
  • 生物学阅读
  • 生态类阅读(我觉得和生物类单词种类差不多,可以认为是一类,没多做)
  • 历史类阅读(除生物类以外第二大类阅读)


TPO 27 Predator Prey Cycles

TPO 2 -The Origins of Cetaceans

TPO 4 -Deer Populations of the Puget Sound
The deer which once picturesquely dotted the meadows around the fort were gone [in 1832], hunted to extermination in order to protect the crops

Why does the author ask readers to recall “the fate of the Columbian white-tailed deer” in the discussion of changes in the wilderness landscape?

TPO 5 The Cambrian Explosion
TPO 8 Extinction of the Dinosaurs
In paragraph 4, all the following questions are answered EXCEPT

TPO 9 The Arrival of Plant Life in Hawaii
It is significant that the earliest living thing that built communities on these islands are examples of symbiosis, a phenomenon that depends upon the close cooperation of two or more forms of life and a principle that is very important in island communities.


By means of these seeds, plants spread more widely to new locations, even to isolated islands like the Hawaiian archipelago, which lies more than 2,000 miles west of California and 3,500 miles east of Japan. The seeds of grasses, flowers, and blooming trees made the long trips to these islands. (Grasses are simple forms of angiosperms that bear their encapsulated seeds on long stalks.) In a surprisingly short time, angiosperms filled many of the land areas on Hawaii that had been bare.

TPO 11 Begging by Nestlings
TPO 11 Orientation and Navigation
TPO 13 Biological Clocks
TPO 15 A Warm-Blooded Turtle
** TPO 17 Symbiotic Relationships**

TPO 17 Animal Signals in the Rain Forest
事实信息题定位错误 2

TPO20 Fossil Preservation
事实信息题定位错误 1 没注意代词,定位句未前移
事实信息题理解错误 看错词义 1
否定事实信息题 错误 1
修辞目的题 错误 1
When one considers the many ways by which organisms are completely destroyed after death, it is remarkable that fossils are as common as they are.
The term “fossil” often implies petrifaction, literally a transformation into stone.
This addition of a chemically precipitated substance into pore spaces is termed “permineralization.”
Petrifaction may also involve a simultaneous exchange of the original substance of a dead plant or animal with mineral matter of a different composition.
Insects and even small invertebrates have been found preserved in the hardened resins of conifers and certain other trees

** TPO24 Breathing During Sleep **
Breathing During Sleep(标题)
Of all the physiological differences in human sleep compared with wakefulness that have been discovered in the last decade, changes in respiratory control are most dramatic.
The amount of air exchanged is even lower in REM than NREM because, although breathing is more rapid in REM, it is also more irregular, with brief episodes of shallow breathing or absence of breathing

注意in gerenal 和when asleep呼应
Two things result from these changes in breathing control that occur during sleep.
First, there may be a brief cessation or reduction of breathing

** TPO 25 The Evolutionary Origin of Plants **
单词题错误 2 这个我看了解析,不认识真没办法
全文主旨题 错误 :记得要看第一段的首句啊啊啊
事实信息题定 错误 :还是要定位,我这次把一段读完了结果不去定位就做题,结果选了混的选项
句子插入题 错误:插入句子没读明白


TPO2 Desert Formation

TPO3 The Long-Term Stability of Ecosystems
单词题 错1 粗心看错语境
主旨题 错1 这个我看了答案,感觉没办法,只能说排除法,以及一定确定原文说过,不是自己脑补的
TPO5 Minerals and Plants
细节题 错1 题干还是要读完的,比如下面这个but not 后面的就没看见,就选c了,但凡选项都看了也不至于


TPO6 Powering the Industrial Revolution 22min 错4
单词错 1
细节题错 1
否定细节题 错1 题干看错true 和false好好看
主旨题 错1 主要是原文细节识别,,和匹配题干主旨句

The new age of machinery, in short, could not have been born without a new source of both movable and constant power
The ready availability of coal inspired William Murdoch during the 1790s to develop the first new form of nighttime illumination to be discovered in a millennium and a half. Coal gas rivaled smoky oil lamps and flickering candles, and early in the new century, well-to-do Londoners grew accustomed to gaslit houses and even streets.

TPO 7 Agriculture, Iron, and the Bantu Peoples 19min 错3
单词题 错2 没设么想说的,选项都有不认识的
细节题 错1 再仔细读读就好了

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