风变编程课 囚徒困境 答案

by Walt Schlender

由Walt Schlender

当您对所有这些有用的在线编程课程感到不知所措时,如何摆脱困境 (How to get unstuck when you’re feeling overwhelmed by all those helpful online programming courses)

I recently came across a post on a forum by a developer who was just starting out.


He was feeling overwhelmed.


He wasn’t learning much because he kept jumping form one online course to another. He felt that his problem was that there were just too many helpful online courses (and topics) out there to study.

他没有学到很多东西,因为他不断从一门在线课程跳到另一门。 他觉得他的问题是那里有太多有用的在线课程(和主题)可供学习。

In his words:


There are so many helpful resources out there that it’s super easy to lose focus.


I start learning one thing and then find something else that seems better.


In the end I feel overwhelmed and I don’t know what’s important any more.


I understand where he was coming from.


I too have suffered a fair amount of analysis paralysis when I have tried to learn new programming skills.


For me, there have been times when online courses felt very un-helpful and confusing. There have also been times when online courses taught me exactly what I needed to know.

对我来说,有时候在线课程感到非常无用和令人困惑。 有时,在线课程教会了我确切的知识。

Thinking back on my own experience the times when I felt the most lost and frustrated were the times when I was trying to ‘learn to code’ instead of ‘work on a specific project.’


If you are feeling stuck I believe the simple act of picking a project can help you.


如果给自己一个项目,可能会更轻松地学习编码 (You might have an easier time learning to code if you give yourself a project)

So you’re learning to code… have you picked a personal project to work on yet?


If you answered “no” to this question, why are you waiting?


In my experience most professional coders learned (and continue learning) to code by first picking a project and then researching the skills they needed to get that project done.


What are the advantages of picking a project?


有一个项目可以提供重点 (Having a project provides focus)

When you lack a project it’s not clear what to learn… should you learn Python or Unity? Should you spend time studying architecture patterns or scalability?

当您缺少项目时,不清楚要学习什么……应该学习Python还是Unity? 您是否应该花时间研究架构模式或可伸缩性?

The answer to these questions depends on what you intend to build.


Want to build a crawler to scrape web data? Python is useful… want to write a game? You should probably use Unity. Architecture patterns are important when you want to build big projects. Scalability matters when you are lucky enough to have a super-popular project.

是否要构建搜寻器来抓取Web数据? Python很有用……想写游戏吗? 您可能应该使用Unity。 当您要构建大型项目时,架构模式很重要。 当您有幸拥有一个超级受欢迎的项目时,可伸缩性就很重要。

The point is that when you have a project in mind you can answer these question… your goal is to get the project done so you should pick the language and tools that get the job done.


When you don’t have a project these questions have no answers and that can make you feel stuck.


项目可帮助您探索个人激情和价值观 (Projects help you explore your personal passions and values)

What do you want to use your new programming skills to do?


Code is a tool and it can be applied to just about anything… so what kinds of problems are you passionate about?

代码是一种工具,几乎可以应用于任何事物…… 所以您热衷于哪种问题?

You need to discover the answer to this question and picking a project can help.


Think you’re passionate about gaming? Try making a small game. Think you’re passionate about the stock market? Try writing some software to recommend trades.

认为您对游戏充满热情? 尝试制作一个小游戏。 认为您对股市充满热情? 尝试编写一些软件来推荐交易。

In the process of working on these projects you’ll learn about yourself… what you like and don’t like. This information will be very valuable to you as you become more and more proficient with code.

在从事这些项目的过程中,您将了解自己……您喜欢什么和不喜欢什么。 随着您越来越精通代码,这些信息对您将非常有价值。

处理项目可以为您的实际工作做好准备 (Working on projects prepares you for real work)

Do you really want to be a coder?


If the answer to this question is ‘yes’ then your goal is to get good at completing projects… from start to finish.


Although I think courses can help you learn the basics, you can’t really learn to do this from courses alone.


Courses smooth out all the bumps and rough spots. They pick the projects for you. They move you towards being a coder, but you’re not truly a coder until you can deal with the uncertainty of having no clear recipe to follow.

课程可以消除所有颠簸和凹凸不平的地方。 他们为您挑选项目。 他们会带您成为一名编码员,但您直到要解决没有清晰可循之处的不确定性,才能真正成为一名编码员。

When people hire you they will have rough ideas. It will be your job to take those rough ideas and flesh them out into something real.

当人们雇用您时,他们会产生粗略的想法。 将这些粗略的想法充实到真正的事情中,将是您的工作。

Start working on projects early. The sooner you start the sooner you will be good… then people will want to hire you.

尽早开始从事项目。 您越早开始,您就越早变得良好……然后人们会想雇用您。

通过研究项目来学习,请遵循以下方法 (To learn by working on a project follow this approach)

选择一个项目 (Pick a project)

What project should you pick?


I would say…


  • Pick something that you find interesting选择一些您觉得有趣的东西
  • That you feel you have a good chance of accomplishing觉得自己很有可能完成
  • That will expose you to technology you want to learn about这将使您接触到想要学习的技术

I would recommend you don’t over-think this step. Just pick something. Many developers I know started with simple text video games or websites.

我建议您不要对此步骤进行过多思考。 随便挑点。 我认识的许多开发人员都是从简单的文字视频游戏或网站开始的。

It doesn’t really matter what you pick so long as you pick something reasonable.


现在您已经有了一个项目,请完成它 (Now that you’ve got a project, get it done)

Once you have a project in mind you need to get it done.


For this step I have some advice…


First do it… then do it right… then do it better.


I stole this quote from ahrefs (thanks guys)… I think it’s beautiful. This little philosophy accurately summarizes how I like to approach creative processes.

我从ahrefs (谢谢大家)那里偷了这句话……我认为它很漂亮。 这个小哲学准确地总结了我喜欢如何进行创作过程。

首先, (First do it–)

Hack together your first version. Get it done however you are able.

一起整理您的第一个版本。 完成它,但是您有能力。

You may need to learn some things to get the first draft done and this is fine…


But DON’T stop to research or analyze too much. You don’t need to do a good job on your first pass… you just need to get the project done.

但是不要停止研究或分析太多。 您不需要在第一次通过时就做好工作……只需要完成项目即可。

然后正确地做– (Then do it right–)

Once you have a first version you will have so many ideas for how to improve upon it.


You will understand what matters and what doesn’t.


You will have a sense of how to simplify your idea and make it pop.


Now you can go out and research… you’ll have certain topics you want some clarification on… and you’ll know what doesn’t matter in your particular project.


然后做得更好– (Then do it better–)

Once you’ve incorporated the worlds’ knowledge into what you have created you can start to innovate.


New ideas will pop out at you and you can evolve your project into something really new and complete.


冲洗并重复 (Rinse and repeat)

Take screenshots of what you have created.


Post a link to social media.


Write about your project and upload your writing to your online portfolio…


That’s the process.


Do this a few times and you will have learned a ton! And you’ll have a pile of cool projects you can be proud of.

这样做几次,您将学到很多东西! 您将拥有一堆令人骄傲的很棒的项目。

我希望这些想法能帮助您摆脱困境 (I hope these ideas help you get unstuck)

I hope these ideas have helped you get unstuck.


This is the process that I (and most coders I know) constantly go through and in my experience the process is do-able by anyone.


Give it a try and see how it works for you. What have you got to lose? Good luck and I wish you success!

试试看,看看它如何为您工作。 你有什么损失呢? 祝你好运,祝你成功!

感谢您抽出宝贵的时间阅读我的文章。 (Thank you for taking the time to read my article.)

If you found this article helpful, let me know ???.


If you want to read more click the “follow” button below and follow me on twitter.

如果您想了解更多信息,请单击下面的“关注”按钮,然后在Twitter上关注我 。

Want to read more? Check out my blog.

想了解更多吗? 查看我的博客 。

Or my other other related post:


Why you learn the most when you feel like you’re struggling as a developer


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-get-unstuck-when-youre-feeling-overwhelmed-by-all-those-helpful-online-programming-courses-3bdc5023ffb/

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