
ICCV 2021会议地址:http://iccv2021.thecvf.com/home

Advances in Image Manipulation on image and video manipulation


This workshop aims to provide an overview of the new trends and advances in those areas. Moreover, it will offer an opportunity for academic and industrial attendees to interact and explore collaborations.

Physics Based Vision meets Deep Learning


We propose a semantic segmentation challenge for urban autonomous driving scene which utilizes newly developed hyperspectral camera. The motivation is to compensate the insufficient visual quality problem of existing dataset.

5th International Workshop on Computer Vision for UAVs


Apart from the regular paper submissions track we also organize an ERTI (Embedded Real-Time Inference) challenge. In this challenge competitors need to develop a pedestrian detection framework which runs on an NVIDIA Jetson TX2 with a minimum processing speed of 5 FPS.

2nd Anti-UAV Challenge


The 2nd anti-UAV challenge extends the benchmark dataset to 250 high-quality, full HD thermal infrared video sequences, spanning multiple occurrences of multi-scale UAVs. The workshop encourages participants to develop automated methods that can detect and track UAVs in thermal infrared videos with high accuracy.

7th workshop on Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture


This workshop plans to showcase the challenges raised by working on computer vision for plant phenotyping and agriculture.

Workshop goals include demonstrating the state-of-the-art, identifying key unsolved problems, and introducing computer scientists with an interest in plant phenotyping to the field.

DeeperAction: Challenge and Workshop on Localized and Detailed Understanding of Human Actions in Videos


DeeperAction aims to advance the area of human action understanding with a shift from traditional action recognition to deeper understanding tasks of action, with a focus on localized and detailed understanding of human action from videos in the wild.

Specifically, we benchmark three related tasks on localized and detailed action understanding by introducing newly-annotated and high-quality datasets, and organize the action understanding challenge on these benchmarks.

Face Bio-metrics under COVID (Masked Face Recognition Challenge)


During the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic, almost everyone wears a facial mask, which poses a huge challenge to face recognition.

Traditional face recognition systems may not effectively recognize the masked faces, but removing the mask for authentication will increase the risk of virus infection. To cope with the above-mentioned challenging scenarios arising from wearing masks, it is crucial to improve the existing face recognition approaches.

1st Workshop on Airborne Object Tracking (AOT)


GigaVision: when gigapixel videography meets computer vision


Given the popularity of high-performance imaging enabled by the array cameras even in our mobile phones, what are the opportunities and challenges for Computer Vision research? How can computer vision algorithms further help with the array camera to achieve REAL smart? They are open questions demanding prompt solutions. Given this, the 3rd GigaVision Workshop aims to bring the attention from both the computer vision and computational imaging communities.

International Challenge on Compositional and Multimodal Perception


We announce the 2nd annual installment of the ”Compositionality and Multimodal Perception” Challenge (CAMP). In this workshop, we have competitions and paper submission related to ”Compositionality" and "Multimodal Perception”.

The 1st Workshop on Learning to Understand Aerial Images


Low-Power Computer Vision Workshop


LVIS Challenge


Given that state-of-the-art deep learning methods for object detection perform poorly in the low-sample regime, we believe that our dataset poses an important and exciting new scientific challenge.

Multi-Agent Interaction and Relational Reasoning


We plan to feature the following two challenges in the domain of multi-agent relational reasoning:

  • TrajNet++, a multi-agent trajectory forecasting challenge in the human behavior/motion domain

  • CLEVRER, a visual object dynamics reasoning challenge in the physical interaction domain

Multi-camera Multiple People Tracking Workshop


Multi-Modal Video Reasoning and Analyzing Competition


Ninth International Workshop on Egocentric Perception, Interaction and Computing: Introducing Ego4D - a massive first-person dataset and challenge


Occluded Video Instance Segmentation


Open-World Video Object Detection and Segmentation Challenge


Self-supervised Learning for Next-Generation Industry-level Autonomous Driving


The 1st Video Scene Parsing in the Wild Challenge


The 2nd Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS) Challenge


Face Anti-spoofing  (Presentation Attack Detection) Challenge


The 4th Instance-Level Recognition Workshop


VOT2021 Challenge


The ROAD challenge: Event detection for Situation awareness in autonomous driving


2nd Visual Inductive Priors for Data-Efficient Deep Learning Workshop


2nd Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild


Pixel SkelNetOn - ICCV 2021


Parametric SkelNetOn - ICCV 2021


Point SkelNetOn - ICCV 2021


Image SkelNetOn - ICCV 2021


Chalearn 3D High-Fidelity Mask Face Presentation Attack Detection Challenge@ICCV2021



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