



图形(周长&面积) 计算器




error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);//提示错误的等级

// __autoload是php中的魔术方法,在用到类的时候自动调用

function __autoload($className){


include strtolower($className).".class.php";



echo new Form();



echo new Result();//直接输出对象的引用表示




class Form{

private $action; private $shape; //构造方法

function __construct($action=""){

$this->action = $action; $this->shape=isset($_REQUEST["action"])?$_REQUEST["action"]:"rect";

} function __toString()


// TODO: Implement __toString() method.


'; switch($this->shape){ case "rect": $form.=$this->getRect(); break; case "triangle": $form.=$this->getTriangle(); break; case "circle": $form.=$this->getCircle(); break; default: $form.='请选择一个形状

} $form.=''; $form.='

'; return $form;

} private function getRect(){

$input='请输入 | 矩形 | 的宽度和高度:

'; $input.='宽度:
'; $input.='高度:
'; $input.=''; return $input;

} private function getTriangle(){

$input='请输入 | 三角形 | 的三条边:

'; $input.='第一边:
'; $input.='第二边:
'; $input.='第三边:
'; $input.=''; return $input;

} private function getCircle(){

$input='请输入 | 圆形 | 的半径:

'; $input.='半径:
'; $input.=''; return $input;



* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 16:26


*/shape.class.php 这是一个抽象类,用来定义规范的<?phpabstract class Shape {

public $shapeName; //规范circle、triangle、rect中必须有area()、perimeter()方法

abstract function area();

abstract function perimeter();

public function setShapeName($shapeName)


$this->shapeName = $shapeName; return $this;

} //判断输入的数字是否为大于0的有效数字

protected function validate($value, $message="形状"){

if($value == "" || !is_numeric($value) || $value < 0 ){ echo ' '.$message.' 必须为非负值的数字,并且不能为空
'; return false;

} else { return true;




* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 16:42

*/circle.class.php_就是计算周长和面积的公式了_<?phpclass Circle extends Shape {

private $radius=0; function __construct(){

$this->shapeName="圆形"; if($this->validate($_POST['radius'], '圆的半径')){ $this->radius=$_POST["radius"];

}else{ exit;


} function area(){

return pi()*$this->radius*$this->radius;

} function perimeter(){

return 2*pi()*$this->radius;



* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 17:06

*/rect.class.php<?phpclass Rect extends Shape{

private $width=0; private $height=0; function __construct()


$this->shapeName="矩形"; if($this->validate($_POST["width"],'矩形的宽度') & $this->validate($_POST["height"],'矩形的高度'))

{ $this->width=$_POST["width"]; $this->height=$_POST["height"];

} else{ exit;


} function area(){

return $this->width*$this->height;

} function perimeter()


return 2 * ($this->width + $this->height);



* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 17:02

*/triangle.class.php<?phpclass Triangle extends Shape{

private $side1=0; private $side2=0; private $side3=0; function __construct(){

$this->shapeName="三角形"; if($this->validate($_POST['side1'], '三角形的第一个边')){ $this->side1=$_POST["side1"];

} if($this->validate($_POST['side2'], '三角形的第二个边')){ $this->side2=$_POST["side2"];

} if($this->validate($_POST['side3'], '三角形的第三个边')){ $this->side3=$_POST["side3"];

} if(!$this->validateSum()){ echo '三角形的两边之和必须大于第三边'; exit;


} function area(){

$s=( $this->side1+$this->side2+$this->side3 )/2; return sqrt( $s * ($s - $this->side1) * ($s - $this->side2) * ($s - $this->side3) );

} function perimeter(){

return $this->side1+$this->side2+$this->side3;

} private function validateSum()


$condition1 = ($this->side1 + $this->side2) > $this->side3; $condition2 = ($this->side1 + $this->side3) > $this->side2; $condition3 = ($this->side2 + $this->side3) > $this->side1; if ($condition1 && $condition2 && $condition3) { return true;

} else { return false;




* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 17:04


class Result{ private $shape;

function __construct()

{ switch($_POST['action']){ case 'rect':

$this->shape=new Rect(); break; case 'triangle':

$this->shape=new Triangle(); break; case 'circle':

$this->shape=new Circle(); break; default:



} /**

* @return string


function __toString()

{ // TODO: Implement __toString() method.



'; return $result;

}else{ return '没有这个形状';




* Created by PhpStorm.

* User: user

* Date: 2018/4/15

* Time: 16:47




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