产品名称:Oracle Storage DE2-24P, Oracle



Oracle FS1-2 Flash Storage System

Documented Oracle MaxRep

Unified Storage

Documented Oracle Storage DE2-24C

Documented Oracle Storage DE2-24P

Documented Oracle ZFS Storage Appliance Racked System ZS4-4

Documented Oracle ZFS Storage ZS3-2

Documented Oracle ZFS Storage ZS4-4


Spare 560 Watt, 12-Volt,Type A206 Power Supply, for the Sun Blade 6000, RoHS-5 compliant REPLACES: #300-1802


Spare 565 Watt Power Supply, for the Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000, RoHS-6 compliant


Spare 565 Watt Power Supply, for the Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000, RoHS-6 compliant


Spare Power Supply, A212, AC-48VDC, for the SF 6800 and E6900, RoHS:YL Replaces 300-1836


Spare Power Supply, A212, AC-48VDC, for the SF 6800 and E6900, RoHS:YL Replaces 300-1836


Spare Power Supply, A213, AC-48VDC, for the Sun Fire E4800, E4900, RoHS-5 Replaces 300-1837


SPARE Power Supply A184, AC-48VDC for the Sun Fire 6800 & 6900 ROHS-5 compliant L(non Deca-DBA); Replaces 300-1930


SPARE Power Supply A184, AC-48VDC for the Sun Fire 6800 & 6900 ROHS-5 compliant L(non Deca-DBA); Replaces 300-1930


Power Supply , A185, AC-48VDC, for the Sun Fire E4800, 4900 Rohs-5 compliant (non Deca-DBA); Replaces 300-1931


Power Supply , A185, AC-48VDC, for the Sun Fire E4800, 4900 Rohs-5 compliant (non Deca-DBA); Replaces 300-1931


Spare T5220 AC PSU 750W Climate Saver SEDX9PS32Z

SPARC T3 Systems

New! SPARC T3-1 Server

New! SPARC T3-1B Server

New! SPARC T3-2 Server

New! SPARC T3-4 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise T-Series Servers

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5120 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5140 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5220 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5240 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise T5440 Server

Sun Blade T6320 Server Module

Sun SPARC Enterprise M-Series Servers

Sun SPARC Enterprise M3000 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise M4000 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise M5000 Server

Sun SPARC Enterprise M8000 Server


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