
Using Android Studio 2.3 and Ubuntu 16.10 the emulator did not start.


waiting emulator come on line.

How can I configure to emulator start?




sudo apt-get install lib64stdc++6:i386

sudo apt-get install mesa-utils

(look for the path of the sdk)

cd YOURPATH/Android/Sdk/emulator/lib64

mv libstdc++/ libstdc++.bak

ln -s /usr/lib64/libstdc++.so.6 libstdc++

Finally, run your application again using emulator.


Instead of making changes to APT-managed system libraries (eek!), you can just add the following at the top of your bin/studio.sh file:

# Preload shared library required by Android emulator

export LD_PRELOAD='/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libstdc++.so.6'

Tested on Ubuntu 16.10 with Android Studio 2.3.3.


Just before following above commands make sure you did download the emulator first.


For me, what worked was to add


in my .profile and it worked without doing anything more.


You can always try to kill the adb server first before starting it up again. It solves the problem most of the time! Terminal commands:

adb kill-server

adb start-server


For me what worked was-

1- Select all x86 images in the respective phone model. Go to "show package details" option and enusre the x86 image options are selected for the respective chosen model.

2- Also make sure no other applications are open at the backend not even the browser. Because even that is leading to hang may be due to the configuration of the system that I have.


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