

  • 常见词根与词缀


词根/词缀 含义 示例 词源
cyst(o)- bladder 囊,膀胱 cystoma 囊瘤
cystitis 膀胱炎
from Greek kustis ‘bladder’.
cyt(o)- cell 细胞 cytoplasm 细胞质
cytology 细胞学
from Greek kutos ‘vessel’.
hist(o)- tissue 组织 histology 组织学
histoma 组织瘤
from Greek histos ‘web, tissue’.
men(o)- menses, period 月经 menopathy 月经病
menopause 月经
late 16th century: from Latin, plural of mensis ‘month’.
my(o)- muscle 肌 myodynamics 肌动力学
myocyte 肌细胞
from Greek mus, mu- ‘mouse or muscle’.
ovari(o)- ovary 卵巢 ovaritis 卵巢炎
ovariotherapy 卵巢制剂疗法
mid 17th century: from modern Latin ovarium, from Latin ovum ‘egg’
placent(o)- placenta 胎盘 placentitis 胎盘炎
placentotoxin 胎盘毒素
late 17th century: from Latin, from Greek plakous, plakount- ‘flat cake’, based on plax, plak- ‘flat plate’.
ureter(o)- ureter 输尿管 ureteropathy 输尿管病
ureterolith 输尿管结石
late 16th century: from French uretère or modern Latin ureter, from Greek ourētēr, from ourein ‘urinate’.
urethr(o)- urethra 尿道 urethroscope 尿道镜
urethrospasm 尿道痉挛
mid 17th century: from late Latin, from Greek ourēthra, from ourein ‘urinate’.
-gram record 图,像 cystogram 膀胱照片
placentogram 胎盘照片
from gramma “record”,
from Greek gramma ‘thing written, letter of the alphabet’, from graphein ‘write’.
-graph graph 图
recorder 描记器
myograph 肌动描记器
urethrograph 尿道内径描记器
late 19th century: abbreviation of graphic formula .
-graphy graph-making technology 造影术 ureterography 输尿管造影术
photography 照相术
from or suggested by Greek -graphia ‘writing’.
注:-gram,-graph,与-graphy都与“图像”有关,-gram专指“照片”,-graph既可指“照片”,又可指 “拍照的机器”,而-graphy则专指 “拍照的技术”。
-pathy disease 病 myopathy 肌病
ovariopathy 卵巢病
from Greek patheia ‘suffering, feeling’.
-scope to look at 窥镜 cystoscope 膀胱镜
telescope 望远镜
mid 16th century (in the sense ‘target for shooting at’)
from modern Latin -scopium, from Greek skopein ‘look at’.
-scopy examine 检查
technology of examination 检查术
cystoscopy 膀胱镜检查
urethroscopy 尿道镜检查
from Greek skopia ‘observation’, from skopein ‘examine, look at’.


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