
If you are a SharePoint user, you must know how tricky it is to perform SharePoint migration. A lot more practice, planning, evaluation, and then execution is needed to make sure that the data is safe and secure. You have to ensure that the data is not deleted or missed in the process of migration.

如果您是SharePoint用户,则必须知道执行SharePoint迁移有多么棘手。 需要更多的实践,计划,评估和执行,以确保数据安全。 您必须确保在迁移过程中不会删除或丢失数据。

So, before you start the migration, let's have a look at the migration checklist that will help you ensure success in the whole process.


SharePoint Migration Checklist


When you go for manual SharePoint migration, you have to look after below-mentioned checklist:


  • Get ready with a detailed inventory of environment which includes all assets and customizations. 准备好详细的环境清单,其中包括所有资产和自定义项。
  • Remove all old environments such as unwanted data, web items, and more.删除所有旧环境,例如不需要的数据,Web项目等。
  • Test all the components if everything is organized or if any issue is found, get it fixed.测试所有组件,如果一切都井井有条,或者发现任何问题,请修复它。
  • Analyze new environment configurations and then configure the required settings at destination environment. It is like planning and plotting new home.分析新的环境配置,然后在目标环境中配置所需的设置。 就像规划和规划新家一样。
  • Cordial communication with users 与用户的亲切沟通
  • Now you can start the migration 现在您可以开始迁移了
  • You need to put the system in read-only mode until the migration process gets completed.您需要将系统置于只读模式,直到迁移过程完成。
  • After the migration is completed, you need to review and make sure that everything works perfectly. 迁移完成后,您需要检查并确保一切正常。

So, a lot of things to do but do not worry, as Microsoft has been making the things easier for you.


Well, you no longer need to face challenges of SharePoint migration as Microsoft has introduced the SharePoint Migration Tool that allows you to migrate your files from SharePoint on-premises document libraries and shift them to SharePoint. If you are an Office 365 user, then you can move to OneDrive and Office 365.

很好,您不再需要面对SharePoint迁移的挑战,因为Microsoft引入了SharePoint迁移工具,该工具使您可以从SharePoint本地文档库迁移文件并将其转移到SharePoint。 如果您是Office 365用户,则可以移至OneDrive和Office 365。

Microsoft has developed software for migration purposes, and you are allowed to migrate from a single file to multiple file sets. The tool is using the latest technology; therefore, bringing your information to the cloud. It also takes up intelligence, latest collaboration, and security features with Office 365.

Microsoft已经开发了用于迁移目的的软件,并且允许您从单个文件迁移到多个文件集。 该工具正在使用最新技术; 因此,将您的信息带到云中。 它还通过Office 365占用了情报,最新协作和安全功能。

The software is completely free, and the best part is, you aren't bound to be a global admin or a SharePoint admin in Office 365 to operate the software. To migrate data by using this tool, you need the write access to the destination SharePoint Online site collection.

该软件是完全免费的,最好的部分是,您不一定要成为Office 365中的全局管理员或SharePoint管理员来操作该软件。 若要使用此工具迁移数据,您需要对目标SharePoint Online网站集具有写权限。

  • Download the tool by visiting SharePoint Migration Tool Version 1 if you want the current release or you may also visit SharePoint Migration Tool V2 Beta release if you want to use the newly released V2 beta version.如果需要当前版本,请访问SharePoint迁移工具版本1下载该工具;如果要使用新发布的V2 Beta版本,也可以访问SharePoint迁移工具V2 Beta版本。
  • Check the check box to agree to terms of service and privacy policy and click the Install button.选中复选框以同意服务条款和隐私政策,然后单击“ 安装”按钮。
  • Click Yes to allow the installation.单击“ 是”以允许安装。

Once the tool has been installed, use it.


While Microsoft has provided a solution make a note that you first need to learn the whole process to use it. If you do not have much time to go around the learning curve, then you can look for a systematically designed and developed SharePoint migration tool named Kernel Migrator for SharePoint. This tool does not need a steep learning curve as it has a systematic interface to guide you through the process.

尽管Microsoft提供了解决方案,但请注意您首先需要学习使用它的整个过程。 如果您没有足够的时间来学习,则可以寻找一种系统设计和开发的SharePoint迁移工具,名为Kernel Migrator for SharePoint 。 该工具不需要陡峭的学习曲线,因为它具有系统的界面来指导您完成整个过程。

Kernel Migrator for SharePoint


SharePoint migration has been so easy with Kernel Migrator for SharePoint. With Kernel Migrator, we can even migrate files that have access permissions applied, so security is also ensured here.

使用Kernel Migrator for SharePoint ,可以轻松进行SharePoint迁移 。 使用Kernel Migrator,我们甚至可以迁移已应用访问权限的文件,因此在此也确保了安全性。



  • SharePoint 2010 to SharePoint 2016 migration从SharePoint 2010迁移到SharePoint 2016
  • File system Migration from Local and remote servers从本地和远程服务器迁移文件系统
  • File server to SharePoint migration文件服务器到SharePoint的迁移
  • Migrate File System content to OneDrive, Google Drive, and SharePoint将文件系统内容迁移到OneDrive,Google Drive和SharePoint
  • Automate your migration with its scheduler 使用其调度程序自动进行迁移
  • It can migrate everything from file to folder or documents, views, workflows, and many more它可以将所有内容从文件迁移到文件夹或文档,视图,工作流等

Kernel Migrator also performs a Pre-Migration Analysis to uncover the problems we might face during real migration. In Pre-Migration Analysis it checks all values of the content like names and type of file. Kernel Migrator for SharePoint also lets you migrate your data in bulk be it a file system or SharePoint library. It can also transfer data concurrently in multiple sessions.

内核迁移程序还会执行迁移前分析,以发现我们在实际迁移过程中可能会遇到的问题。 在迁移前分析中,它将检查内容的所有值,例如名称和文件类型。 SharePoint的内核迁移器还使您可以批量迁移数据,无论是文件系统还是SharePoint库。 它还可以在多个会话中同时传输数据。

With Kernel Migrator, everything can be migrated from source to target server.


You can even automate your migration jobs with its inbuilt scheduler. Automating is a time-saving process, and it is beneficial for bulk migration. You can automate the migration process using CSV file, and you can also add some conditions like what to migrate, and you don't even need to assist. It's entirely hassle-free with no user assistance needed.

您甚至可以使用其内置的调度程序自动执行迁移作业。 自动化是一个节省时间的过程,它对于批量迁移是有益的。 您可以使用CSV文件自动执行迁移过程,还可以添加一些条件,例如要迁移的内容,甚至不需要帮助。 完全没有麻烦,无需用户帮助。

翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/32121/SharePoint-Migration-is-Made-Easy-With-Kernel-Migrator.html



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