LeetCode刷题记录11——290. Word Pattern(easy)


LeetCode刷题记录11——290. Word Pattern(easy)







本题输入是两个字符串,输出是true或者false。计算过程为:依照字符串pattern的模板,去看字符串str的格式是否与pattern的相匹配,是则true,否则false。举个例子:有点类似小时候成语的格式一样:红红火火(aabb)、不了了之(abba)……。这题类似:abba->dog cat cat dog。






public boolean wordPattern(String pattern, String str) {String[] words = str.split(" ");if (words.length != pattern.length())return false;Map mymap = new HashMap();for (Integer i=0; i<words.length; ++i)if (mymap.put(pattern.charAt(i), i) != mymap.put(words[i], i))return false;return true;


此题方法借鉴于Stefan Pochmann大神的思路,具体可看Stefan Pochmann大神的原话

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