tok->prompt != NULL && tok->lineno == 1) {/* In interactive mode, if the first line containsonly spaces and/or a comment, let it through. */blankline = 0;col = altcol = 0;}else {blankline = 1; /* Ignore completely */}/* We can't jump back right here since we stillmay need to skip to the end of a comment */}...

1.1.3 填写标识符列位置

static int
tok_get(struct tok_state *tok, const char **p_start, const char **p_end)
{.../* Get indentation level */if (tok->atbol) {...//对非空白行以及level=0时,填写标识符的列信息if (!blankline && tok->level == 0) {if (col == tok->indstack[tok->indent]) {/* No change */if (altcol != tok->altindstack[tok->indent]) {return indenterror(tok);}}else if (col > tok->indstack[tok->indent]) {/* Indent -- always one */if (tok->indent+1 >= MAXINDENT) {tok->done = E_TOODEEP;tok->cur = tok->inp;return ERRORTOKEN;}if (altcol <= tok->altindstack[tok->indent]) {return indenterror(tok);}tok->pendin++;tok->indstack[++tok->indent] = col;tok->altindstack[tok->indent] = altcol;}else /* col < tok->indstack[tok->indent] */ {/* Dedent -- any number, must be consistent */while (tok->indent > 0 &&col < tok->indstack[tok->indent]) {tok->pendin--;tok->indent--;}if (col != tok->indstack[tok->indent]) {tok->done = E_DEDENT;tok->cur = tok->inp;return ERRORTOKEN;}if (altcol != tok->altindstack[tok->indent]) {return indenterror(tok);}}}


static int
tok_get(struct tok_state *tok, const char **p_start, const char **p_end)
{...tok->start = tok->cur;/* Return pending indents/dedents */if (tok->pendin != 0) {if (tok->pendin < 0) {tok->pendin++;return DEDENT;}else {tok->pendin--;return INDENT;}}


/* Peek ahead at the next character */c = tok_nextc(tok);tok_backup(tok, c);


 /* Check if we are closing an async function */if (tok->async_def&& !blankline/* Due to some implementation artifacts of type comments,* a TYPE_COMMENT at the start of a function won't set an* indentation level and it will produce a NEWLINE after it.* To avoid spuriously ending an async function due to this,* wait until we have some non-newline char in front of us. */&& c != '\n'&& tok->level == 0/* There was a NEWLINE after ASYNC DEF,so we're past the signature. */&& tok->async_def_nl/* Current indentation level is less than wherethe async function was defined */&& tok->async_def_indent >= tok->indent){tok->async_def = 0;tok->async_def_indent = 0;tok->async_def_nl = 0;}



 again:tok->start = NULL;/* Skip spaces */do {c = tok_nextc(tok);} while (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\014');/* Set start of current token */tok->start = tok->cur - 1;


/* Skip comment, unless it's a type comment */if (c == '#') {const char *prefix, *p, *type_start;while (c != EOF && c != '\n') {c = tok_nextc(tok);}if (tok->type_comments) {p = tok->start;prefix = type_comment_prefix;while (*prefix && p < tok->cur) {if (*prefix == ' ') {while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') {p++;}} else if (*prefix == *p) {p++;} else {break;}prefix++;}/* This is a type comment if we matched all of type_comment_prefix. */if (!*prefix) {int is_type_ignore = 1;const char *ignore_end = p + 6;tok_backup(tok, c);  /* don't eat the newline or EOF */type_start = p;/* A TYPE_IGNORE is "type: ignore" followed by the end of the token* or anything ASCII and non-alphanumeric. */is_type_ignore = (tok->cur >= ignore_end && memcmp(p, "ignore", 6) == 0&& !(tok->cur > ignore_end&& ((unsigned char)ignore_end[0] >= 128 || Py_ISALNUM(ignore_end[0]))));if (is_type_ignore) {*p_start = ignore_end;*p_end = tok->cur;/* If this type ignore is the only thing on the line, consume the newline also. */if (blankline) {tok_nextc(tok);tok->atbol = 1;}return TYPE_IGNORE;} else {*p_start = type_start;  /* after type_comment_prefix */*p_end = tok->cur;return TYPE_COMMENT;}}}}


 /* Check for EOF and errors now */if (c == EOF) {if (tok->level) {return ERRORTOKEN;}return tok->done == E_EOF ? ENDMARKER : ERRORTOKEN;}



#define is_potential_identifier_start(c) (\(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')\|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')\|| c == '_'\|| (c >= 128))#define is_potential_identifier_char(c) (\(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')\|| (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')\|| (c >= '0' && c <= '9')\|| c == '_'\|| (c >= 128))
 /* Identifier (most frequent token!) */nonascii = 0;if (is_potential_identifier_start(c)) {/* Process the various legal combinations of b"", r"", u"", and f"". */int saw_b = 0, saw_r = 0, saw_u = 0, saw_f = 0;while (1) {if (!(saw_b || saw_u || saw_f) && (c == 'b' || c == 'B'))saw_b = 1;/* Since this is a backwards compatibility support literal we don'twant to support it in arbitrary order like byte literals. */else if (!(saw_b || saw_u || saw_r || saw_f)&& (c == 'u'|| c == 'U')) {saw_u = 1;}/* ur"" and ru"" are not supported */else if (!(saw_r || saw_u) && (c == 'r' || c == 'R')) {saw_r = 1;}else if (!(saw_f || saw_b || saw_u) && (c == 'f' || c == 'F')) {saw_f = 1;}else {break;}c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {goto letter_quote;}}while (is_potential_identifier_char(c)) {if (c >= 128) {nonascii = 1;}c = tok_nextc(tok);}tok_backup(tok, c);if (nonascii && !verify_identifier(tok)) {return ERRORTOKEN;}*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;/* async/await parsing block. */if (tok->cur - tok->start == 5 && tok->start[0] == 'a') {/* May be an 'async' or 'await' token.  For Python 3.7 orlater we recognize them unconditionally.  For Python3.5 or 3.6 we recognize 'async' in front of 'def', andeither one inside of 'async def'.  (Technically weshouldn't recognize these at all for 3.4 or earlier,but there's no *valid* Python 3.4 code that would berejected, and async functions will be rejected in alater phase.) */if (!tok->async_hacks || tok->async_def) {/* Always recognize the keywords. */if (memcmp(tok->start, "async", 5) == 0) {return ASYNC;}if (memcmp(tok->start, "await", 5) == 0) {return AWAIT;}}else if (memcmp(tok->start, "async", 5) == 0) {/* The current token is 'async'.Look ahead one token to see if that is 'def'. */struct tok_state ahead_tok;const char *ahead_tok_start = NULL;const char *ahead_tok_end = NULL;int ahead_tok_kind;memcpy(&ahead_tok, tok, sizeof(ahead_tok));ahead_tok_kind = tok_get(&ahead_tok, &ahead_tok_start,&ahead_tok_end);if (ahead_tok_kind == NAME&& ahead_tok.cur - ahead_tok.start == 3&& memcmp(ahead_tok.start, "def", 3) == 0){/* The next token is going to be 'def', so instead ofreturning a plain NAME token, return ASYNC. */tok->async_def_indent = tok->indent;tok->async_def = 1;return ASYNC;}}}return NAME;}


/* Newline */if (c == '\n') {tok->atbol = 1;if (blankline || tok->level > 0) {goto nextline;}*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur - 1; /* Leave '\n' out of the string */tok->cont_line = 0;if (tok->async_def) {/* We're somewhere inside an 'async def' function, andwe've encountered a NEWLINE after its signature. */tok->async_def_nl = 1;}return NEWLINE;}


/* Period or number starting with period? */if (c == '.') {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (isdigit(c)) {goto fraction;} else if (c == '.') {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == '.') {*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return ELLIPSIS;}else {tok_backup(tok, c);}tok_backup(tok, '.');}else {tok_backup(tok, c);}*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return DOT;}


/* Number */if (isdigit(c)) {if (c == '0') {/* Hex, octal or binary -- maybe. */c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == 'x' || c == 'X') {/* Hex */c = tok_nextc(tok);do {if (c == '_') {c = tok_nextc(tok);}if (!isxdigit(c)) {tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror(tok, "invalid hexadecimal literal");}do {c = tok_nextc(tok);} while (isxdigit(c));} while (c == '_');if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "hexadecimal")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}else if (c == 'o' || c == 'O') {/* Octal */c = tok_nextc(tok);do {if (c == '_') {c = tok_nextc(tok);}if (c < '0' || c >= '8') {if (isdigit(c)) {return syntaxerror(tok,"invalid digit '%c' in octal literal", c);}else {tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror(tok, "invalid octal literal");}}do {c = tok_nextc(tok);} while ('0' <= c && c < '8');} while (c == '_');if (isdigit(c)) {return syntaxerror(tok,"invalid digit '%c' in octal literal", c);}if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "octal")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}else if (c == 'b' || c == 'B') {/* Binary */c = tok_nextc(tok);do {if (c == '_') {c = tok_nextc(tok);}if (c != '0' && c != '1') {if (isdigit(c)) {return syntaxerror(tok,"invalid digit '%c' in binary literal", c);}else {tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror(tok, "invalid binary literal");}}do {c = tok_nextc(tok);} while (c == '0' || c == '1');} while (c == '_');if (isdigit(c)) {return syntaxerror(tok,"invalid digit '%c' in binary literal", c);}if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "binary")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}else {int nonzero = 0;/* maybe old-style octal; c is first char of it *//* in any case, allow '0' as a literal */while (1) {if (c == '_') {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (!isdigit(c)) {tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror(tok, "invalid decimal literal");}}if (c != '0') {break;}c = tok_nextc(tok);}char* zeros_end = tok->cur;if (isdigit(c)) {nonzero = 1;c = tok_decimal_tail(tok);if (c == 0) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}if (c == '.') {c = tok_nextc(tok);goto fraction;}else if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {goto exponent;}else if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') {goto imaginary;}else if (nonzero) {/* Old-style octal: now disallowed. */tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror_known_range(tok, (int)(tok->start + 1 - tok->line_start),(int)(zeros_end - tok->line_start),"leading zeros in decimal integer ""literals are not permitted; ""use an 0o prefix for octal integers");}if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "decimal")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}}else {/* Decimal */c = tok_decimal_tail(tok);if (c == 0) {return ERRORTOKEN;}{/* Accept floating point numbers. */if (c == '.') {c = tok_nextc(tok);fraction:/* Fraction */if (isdigit(c)) {c = tok_decimal_tail(tok);if (c == 0) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}}if (c == 'e' || c == 'E') {int e;exponent:e = c;/* Exponent part */c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == '+' || c == '-') {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (!isdigit(c)) {tok_backup(tok, c);return syntaxerror(tok, "invalid decimal literal");}} else if (!isdigit(c)) {tok_backup(tok, c);if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, e, "decimal")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}tok_backup(tok, e);*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return NUMBER;}c = tok_decimal_tail(tok);if (c == 0) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}if (c == 'j' || c == 'J') {/* Imaginary part */imaginary:c = tok_nextc(tok);if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "imaginary")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}else if (!verify_end_of_number(tok, c, "decimal")) {return ERRORTOKEN;}}}tok_backup(tok, c);*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return NUMBER;}


/* String */if (c == '\'' || c == '"') {int quote = c;int quote_size = 1;             /* 1 or 3 */int end_quote_size = 0;/* Nodes of type STRING, especially multi line stringsmust be handled differently in order to get boththe starting line number and the column offset right.(cf. issue 16806) */tok->first_lineno = tok->lineno;tok->multi_line_start = tok->line_start;/* Find the quote size and start of string */c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == quote) {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == quote) {quote_size = 3;}else {end_quote_size = 1;     /* empty string found */}}if (c != quote) {tok_backup(tok, c);}/* Get rest of string */while (end_quote_size != quote_size) {c = tok_nextc(tok);if (c == EOF || (quote_size == 1 && c == '\n')) {assert(tok->multi_line_start != NULL);// shift the tok_state's location into// the start of string, and report the error// from the initial quote charactertok->cur = (char *)tok->start;tok->cur++;tok->line_start = tok->multi_line_start;int start = tok->lineno;tok->lineno = tok->first_lineno;if (quote_size == 3) {return syntaxerror(tok,"unterminated triple-quoted string literal"" (detected at line %d)", start);}else {return syntaxerror(tok,"unterminated string literal (detected at"" line %d)", start);}}if (c == quote) {end_quote_size += 1;}else {end_quote_size = 0;if (c == '\\') {tok_nextc(tok);  /* skip escaped char */}}}*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return STRING;}



    /* Check for two-character token */{int c2 = tok_nextc(tok);int token = PyToken_TwoChars(c, c2);if (token != OP) {int c3 = tok_nextc(tok);int token3 = PyToken_ThreeChars(c, c2, c3);if (token3 != OP) {token = token3;}else {tok_backup(tok, c3);}*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return token;}tok_backup(tok, c2);}



 /* Keep track of parentheses nesting level */switch (c) {case '(':case '[':case '{':if (tok->level >= MAXLEVEL) {return syntaxerror(tok, "too many nested parentheses");}tok->parenstack[tok->level] = c;tok->parenlinenostack[tok->level] = tok->lineno;tok->parencolstack[tok->level] = (int)(tok->start - tok->line_start);tok->level++;break;case ')':case ']':case '}':if (!tok->level) {return syntaxerror(tok, "unmatched '%c'", c);}tok->level--;int opening = tok->parenstack[tok->level];if (!((opening == '(' && c == ')') ||(opening == '[' && c == ']') ||(opening == '{' && c == '}'))){if (tok->parenlinenostack[tok->level] != tok->lineno) {return syntaxerror(tok,"closing parenthesis '%c' does not match ""opening parenthesis '%c' on line %d",c, opening, tok->parenlinenostack[tok->level]);}else {return syntaxerror(tok,"closing parenthesis '%c' does not match ""opening parenthesis '%c'",c, opening);}}break;}/* Punctuation character */*p_start = tok->start;*p_end = tok->cur;return PyToken_OneChar(c);


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