语法 默认 描述
absolute_redirect on ? off; on http, server, location 绝对路径
aio on ? off threads[=pool]; off http, server, location
aio_write on ? off; http, server, location
alias path; location
chunked_transfer_encoding on ? off; on http, server, location 块传输
client_body_buffer_size size; 8k?16k http, server, location 请求的buffer
client_body_in_file_only on ? clean ? off; off http, server, location 是否将请求保存到文件,debug使用
client_body_in_single_buffer on ? off; off http, server, location 是否将请求保存在buffer中
client_body_temp_path path [level1 [level2 [level3]]]; client_body_temp http, server, location 临时存放请求的文件
client_body_timeout time; 60s http, server, location 读取请求体的超时时间
client_header_buffer_size size; 1k http, server 请求头的buffer
client_header_timeout time; 60s http, server 请求头的超时时间
client_max_body_size size; 1m http, server, location 请求体大小的上限
connection_pool_size size; 256?512 http, server 每个连接的内存空间大小
default_type mime-type; text/plain http, server, location 相应的MIME类型
directio size ? off; off http, server, location ?
directio_alignment size; 512 http, server, location ?
disable_symlinks off; off http, server, location ?
error_page code … [=[response]] uri; http, server, location, if in location 错误页面显示
etag on ? off; on http, server, location ?
http { … } main
if_modified_since off ? exact ? before; exact http, server, location Specifies how to compare modification
ignore_invalid_headers on ? off; on http, server ?
internal; location ??
keepalive_disable none ? browser …; msie6 http, server, location?
keepalive_requests number; 100 http, server, location ?
keepalive_timeout timeout [header_timeout]; 75s http, server, location
large_client_header_buffers number size; 4 8k http, server
limit_except method … { … } location
limit_rate rate; 0 http, server, location, if in location
limit_rate_after size; 0 http, server, location, if in location
lingering_close off ? on ? always; on http, server, location
lingering_time time; 30s http, server, location
lingering_timeout time; 5s http, server, location
listen address[:port] *:80 server 监听端口
location [ = ~ ~* ^~ ] uri { ... } server, location
log_not_found on ? off; on http, server, location
log_subrequest on ? off; off http, server, location
max_ranges number; http, server, location
merge_slashes on ? off; on http, server
msie_padding on ? off; on http, server, location
msie_refresh on ? off; off http, server, location
open_file_cache off; off http, server, location
open_file_cache_errors on ? off; off http, server, location
open_file_cache_min_uses number; 1 http, server, location
open_file_cache_valid time; 60s http, server, location
output_buffers number size; 2 32k http, server, location
port_in_redirect on ? off; on http, server, location
postpone_output size; 1460 http, server, location
read_ahead size; 0 http, server, location
recursive_error_pages on ? off; off http, server, location
request_pool_size size; 4k http, server
reset_timedout_connection on ? off; off http, server, location
resolver address … [valid=time] [ipv6=on off] [status_zone=zone]; http, server, location
resolver_timeout time; 30s http, server, location
root path; html http, server, location, if in location
satisfy all ? any; all http, server, location
send_lowat size; 0 http, server, location
send_timeout time; 60s http, server, location
sendfile on ? off; off http, server, location, if in location
sendfile_max_chunk size; 0 http, server, location
server { … } - http
server_name name …; “” server 虚拟服务
server_name_in_redirect on ? off; off http, server, location
server_names_hash_bucket_size size; 32?64?128 http
server_names_hash_max_size size; 512 http
server_tokens on ? off ? build ? string; on http, server, location
subrequest_output_buffer_size size; 4k?8k http, server, location
tcp_nodelay on ? off; on http, server, location
tcp_nopush on ? off; off http, server, location
try_files file … uri; server, location
types { … }
types_hash_bucket_size size;
types_hash_max_size size;
underscores_in_headers on ? off;
variables_hash_bucket_size size;
variables_hash_max_size size;

alias root

location /i/ {alias /data/w3/images/;

on request of “/i/top.gif”, the file /data/w3/images/top.gif will be sent.

location /i/ {root /data/w3;

The /data/w3/i/top.gif file will be sent in response to the “/i/top.gif” request.


error_page 404             /404.html;
error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html;


limit_except GET {allow;deny  all;


listen 8000;
listen *:8000;
listen localhost:8000;

If only address is given, the port 80 is used.
The ssl parameter specifying that all connections accepted on this port should work in SSL mode






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