1. Voice mail, Automated Attendant and Call Detail Recording Equipment are examples of PBX add-on devices.


2. When introducing people add a thoughtful detail or two about each person so that their interlocutor has a conversational kicking-off point.


3. As a further detail, you can add a door-step to the house.


4. If the questions above you agree, I will add you in my MSN list and we discuss it in more detail.


5. add detail

5. But as everything has started to materialize, I soon found that all this detail stuff will just add so much more to my model when not in use and on display..


6. Here is a survey of kelly spinners developed in Shengli, Daqing and Jianghan oil fields. Their different design features add technieal parameters are given in detail. Some products made in USA and Romania, are also briefly described.


7. How to design the cache is described in detail. The algorithm to query role permission in cache and to add records in cache is dealt with. The policy to update cache is introduced also.


8. Huang Wei gets requirement Baidu to publish his consumptive detail, compensate for each caustic break an appointment to add up to 40 thousand yuan.


9. Late Qing scholar Ouyang Yu, a contenporary of Hu Xueyan, recorded in detail of the bitter spectacle of this business war in Trivial Stories: As soon as fresh silk came into season, Hu immediately sent men to buy in, none left for foreign merchants; Being utterly hopeless, foreign merchants told Hu that they would like to add 10 million tael to buy all the silk, but Hu sticked to 12 million tael, they refused.


10. I used the three pixel hard hairbrush to go in and add some more fine detail.


11. I would lower the brows, giving it a more menacing look, and add more detail into the cranial cavaties. Eventually a light kit would be installed into the eyes.


12. add detail的意思

12. Gucci (in 1921, Italy) recent years'Gucci wielded nimbly the brand classics'element arrives the acme, in piece of logo wind full outstanding, liked expending logo the Taiwan to have 70% sales commodity to have logo to add the body, this sold the travel bag, harness leather product brand most early primarily, in 1947 had the bamboo node handle bamboo node package to be published, the same time had GG logo from the foundation member Guccio Gucci name, in 1952 had the Moccasins shoes which the horse recompensed, in 1966 designed the flowers and plants design silk handkerchief for Moroccan Princess Ge Lisi Kelly, all was classics, until now sees here and there in the Gucci new productIn the detail, in 1990 designer Tom Ford joined, was the Gucci female attire pours into the brand-new spirit.

近年的 Gucci 把品牌经典的元素灵活挥洒到极致,在一片 logo 风中十足抢眼,喜好消费 logo 的台湾更有 7 成销售商品都有 logo 加身,这个最早以贩售旅行袋、马具为主的皮革制品品牌,1947 年有竹节提把的竹节包问世,同时期从创办人 Guccio Gucci 的名字而有 GG logo ,1952 年有马衔环的 Moccasins 鞋,1966 年又为摩洛哥王妃葛丽丝凯莉设计花卉图案丝巾,无一不是经典,至今散见於 Gucci 新品的细节中,1990 年设计师 Tom Ford 加入则为 Gucci 女装注入全新的精神。

13. Choose a classic picket fence to add detail and textures to landscaped spaces.


14. D-Lighting automatically brings out detail to enhance results and add creative flair, all while optimizing overall exposure balance.


15. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

15. In a previous article written in detail, and now add on the road for a matter of money.


16. In detail, we should enlarge the range of special recidivist properly, add corporate recidivism and establish different punishment principle aiming at.


17. Re-use an existing skin set up: If you already have a rig set up with skin clusters, you can use Maya Muscle to add detail without re-creating your existing skin to joint weighting.


18. Applying pencil to areas of the already markered in spots can also help bring out detail and add some more interest to things you want to being out in your sketch.


19. In this paper many skills at the interactive programming for Matlab and VC + + such as Matlab engine, C-Language mex program, mat file operating program are discussed, especially the usage of Matlab Visual Studio Add-in is discussed in detail.


20. You can add the-verbose: gc parameter to the invocation of the sample to show more detail of the reduced GC pauses, as in the following output


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