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The Yahoo! Stores have grown into one of the largest online shopping destinations on the Web today. The nearly 20,000 Yahoo! Stores have a 71% reach among online consumers, the highest on the Web. Many of these stores have become so successful that they have grown from small 'mom and pop' or part time businesses into full time money-making ventures. A whole new set of skills and knowledge are needed to operate a Yahoo Store like a full time eCommerce business.

Succeeding At Your Yahoo! Business teaches you how to customize a Yahoo! Store using the basic elements of the popular web design program Dreamweaver, including architecting an eCommerce web site. It then takes three different types of Yahoo! Stores and deconstructs them, showing you how they are formed and how they sell the products or services they offer. There is also an entire section on how to position a Yahoo! Store, acquire customers, and retain those customers. Finally, the book will show you how to set up the necessary accounting and operations systems, and how to hire the staff necessary to successfully run your business.


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