Weld Design 1(WD1) Added Value in V5R11 Agenda Weld Design 1 - V5R11 Assessment Key V5R11 Highlights Weld Design 1 – V5R11 Assessment Product overview & positioning reminder Purpose/scope of the product Weld Design 1 completes the fabrication and assembly process for industrial machinery by providing a dedicated tool for weld creation, part preparation, and making relevant annotations. The ability to create welds in the 3D digital mock-up facilitates process integration by allowing the designer to manage digital pre-assembly, mass inertia, space reservation, and drafting annotation. Product Contents Product Contents Workbench identity and contents Update behavior Drafting integration Space Analysis and KWE integration Mass & inertia calculation: The mass and the inertia of the weld ribbons are added to the mass and the inertia of the whole assembly. It is also necessary to define the the weld material. Clash collision Welds will be integrated in the clash collision of the assembly. The way to integrate welds in the computation depends on the geometry integration in the assembly. Knowledge ware The weld attributes will be integrated to the knowledge ware. As much as geometric parameters (length, width…) or technological parameters (quality…). But it will not be possible to define customized attributes defined by the user (user parameter). V5R11 New Highlights WD1: V5R11 contents Activate/deactivate a weld Similar creation and edition panels Tangent propagation Dashed weld Weld reconnection Material Assignment on weld (pattern drafting in cut view) User weld Activate/Deactivate a Weld Deactivate the weld: Generated elements are deactivated Weld (geometry + annotation) is hidden A deactivated weld is no longer taken into account in assembly update Activated Weld Deactivated Weld Tangent Propagation Propagates a fillet weld along the surfaces tangent to its own surfaces : Dashed Weld Create a weld as several identical beads bet


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