特效描述:html5 canvas 行星运动 轨迹动画特效。html5运动轨迹,行星动画特效


1. 引入JS

2. HTML代码

Your browser doesn't support canvas


* Constants


const TWO_PI = Math.PI * 2;

const ALLOWED_CHARACTERS = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789";


* Simple settings objects so we can easily mutate these values using dat.gui

* @type {{spawnMass: number, pauseWhileAiming: boolean, amountOfPredictions: number}}


const settings = {

spawnMass: 25,

pauseWhileAiming: false,

amountOfPredictions: 200



* Application Class

* The heart of the application and responsible for initializing all objects and updating/rendering them


class Application {


* Application constructor


constructor() {

this.canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");

this.context = this.canvas.getContext("2d");

this.width = this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;

this.height = this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

this.center = {

x: this.width / 2,

y: this.height / 2


this.solarSystem = new SolarSystem();

this.planetLauncher = new PlanetLauncher(this.canvas, this.solarSystem);

//Resize listener for the canvas to fill the browser window dynamically

window.addEventListener('resize', () => this.resizeCanvas(), false);



* Simple resize function. Reinitializing everything on the canvas while changing the width/height

* @return {void}


resizeCanvas() {

//Recalculate the width and height of the canvas and thus the center of the canvas as well

this.width = this.canvas.width = window.innerWidth;

this.height = this.canvas.height = window.innerHeight;

this.center = {

x: this.width / 2,

y: this.height / 2





* Updates the application and every child of the application

* @return {void}


update() {

if (settings.pauseWhileAiming === false) {


} else if (settings.pauseWhileAiming === true && this.planetLauncher.isMouseDown === false) {






* Renders the application and every child of the application

* @return {void}


render() {

//Clear the entire canvas to make it empty for the new render loop

this.context.clearRect(0, 0, this.width, this.height);





* Update and render the application at least 60 times a second

* @return {void}


loop() {



window.requestAnimationFrame(() => this.loop());



* Throw all planets away and initialize a whole new array of planets

* @return {void}


reset() {

this.solarSystem.planets = [];





* SolarSystem class

* Is responsible for maintaining and updating all of it's planets


class SolarSystem {


* SolarSystem constructor


constructor() {

this.planets = [];



* Initialize the planets container by filling it with Planet objects

* @param center - An object containing the x and y variables that describe the center of the canvas

* @return {void}


initializePlanets(center) {

this.planets.push(new Planet(center.x, center.y, 0, 0, 200));

this.planets.push(new Planet(center.x, center.y - 150, 1.1, 0, 25));

this.planets.push(new Planet(center.x + 70, center.y - 90, 1.45, Math.PI, 25));

this.planets.push(new Planet(center.x - 180, center.y + 160, 1, Math.PI / 1.4, 25));

this.planets.push(new Planet(center.x - 150, center.y + 100, 1.1, Math.PI * 2.4, 75));



* Updates the application and every child of the application

* @return {void}


update() {

//Keep an array of all destroyed planets, because we don't want to mutate the planets array while calculating all values

let destroyedPlanets = [];

for (let i = 0; i < this.planets.length; i++) {

//If the planet collides with another planet, don't bother continuing the gravity calculations for this planet

if (SolarSystem.collidesWithAnotherPlanet(this.planets[i], this.planets) === true) {




//Calculate the total gravitational pull from all the other planets in the solar system

let gravitationalPull = SolarSystem.gravitationalPullFromOtherPlanets(this.planets[i], this.planets);

//Update the current planet by changing it's position based on it's velocity




//Remove all planets that should be destroyed, because they've hit something during this update loop

for (let i = 0; i < destroyedPlanets.length; i++) {

this.planets.splice(destroyedPlanets[i], 1);




* Renders the SolarSystem and every child of the application

* @param context - The context of the canvas that the application is being rendered on

* @return {void}


render(context) {

for (let i = 0; i < this.planets.length; i++) {





* Check whether one planet collides with another planet

* @param {Planet} planet

* @param {Array} planets

* @return {boolean}


static collidesWithAnotherPlanet(planet, planets) {

for (let i = 0; i < planets.length; i++) {

//We don't want to check for collision with the same planet. A planet can't hit itself

if (planet.name === planets[i].name) {



//If the other planet is bigger than the current planet, don't bother checking for collisions

if (planets[i].mass <= planet.mass) {



//Check if the current planet hits the other planet

if (SolarSystem.hasCollisionBetween(planet, planets[i])) {

return true;



return false;



* Calculate the gravitational pull on one planet based on distance to other planets

* @param {Planet} planet

* @param {Array} planets

* @returns {Vector2D}


static gravitationalPullFromOtherPlanets(planet, planets) {

let totalGravitationalPull = new Vector2D(0, 0);

for (let i = 0; i < planets.length; i++) {

//We don't want to check for gravitational pull on the same planet, neither should a planet collide with itself

if (planet.name === planets[i].name) {



//If the other planet's mass is smaller than the current planets mass, don't bother to check for gravity changes.

//A bigger planet shouldn't be affected by a very small planet, as this isn't a scientifically accurate representation of the galaxy.

if (planets[i].mass <= planet.mass) {



//Calculate the gravitationalPull on the current planet

totalGravitationalPull.addTo(SolarSystem.gravitationalPull(planet, planets[i]));


return totalGravitationalPull;



* If the current planet hits a bigger planet, it should be destroyed by impact

* I calculate this by doing a simple check on the distance and the radii of both planets

* @param {Planet} currentPlanet

* @param {Planet} otherPlanet


static hasCollisionBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet) {

let distanceTo = SolarSystem.distanceBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet);

//If the current planet hits a bigger planet, it should be destroyed by impact

//I calculate this by doing a simple check on the distance and the radii of both planets

return (distanceTo <= (otherPlanet.radius + currentPlanet.radius));



* Calculate the gravitational pull on the current planet based on the other planet's mass and distance between the two planets

* @param {Planet} currentPlanet

* @param {Planet} otherPlanet


static gravitationalPull(currentPlanet, otherPlanet) {

//Calculate the angle and distance between the current planet and the current other planet

let angle = SolarSystem.angleBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet);

let distanceTo = SolarSystem.distanceBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet);

//Create a new gravity Vector2D that will affect the current planet's velocity

//Set the angle and length of the gravity vector. The length is based on the mass of the other planet and the distance between the current planet and that planet.

let gravity = new Vector2D(0, 0);

gravity.setLength(otherPlanet.mass / (distanceTo * distanceTo));


//Return the gravitational pull that is applied the current planet by the other planet

return gravity;



* Calculate the distance between the current planet and the current other planet

* @param {Planet} currentPlanet

* @param {Planet} otherPlanet

* @returns {number}


static distanceBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet) {

//Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axis

let dx = otherPlanet.position.getX() - currentPlanet.position.getX();

let dy = otherPlanet.position.getY() - currentPlanet.position.getY();

//Calculate the distance between the current planet and the current other planet

return Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);



* Calculate the angle between the current planet and the current other planet

* @param {Planet} currentPlanet

* @param {Planet} otherPlanet

* @returns {number}


static angleBetween(currentPlanet, otherPlanet) {

//Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axis

let dx = otherPlanet.position.getX() - currentPlanet.position.getX();

let dy = otherPlanet.position.getY() - currentPlanet.position.getY();

return Math.atan2(dy, dx);




* Planet Class


class Planet {


* Planet constructor

* @param {number} x - The horizontal position of the planet

* @param {number} y - The vertical position of the planet

* @param {number} speed - The initial speed of the planet

* @param {number} direction - The initial direction in which the planet moves

* @param {number} mass - The mass and thus size of the planet


constructor(x, y, speed, direction, mass) {

this.name = Utils.randomString(10);

this.position = new Vector2D(x, y);

this.velocity = new Vector2D(0, 0);



this.mass = mass;

this.radius = mass / 5;

this.sunlitRadius = mass / 6;

this.radialDifference = this.radius - this.sunlitRadius;

this.color = Utils.getRandomInt(0, 360);



* Update the planet by changing it's position based on it's velocity

* @return {void}


update() {




* Renders the planet

* @param context - The context of the canvas that the application is being rendered on

* @return {void}


render(context) {

//Draw the unlit part of the planet

context.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + this.color + ', 70%, 51%, 1)';


context.arc(this.position.getX(), this.position.getY(), this.radius, 0, TWO_PI);


//Draw the lit part of the planet

context.fillStyle = 'hsla(' + this.color + ', 100%, 63%, 1)';


context.arc(this.position.getX() - (this.radialDifference / 2), this.position.getY() - (this.radialDifference / 2), this.sunlitRadius, 0, TWO_PI);




* Add a Vector2D to the current planet's velocity

* @param {Vector2D} acceleration

* @return {void}


accelerate(acceleration) {





* PlanetLauncher class

* Is responsible for the user interaction and spawning new planets


class PlanetLauncher {


* PlanetLauncher constructor


constructor(canvas, solarSystem) {

this.solarSystem = solarSystem;

//Set an initial mouse position that is certainly off screen

this.mousePosition = {

x: -100,

y: -100


this.isMouseDown = false;

this.mouseDownPosition = null;

this.pathLocations = [];

//Attach all event listeners needed for the PlanetLauncher

window.addEventListener('mousemove', (e) => this.mouseMove(e), false);

canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', (e) => this.mouseDown(e), false);

canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', (e) => this.mouseUp(e), false);

canvas.addEventListener("touchstart", (e) => this.touchStart(e), false);

canvas.addEventListener("touchend", (e) => this.touchEnd(e), false);

canvas.addEventListener("touchmove", (e) => this.touchMove(e), false);



* Checks whether the user holds his mouse down (or touches the screen). If so, initialises the path predictions so they can be rendered

* @return {void}


update() {

//If the user isn't holding it's mouse down we don't have to bother predicting the planets positions

if (this.isMouseDown === false) {



//Define the pathLocations array which will hold all the future positions for each planet

this.pathLocations = [];

//Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axis

let dx = this.mouseDownPosition.x - this.mousePosition.x;

let dy = this.mouseDownPosition.y - this.mousePosition.y;

//Create a temporary planet object that we can insert in the solar system to perform our calculations

this.solarSystem.planets.push(new Planet(



Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 100,

Math.atan2(dy, dx),



//Define the positions and velocities array so we can restore these values later on on the planets

let positions = [];

let velocities = [];

//Loop through each planet and backup their position and velocity

for (let i = 0; i < this.solarSystem.planets.length; i++) {

positions[i] = this.solarSystem.planets[i].position.add(new Vector2D(0, 0));

velocities[i] = this.solarSystem.planets[i].velocity.add(new Vector2D(0, 0));


//Keep an array of all destroyed planets, because we don't want to mutate the planets array while calculating all values

let destroyedPlanets = [];

//Loop as many times as we wan't to predict the future path of our planets

for (let c = 0; c < settings.amountOfPredictions; c++) {

//For every check we have to loop through each planet and check them against the other planets

for (let i = 0; i < this.solarSystem.planets.length; i++) {

//Make sure the pathLocations array is always initialized with a new empty array

//because we are going to push predicted locations in a separate array for each planet

if (typeof this.pathLocations[i] === 'undefined') {

this.pathLocations[i] = [];


//If this planet is already predicted to be destroyed by a previous run, don't bother checking again

if (destroyedPlanets.indexOf(i) !== -1) {



//If the planet collides with another planet, don't bother continuing the gravity calculations for this planet

if (SolarSystem.collidesWithAnotherPlanet(this.solarSystem.planets[i], this.solarSystem.planets) === true) {




//Calculate the total gravitational pull from all the other planets in the solar system

let gravitationalPull = SolarSystem.gravitationalPullFromOtherPlanets(this.solarSystem.planets[i], this.solarSystem.planets);

//Update the current planet by changing it's position based on it's velocity



//Store the newly predicted position in an array for this specific planet, so we can render it in the render function

this.pathLocations[i].push({x: this.solarSystem.planets[i].position.getX(), y: this.solarSystem.planets[i].position.getY(), color: this.solarSystem.planets[i].color});



//Restore the original positions and velocities of each planet

for (let i = 0; i < this.solarSystem.planets.length; i++) {

this.solarSystem.planets[i].position = positions[i];

this.solarSystem.planets[i].velocity = velocities[i];


//Remove our temporary planet from the solar system

this.solarSystem.planets.splice(this.solarSystem.planets.length - 1, 1);



* Renders the application and every child of the application

* @param context - The context of the canvas that the application is being rendered on

* @return {void}


render(context) {

if (this.isMouseDown == false) {

context.strokeStyle = 'hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)';


context.arc(this.mousePosition.x, this.mousePosition.y, settings.spawnMass / 5, 0, TWO_PI);


} else {

context.strokeStyle = 'hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 1)';


context.arc(this.mouseDownPosition.x, this.mouseDownPosition.y, settings.spawnMass / 5, 0, TWO_PI);



context.moveTo(this.mousePosition.x, this.mousePosition.y);

context.lineTo(this.mouseDownPosition.x, this.mouseDownPosition.y);



for (let i = 0; i < this.pathLocations.length; i++) {

for (let j = 1; j < this.pathLocations[i].length; j += 1) {

if (i === this.pathLocations.length - 1) {

context.strokeStyle = 'hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5)';

context.lineWidth = 3;

} else {

context.strokeStyle = 'hsla(' + this.pathLocations[i][j].color + ', 100%, 63%, 0.2)';

context.lineWidth = 1;



context.moveTo(this.pathLocations[i][j - 1].x, this.pathLocations[i][j - 1].y);

context.lineTo(this.pathLocations[i][j].x, this.pathLocations[i][j].y);




if(this.pathLocations[i].length < settings.amountOfPredictions && this.pathLocations[i].length > 0){


context.moveTo(this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].x - 5, this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].y - 5);

context.lineTo(this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].x + 5, this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].y + 5);




context.moveTo(this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].x + 5, this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].y - 5);

context.lineTo(this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].x - 5, this.pathLocations[i][this.pathLocations[i].length - 1].y + 5);








* @param event - The browsers touchStart event object

* @return {void}


touchStart(event) {

//Keep the browser from continuing to process the touch event (this also prevents a mouse event from also being delivered)


if (this.isMouseDown) {



this.isMouseDown = true;

this.mousePosition = {

x: event.touches[0].clientX,

y: event.touches[0].clientY


this.mouseDownPosition = {

x: event.touches[0].clientX,

y: event.touches[0].clientY




* @param event - The browsers touchMove event object

* @return {void}


touchMove(event) {

//Keep the browser from continuing to process the touch event (this also prevents a mouse event from also being delivered)


this.mousePosition = {

x: event.touches[0].clientX,

y: event.touches[0].clientY




* @param event - The browsers mousemove event object

* @return {void}


mouseMove(event) {


this.mousePosition = {

x: event.clientX,

y: event.clientY




* @param event - The browsers mousemove event object

* @return {void}


mouseDown(event) {


if (this.isMouseDown) {



this.isMouseDown = true;

this.mouseDownPosition = {

x: event.clientX,

y: event.clientY




* @param event - The browsers mouseUp event object

* @return {void}


mouseUp(event) {


this.isMouseDown = false;

//Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axis

let dx = this.mouseDownPosition.x - this.mousePosition.x;

let dy = this.mouseDownPosition.y - this.mousePosition.y;

//Insert our new planet in the solar system based on the calculated speed and angle

this.solarSystem.planets.push(new Planet(



Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 100,

Math.atan2(dy, dx),





* @param event - The browsers touchEnd event object

* @return {void}


touchEnd(event) {

this.isMouseDown = false;

//Calculate the difference in position for the horizontal and the vertical axis

let dx = this.mouseDownPosition.x - this.mousePosition.x;

let dy = this.mouseDownPosition.y - this.mousePosition.y;

//Insert our new planet in the solar system based on the calculated speed and angle

this.solarSystem.planets.push(new Planet(



Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) / 100,

Math.atan2(dy, dx),



//Make sure the mouse position is offscreen again so the user doesn't see the aim pointer on mobile

this.mousePosition = {

x: -100,

y: -100





* Vector2D class


class Vector2D {


* Vector constructor


constructor(x, y) {

this._x = x;

this._y = y;



* @param {number} x

* @return {void}


setX(x) {

this._x = x;



* @param {number} y

* @return {void}


setY(y) {

this._y = y;



* @return {number}


getX() {

return this._x;



* @return {number}


getY() {

return this._y;



* @param {number} angle

* @return {void}


setAngle(angle) {

let length = this.getLength();

this._x = Math.cos(angle) * length;

this._y = Math.sin(angle) * length;



* @return {number}


getAngle() {

return Math.atan2(this._y, this._x);



* @param {number} length

* @return {void}


setLength(length) {

let angle = this.getAngle();

this._x = Math.cos(angle) * length;

this._y = Math.sin(angle) * length;



* @return {number}


getLength() {

return Math.sqrt(this._x * this._x + this._y * this._y);



* @param {Vector2D} v2

* @return {Vector2D}


add(v2) {

return new Vector2D(this._x + v2.getX(), this._y + v2.getY());



* @param {Vector2D} v2

* @return {Vector2D}


subtract(v2) {

return new Vector2D(this._x - v2.getX(), this._y - v2.getY());



* @param {number} value

* @return {Vector2D}


multiply(value) {

return new Vector2D(this._x * value, this._y * value);



* @param {number} value

* @return {Vector2D}


divide(value) {

return new Vector2D(this._x / value, this._y / value);



* @param {Vector2D} v2

* @return {void}


addTo(v2) {

this._x += v2.getX();

this._y += v2.getY();



* @param {Vector2D} v2

* @return {void}


subtractFrom(v2) {

this._x -= v2.getX();

this._y -= v2.getY();



* @param {number} value

* @return {void}


multiplyBy(value) {

this._x *= value;

this._y *= value;



* @param {number} value

* @return {void}


divideBy(value) {

this._x /= value;

this._y /= value;




* Utilities Class has some functions that are needed throughout the entire application


class Utils {


* Returns a random integer between a given minimum and maximum value

* @param {number} min - The minimum value, can be negative

* @param {number} max - The maximum value, can be negative

* @return {number}


static getRandomInt(min, max) {

return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;



* Create a random string

* @param {number} length - The length of the random string

* @returns {string}


static randomString(length) {

let text = "";

for (let i = 0; i < length; i++) {

text += ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * ALLOWED_CHARACTERS.length));


return text;




* Onload function is executed whenever the page is done loading, initializes the application

* @return {void}


window.onload = function () {

//Create a new instance of the application

const application = new Application();

//Initialize all planets for the first time


//Initialize the dat.GUI object and assign the variables that the user can adjust

const gui = new dat.GUI();

gui.add(settings, 'spawnMass', 5, 200);

gui.add(settings, 'amountOfPredictions', 50, 500);

gui.add(settings, 'pauseWhileAiming');

gui.add(application, 'reset');


//Start the initial loop function for the first time



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