
  • 寻找水仙花数
  • 寻找完美数
  • 百钱百鸡问题
  • 最大公约数和最小公倍数
  • 回文数
  • 素数
  • 约瑟夫环问题
  • 万年历
  • 两地之间距离计算
  • 计算 Fibonacci 序列的值
  • 摩斯码生成器
  • 词频统计
  • C 程序文件处理
  • 敏感词过滤
  • Base64 编解码算法
  • 计算图形面积及周长
  • XML 文件的生成与解析
  • 二进制数据报文构建与解析
  • 实现数据库的操作
  • 爬虫



def narcissistic_number():narcissistic_list = []for number in range(100, 1000):a = int(number / 100)b = int(number / 10) % 10c = number % 10if a ** 3 + b ** 3 + c ** 3 == number:narcissistic_list.append(number)return narcissistic_listprint(narcissistic_number())


def perfect_number(limit=1000):if type(limit) != int or limit <= 0:return 'Parameter Error.'else:num_list = []for i in range(1, limit):sum = 0for j in range(1, i):if i % j == 0:sum = sum + jif sum == i:num_list.append(i)return num_listpass


def buy_chicken():a = []b = []for i in range(0, 100):for j in range(0, 100):k = 100 - i - jif k>=0 and k % 3 == 0 and 5 * i + 3 * j + k / 3 == 100:b = [i, j, k]a.append(b)return aprint(buy_chicken())pass


def gcd(x, y):gcd = []if type(x) == int and type(y) == int and x > 0 and y > 0:for i in range(1, x + 1):if x % i == 0:if y % i == 0:gcd.append(i)return gcd[-1]else:return ('Parameter Error.')passdef lcm(x, y):if type(x) == int and type(y) == int and x > 0 and y > 0:m = gcd(x, y)n = (x * y) / mreturn int(n)else:return ('Parameter Error.')pass


def is_palindrome_number(num):zhengxu = str(num)daoxu = zhengxu[::-1]if(zhengxu == daoxu):return(True)else:return(False)pass


def is_prime_num(num):if num <= 0 or type(num) != int:return "Parameter Error."else:for i in range(2, num):if num % i == 0:return Falsereturn True


def jose_prob(m, n):if m >= n or not isinstance(n,int)\or not isinstance(m,int)\or m <= 0 or n <= 0:return "Parameter Error."flag = 9jose_list = [1 for i in range(0, n)] # 1 live ;0 deadstart = 0for i in range(0, n - m):j = 0k = 0while j < flag :if jose_list[(start+k) % n] != 0: # not deadj += 1k += 1dead = (start+k-1)%njose_list[dead] = 0start = dead + 1return jose_listpass


def calendar(year, month, day):if type(day) == int and type(month) == int and type(year) == int and 0<=month<=12 and year>=1 and 0<=day<=31:if year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0 or year % 400 == 0:runnian = 1else:runnian = 0month_30 = [4, 6, 9, 11]if (month in month_30 and day == 31 ) or (month == 2 and (day > 29 if runnian else day > 28)):return "Parameter Error."month_day = [31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31]sum = 0;for i in range(0,month-1):sum += month_day[i]sum += dayif month > 2 and runnian==1:sum += 1return sumelse:return "Parameter Error."pass


# 计算两点p1, p2之间的距离
# p1:(纬度、经度)
# p2: (纬度、经度)
def sphere_distance(p1, p2):EARTH_RADIUS = 6371  # 地球平均半径,6371kmdef wrong_parameter(p):if len(p) == 2 and 0 <= p[0] <= 90 and 0 <= p[1] <= 180:return 1return 0if not (wrong_parameter(p1) and wrong_parameter(p2)):return "Parameter Error."a = 2rad = math.pi / 180tmp_1 = [x * rad for x in p1]tmp_2 = [x * rad for x in p2]phi_1, lam_1 = tmp_1phi_2, lam_2 = tmp_2distance = math.sin((phi_2 - phi_1) / 2) ** 2 \+ math.cos(phi_1) * math.cos(phi_2) * (math.sin((lam_2 - lam_1) / 2) ** 2)distance = 2 * EARTH_RADIUS * math.asin(math.sqrt(distance))return round(distance, a)

计算 Fibonacci 序列的值

# Fibonacci是1,1, 2,3,5, 8,13.....
# n1 = 1, n2 =2, n3 = n1+n2, n4 = n3+n2import sysdef fibonacci_recursion(number):if type(number) != int or number <= 0:return "Parameter Error."else:if sys.getrecursionlimit() < number:sys.setrecursionlimit(number)if number == 1 or number == 2:return 1else:return fibonacci_recursion(number - 2) + fibonacci_recursion(number - 1)def fibonacci_loop(number):if type(number) != int or number <= 0:return "Parameter Error."else:if 1 == number or 2 == number:return 1a = 0b = 1c = 1for i in range(number - 2):a = bb = cc = a + breturn cpass


def morse_code(usr_str):CODE = {'A': '. -', 'B': '- . . .', 'C': '- . - .','D': '- . .', 'E': '.', 'F': '. . - .','G': '- - .', 'H': '. . . .', 'I': '. .','J': '. - - -', 'K': '- . -', 'L': '. - . .','M': '- -', 'N': '- .', 'O': '- - -','P': '. - - .', 'Q': '- - . -', 'R': '. - .','S': '. . .', 'T': '-', 'U': '. . -','V': '. . . -', 'W': '. - -', 'X': '- . . -','Y': '- . - -', 'Z': '- - . .','0': '- - - - -', '1': '. - - - -', '2': '. . - - -','3': '. . . - -', '4': '. . . . -', '5': '. . . . .','6': '- . . . .', '7': '- - . . .', '8': '- - - . .','9': '- - - - .'}length = len(usr_str)count = 0s = ''usr_str = usr_str.upper()for item in usr_str:count += 1if item ==' ':s += '    'else:if count == length:s += CODE[item]else:s = s + CODE[item] + '   'return spass


def word_freq(path):sight_word = "a  and  away  big  blue  can  come  down  find  for  funny  go  help  here  I  in  is  it  jump little  look  make  me  my  not  one  play  red  run  said  see  the  three  to  two  up  we where  yellow  you all  am  are  at  ate  be  black brown  but  came  did  do  eat  four  get  good  have  he  into like  must  new  no  now  on  our  out  please  pretty  ran  ride  saw  say  she  so  soon  that there  they  this  too  under  want  was  well  went  what  white  who  will  with  yes after  again  an  any  ask  as  by  could  every  fly  from  give  going  had  has  her  him  his how  just  know  let  live  may  of  old  once  open  over  put  round  some  stop  take  thank them  then  think  walk  were  when always  around  because  been  before  best  both  buy  call  cold  does  don't  fast  first five  found  gave  goes  green  its  made  many  off  or  pull  read  right  sing  sit  sleep tell  their  these  those  upon  us  use  very  wash  which  why  wish  work  would  write your about  better  bring  carry  clean  cut  done  draw  drink  eight  fall  far  full  got  grow hold  hot  hurt  if  keep  kind  laugh  light  long  much  myself  never  only  own  pick  seven shall  show  six  small  start  ten  today  together  try  warm"sight_word = sight_word.lower()sight_word_list = sight_word.split()with open(path) as f:text = f.read()lst = re.findall(r'[a-z\'0-9—“”]+', text.lower())lst = [i.lower() for i in lst if i and i.lower() not in sight_word_list]dic = {}for i in lst:if i in dic:dic[i] += 1else:dic[i] = 1result = sorted(dic.items(), key=lambda x:(x[1], x[0]), reverse=True)return result[:10]pass

C 程序文件处理

import osdef filter_c_file(dir_path):# 遇到快注释的标志sign = Falsefp = os.listdir(dir_path)new_fp = []for item in fp:if item.endswith('.c') or item.endswith('.cpp'):new_fp.append(item)for index, item in enumerate(new_fp):# if not index:#     continueresult_list = []with open(os.path.join(dir_path, item), encoding='gb18030',errors="ignore") as f:for line in f:if sign:if '*/' in line:sign = Falsecontinuel_index = line.find('"')r_index = line.rfind('"')# if l_index != -1 and r_index != -1:if '#include' in line:index = line.find('#include')if l_index> index or index > r_index:line = line[:index]if '//' in line:index = line.find('//')if l_index > index or index > r_index:line = line[:index]if '/*' in line:index = line.find('/*')if l_index > index or index > r_index:if '*/' not in line:sign = Trueline = line[:index]result_list.append(''.join(line.strip().split()))new_text = ''.join(result_list)item_path = os.path.join(dir_path, item.split(".")[0] + ".txt")with open(item_path, 'w') as f:f.write(new_text)


def filter_words(user_input):try:sens_str = open(r'..\ProblemSets\RefCode\ExCode\testCase\testData\sensitive.txt').read()except FileNotFoundError:sens_str = ["哇哈哈","变态","可怕","gay","丽日御茶子","卓小由"]j = 0words = user_inputwhile (j < len(sens_str)):n = len(sens_str[j])m = re.sub(sens_str[j], '*' * n, words)words = mj += 1return wordspass

Base64 编解码算法

import base64
from io import BytesIO
import math
import timedef b64en(path_in, path_out):IM = open(path_in,'rb')STRING = base64.b64encode(IM.read())IM.close()with open(path_out, 'wb') as OBJ:OBJ.write(STRING)def b64de(path_in, path_out):base_64 = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z','a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z','0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9','+', '/']with open(path_in,'r') as file:STRING = file.read()N = []for k in STRING:if k == '=':continueN.append(base_64.index(k))BITES = []for i in N:bit = bin(i)bit = bit.replace('0b','')bit_new = bit.rjust(6,'0')BITES.append(bit_new)L = []bite_0 = ''.join(BITES)while len(bite_0) >= 8 :UN = bite_0[0:8]L.append(int(UN,2))bite_0 = bite_0[8:]bytes_L = bytes(L)with open(path_out,'wb') as OBJ:OBJ.write(bytes_L)


import math
class Shape(object):def __init__(self):self.perimeter = 0self.area = 0self.name = Nonedef cal_perimeter(self):passdef cal_area(self):passdef display(self):print('名称:' + self.name)print('面积:' + str(self.area))print('周长:' + str(self.perimeter))class Rectangle(Shape):def __init__(self, n, a, b):super().__init__()self.name = nself.a = aself.b = bdef cal_area(self):self.area = round(self.a * self.b, 2)return self.areadef cal_perimeter(self):self.perimeter = round(2 * (self.a + self.b), 2)return self.perimeterclass Triangle(Shape):def __init__(self, n, a, b, c):super().__init__()self.name = nself.a = aself.b = bself.c = cdef cal_area(self):self.cal_perimeter()h = self.perimeter / 2self.area = math.sqrt(h * (h - self.c) * (h - self.b) * (h - self.a))self.area = round(self.area, 2)return self.areadef cal_perimeter(self):self.perimeter = self.a + self.b + self.cself.perimeter = round(self.perimeter, 2)return self.perimeterclass Circle(Shape):def __init__(self, n, a):super().__init__()self.name = nself.a = adef cal_area(self):self.area = round(3.14 * self.a ** 2, 2)return self.areadef cal_perimeter(self):self.perimeter = round(2 * 3.14 * self.a, 2)return self.perimeter

XML 文件的生成与解析

import os
from xml.dom import minidomtry:import xml.etree.cElementTree as et
except ImportError:import xml.etree.ElementTree as et# 题目:XML文件的生成和解析
def create_xml(path):# 创建DOM树对象dom = minidom.Document()# 设置tilemaptilemap = dom.createElement('tilemap')dom.appendChild(tilemap)tilemap.setAttribute('tilemapservice', 'http://tms.osgeo.org/1.0.0')tilemap.setAttribute('version', '1.0.0')# 设置titletitle = dom.createElement('title')title_text = dom.createTextNode('default')title.appendChild(title_text)tilemap.appendChild(title)# 设置abstractabstract = dom.createElement('abstract')tilemap.appendChild(abstract)# 设置srssrs = dom.createElement('srs')srs_text = dom.createTextNode('EPSG:4326')srs.appendChild(srs_text)tilemap.appendChild(srs)# 设置vsrsvsrs = dom.createElement('vsrs')tilemap.appendChild(vsrs)# 设置boundingboxboundingbox = dom.createElement('boundingbox')boundingbox.setAttribute('maxx', '180.0')boundingbox.setAttribute('maxy', '90.0')boundingbox.setAttribute('minx', '-180.0')boundingbox.setAttribute('miny', '-90.0')tilemap.appendChild(boundingbox)# 设置originorigin = dom.createElement('origin')origin.setAttribute('x', '-180.0')origin.setAttribute('y', '-90.0')tilemap.appendChild(origin)# 设置tileformattileformat = dom.createElement('tileformat')tileformat.setAttribute('extension', 'tif')tileformat.setAttribute('height', '17')tileformat.setAttribute('mime-type', 'image/tiff')tileformat.setAttribute('width', '17')tilemap.appendChild(tileformat)# 设置tilesetstilesets = dom.createElement('tilesets')tilesets.setAttribute('profile', 'global-geodetic')pixel = ['10.588', '5.294', '2.647', '1.323', '0.661', '0.331']for order in range(6):tileset = dom.createElement('tileset')tileset.setAttribute('href', '')tileset.setAttribute('order', str(order))tileset.setAttribute('units-per-pixel', pixel[order])tilesets.appendChild(tileset)tilemap.appendChild(tilesets)with open(path, 'w') as fh:dom.writexml(fh, indent='', addindent='\t', newl='\n')def parse_xml(path):tree = et.parse(path)tilemap = tree.getroot()tilemap_service = tilemap.attrib.get('tilemapservice')for child in tilemap:if child.tag == 'title':title = child.textelif child.tag == 'tilesets':num = 0max_order = Nonefor tileset in child:num += 1order = int(tileset.attrib.get('order'))if max_order is None:max_order = orderelse:if order > max_order:max_order = orderreturn {'tilemap service': tilemap_service, 'title': title, 'tileset count': num, 'tileset max': max_order}


def pack_message(data_dict):try:fmt = '>b b 16s i i b'return struct.pack(fmt, data_dict['type'], data_dict['csum'],data_dict['id'].encode('utf-8'), data_dict['dis1'],data_dict['dis2'], data_dict['count'])except:return "Parameter Error."def unpack_message(message):try:result = {}fmt = '>b b 16s i i b'result['type'], result['csum'], result['id'], result['dis1'], result['dis2'], result['count'] = struct.unpack(fmt, message)result['id'] = result['id'].decode('utf-8')return resultexcept:return "Parameter Error."


# 题目:实现数据库的操作
import sqlite3
import osdb_hw_db_path = "./test.db"  # 全局变量,在create_db(path)时记录创建的数据库所在路径def create_db(path):global db_hw_db_pathdb_hw_db_path = pathcon = sqlite3.connect(path)cur = con.cursor()sql1 = """CREATE TABLE Position(POSITIONID VARCHAR  PRIMARY KEY,SALARY      INTEGER     NOT NULL);"""sql2 = """CREATE TABLE Person(NAME  VARCHAR  NOT NULL,GENDER VARCHAR  NOT NULL,BIRTH  VARCHAR  NOT NULL,ID     VARCHAR  PRIMARY KEY,POSITIONID VARCHAR,FOREIGN KEY (POSITIONID) REFERENCES Position(POSITIONID));"""sql3 = 'insert into Position values(?,?);'try:cur.execute(sql1)cur.execute(sql2)cur.executemany(sql3, [('A', 10000), ('B',6000), ('C', 3000), ('D', 1000)])con.commit()except Exception as e:print(e)return -1else:return 0finally:cur.close()con.close()# 使用Insert语句
def new_employee(person,level):con = sqlite3.connect(db_hw_db_path)cur = con.cursor()sql = 'insert into Person values(?,?,?,?,?);'try:cur.execute(sql, person+(level,))con.commit()except Exception as e:print(e)return -1else:return 0finally:cur.close()con.close()# 使用Delete语句
def delete_employee(person):con = sqlite3.connect(db_hw_db_path)cur = con.cursor()sql = f'delete from Person where ID={person};'try:cur.execute(sql)con.commit()except Exception as e:print(e)return -1else:return 0finally:cur.close()con.close()# 使用Update语句
def set_level_salary(level,salary):if level not in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'] or not isinstance(salary, int):return -1con = sqlite3.connect(db_hw_db_path)cur = con.cursor()sql = f'update Position set SALARY={salary} where POSITIONID="{level}";'try:cur.execute(sql)con.commit()except Exception as e:print(e)return -1else:return 0finally:cur.close()con.close()# 使用Select查询语句
def get_total_salary():con = sqlite3.connect(db_hw_db_path)cur = con.cursor()sql = 'SELECT SALARY from Person,Position where Person.POSITIONID = Position.POSITIONID;'try:cur.execute(sql)ret = cur.fetchall()except Exception as e:print(e)return -1else:return sum([i[0] for i in ret])finally:cur.close()con.close()if __name__ == "__main__":create_db('./test.db')new_employee(("tom","m","2018-09-01","123456789"),"A")new_employee(("too","f","2017-09-01","123456788"),"B")print(get_total_salary())delete_employee("123456788")print(get_total_salary())print(set_level_salary("A",2))print(get_total_salary())


import time
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoupdef crawler(book_list):sort_list = []for page in range(1, 6):  # 目前排行榜只有5页print(page)url = f'https://www.qidian.com/rank/yuepiao?style=1&page={page}'headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.66 Safari/537.36'}ret = requests.get(url, headers=headers).textsoup = BeautifulSoup(ret, "html.parser")books = soup.find_all(**{'data-eid': "qd_C40"})for book in books:book_name = book.get_text()if book_name in book_list:sort_list.append(book_name)return {book_name:index+1 for index, book_name in enumerate(sort_list)}if __name__ == '__main__':book_list = ["三寸人间", "烂柯棋缘", "轮回乐园"]print(crawler(book_list))


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