


HTML5 canvas幽灵鬼魂动画代码 - 源码之家

canvas {

position: fixed;

top: 0;

left: 0;


var blobs = [];

function setup() {

var iHeight = window.innerHeight;

if (iHeight < 500) {

iHeight = 500;


createCanvas(window.innerWidth, iHeight);

drawingContext.shadowOffsetX = 0;

drawingContext.shadowOffsetY = 0;

drawingContext.shadowBlur = 60;

drawingContext.shadowColor = "rgb(255, 176, 190)";

for (var i = 0; i < 13; i ) {

blobs.push(new Blob(random(width), random(height)));



function draw() {

background(13, 33);

for (var b = 0; b < blobs.length; b ) {





function Blob(x, y) {

this.pos = createVector(x, y);

this.vel = p5.Vector.random2D();

this.vel.mult(random(1, 3));

this.r = random(42, 72);

this.yoff = random(1000);

this.update = function() {


if (this.pos.x > width || this.pos.x < 0) {

this.vel.x *= -1;


if (this.pos.y > height || this.pos.y < 0) {

this.vel.y *= -1;



this.show = function() {




translate(this.pos.x, this.pos.y);


var xoff = 0;

for (var a = 0; a < TWO_PI; a = 0.1) {

var offset;

if (a > PI/6 && a < 5 * PI/6) {

offset = map(noise(xoff, this.yoff), 0, 1, -0.31 * this.r, 0.78 * this.r);

} else {

offset = map(noise(xoff, this.yoff), 0, 1, -0.08 * this.r, 0.08 * this.r);


var r = this.r offset;

var x = r * cos(a);

var y = r * sin(a);

vertex(x, y);

xoff = 0.1;



this.yoff = 0.08;


var eyeOffset = 0.23 * this.r;



ellipse(this.pos.x - eyeOffset, this.pos.y - eyeOffset, 0.16 * this.r, 0.23 * this.r);

ellipse(this.pos.x eyeOffset, this.pos.y - eyeOffset, 0.16 * this.r, 0.23 * this.r);


line(this.pos.x - eyeOffset * 2, this.pos.y - eyeOffset * 2, this.pos.x, this.pos.y - eyeOffset);

line(this.pos.x eyeOffset * 2, this.pos.y - eyeOffset * 2, this.pos.x, this.pos.y - eyeOffset);



ellipse(this.pos.x - eyeOffset, this.pos.y - eyeOffset - 3, 0.08 * this.r, 0.125 * this.r);

ellipse(this.pos.x eyeOffset, this.pos.y - eyeOffset - 3, 0.08 * this.r, 0.125 * this.r);


arc(this.pos.x, this.pos.y, 0.5 * this.r, 0.5 * this.r, 0, PI);




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