



入栈和出栈, 均在线性表的尾部进行。
基本原则就是, 先入后出。







Stack & Vector


/*** {@code Stack} is a Last-In/First-Out(LIFO) data structure which represents a* stack of objects. It enables users to pop to and push from the stack,* including null objects. There is no limit to the size of the stack.*/
public class Stack<E> extends Vector<E> {

可以看到Stack继承自Vector , Vector又继承自AbstractList 实现了List接口
简单看一下Vector类, Vector类在继承结构上和ArrayList和LinkedList是一个级别的。

看一下Stack 简单的几个方法

peek , pop , push


    /*** Pushes the specified object onto the top of the stack.** @param object*            The object to be added on top of the stack.* @return the object argument.* @see #peek* @see #pop*/public E push(E object) {addElement(object);return object;}再看一下Vector的 addElement(object) 方法/*** Adds the specified object at the end of this vector.** @param object*            the object to add to the vector.*/public synchronized void addElement(E object) {//当容量不足是进行扩容if (elementCount == elementData.length) {growByOne();}/// 按照索引将元素添加到线性表尾部,也就是Stack的顶部。elementData[elementCount++] = object;modCount++;}    /*** 该方法是通过运行时优化的。*  这里的growByOne 不是指添加一个元素, 而是添加一倍。 默认情况下*/private void growByOne() {/// 要进行扩容的大小int adding = 0;if (capacityIncrement <= 0) {/// 如果列表为空 则添加1 if ((adding = elementData.length) == 0) {adding = 1;}} else {adding = capacityIncrement;}/// 创建新的元素数组 ,使用System.arraycopyE[] newData = newElementArray(elementData.length + adding);System.arraycopy(elementData, 0, newData, 0, elementCount);elementData = newData;}/*** How many elements should be added to the vector when it is detected that* it needs to grow to accommodate extra entries. If this value is zero or* negative the size will be doubled if an increase is needed.当容量不足时需要进行扩容的大小, 可以通过构造函数进行设定。默认情况下会进行*/protected int capacityIncrement;// 默认10个private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 10;


    /*** Ensures that this vector can hold the specified number of elements* without growing.** @param minimumCapacity*            the minimum number of elements that this vector will hold*            before growing.* @see #capacity*/public synchronized void ensureCapacity(int minimumCapacity) {// 当元素个数小于需求的大小时if (elementData.length < minimumCapacity) {/// 扩容后的大小 = 如果是默认的增长系数则使用原表的大小*2如果是用户设定过的大小,则使用原大小+增长系数。int next = (capacityIncrement <= 0 ? elementData.length: capacityIncrement)+ elementData.length; 最后去用户需求的和扩容后的大小中大的。grow(minimumCapacity > next ? minimumCapacity : next);}}


    /*** 只返回顶部元素,不删除  * Returns the element at the top of the stack without removing it.** @return the element at the top of the stack.* @throws EmptyStackException*             if the stack is empty.* @see #pop*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public synchronized E peek() {try {/// 简单的数组读取,不再赘述。return (E) elementData[elementCount - 1];} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {throw new EmptyStackException();}}/*** 返回顶部元素,并且从顶部移除。 这才是stack的正统出栈方法。* Returns the element at the top of the stack and removes it.** @return the element at the top of the stack.* @throws EmptyStackException*             if the stack is empty.* @see #peek* @see #push*/@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")public synchronized E pop() {if (elementCount == 0) {throw new EmptyStackException();}final int index = --elementCount;final E obj = (E) elementData[index];/// 最简单的置空操作,留着坑下次继续使用。elementData[index] = null;modCount++;return obj;}


  • 中缀表达式
  • 后缀表达式



public interface Queue<E> extends Collection<E> {/**增加一个元索 如果队列已满,则抛出一个IIIegaISlabEepeplian异常* Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do so* immediately without violating capacity restrictions, returning* <tt>true</tt> upon success and throwing an <tt>IllegalStateException</tt>* if no space is currently available.** @param e the element to add* @return <tt>true</tt> (as specified by {@link Collection#add})* @throws IllegalStateException if the element cannot be added at this*         time due to capacity restrictions* @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified element*         prevents it from being added to this queue* @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and*         this queue does not permit null elements* @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of this element*         prevents it from being added to this queue*/boolean add(E e);/**添加一个元素* Inserts the specified element into this queue if it is possible to do* so immediately without violating capacity restrictions.* When using a capacity-restricted queue, this method is generally* preferable to {@link #add}, which can fail to insert an element only* by throwing an exception.** @param e the element to add* @return 并返回true 如果队列已满,则返回false* @throws ClassCastException if the class of the specified element*         prevents it from being added to this queue* @throws NullPointerException if the specified element is null and*         this queue does not permit null elements* @throws IllegalArgumentException if some property of this element*         prevents it from being added to this queue*/boolean offer(E e);/**移除并返回队列头部的元素 如果队列为空,则抛出一个NoSuchElementException异常* Retrieves and removes the head of this queue.  This method differs* from {@link #poll poll} only in that it throws an exception if this* queue is empty.** @return the head of this queue* @throws NoSuchElementException if this queue is empty*/E remove();/**移除并返问队列头部的元素    如果队列为空,则返回null* Retrieves and removes the head of this queue,* or returns <tt>null</tt> if this queue is empty.** @return the head of this queue, or <tt>null</tt> if this queue is empty*/E poll();/**返回队列头部的元素如果队列为空,则抛出一个NoSuchElementException异常* Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue.  This method* differs from {@link #peek peek} only in that it throws an exception* if this queue is empty.** @return the head of this queue* @throws NoSuchElementException if this queue is empty*/E element();/**返回队列头部的元素  不移除 如果队列为空,则返回null * Retrieves, but does not remove, the head of this queue,* or returns <tt>null</tt> if this queue is empty.** @return the head of this queue, or <tt>null</tt> if this queue is empty*/E peek();


// LinkedList 同时实现了List, Queue, Deque
public class LinkedList<E> extends AbstractSequentialList<E> implementsList<E>, Deque<E>, Queue<E>, Cloneable, Serializable {

下边我们看一下LinkedList中与Queue相关的方法。我们查看的源码是Android-23的 ,可能与jre 中的不一样,但是基本原理是一样的。


    /// 头结点,也就是空表时的第一个元素。transient Link<E> voidLink;private static final class Link<ET> {// 节点的数据部分ET data;/// 节点中指向前一个元素与后一个元素Link<ET> previous, next;/// 构造函数Link(ET o, Link<ET> p, Link<ET> n) {data = o;previous = p;next = n;}}/*** Constructs a new empty instance of {@code LinkedList}.*/public LinkedList() {voidLink = new Link<E>(null, null, null);/// 前一个节点和后一个节点都指向自身。voidLink.previous = voidLink;voidLink.next = voidLink;}


public boolean offer(E o) {return addLastImpl(o);
}// 添加一个元素到最后
private boolean addLastImpl(E object) {///队列的头结点的前一个节点设置为oldlastLink<E> oldLast = voidLink.previous;/// 新节点的前一个元素是头结点的前一个元素, 后一个元素是头结点Link<E> newLink = new Link<E>(object, oldLast, voidLink);/// 头结点的前一个元素是新节点voidLink.previous = newLink;/// 原来头结点的前一个节点的后一个节点是新节点oldLast.next = newLink;size++;modCount++;return true;
/// 这样就完成了把一个新元素添加到双向回环链表中的过程。// 再看一下addFirstImpl方法
// 将一个元素插入到头结点和头结点后边的一个位置。
private boolean addFirstImpl(E object) {/// 头节点的下一个节点是oldnodeLink<E> oldFirst = voidLink.next;/// 初始化一个新节点,该节点的前一个节点是头结点,后一个是头结点的下一个节点Link<E> newLink = new Link<E>(object, voidLink, oldFirst);/// 把头结点的下一个节点指向新节点voidLink.next = newLink;/// 旧节点的前一个节点指向新节点oldFirst.previous = newLink;size++;modCount++;return true;


public E poll() {return size == 0 ? null : removeFirst();
}/*** Removes the first object from this {@code LinkedList}.** @return the removed object.* @throws NoSuchElementException*             if this {@code LinkedList} is empty.*/
public E removeFirst() {return removeFirstImpl();
}/// 移除第一个节点
private E removeFirstImpl() {/// 先记录头结点的下一个节点是要移除的节点Link<E> first = voidLink.next;// 如果链表不为空if (first != voidLink) {Link<E> next = first.next;voidLink.next = next;next.previous = voidLink;size--;modCount++;/// 移除头结点后边的链接,并将头节点的下下个节点指向头结点/// 返回数据return first.data;}throw new NoSuchElementException();

看到这里就明白了,LinkedList是个双向回环链表。 既然是回环肯定是一个圈。 也就是VoidLink 是分界点,之前是队尾,之后是队首,从以上的Add方法也可以基本判断出。
LinkedList 实现了Queue也同时实现了Deque , Deque是双向队列。 基本原理都一样, 这里边的方法就不一一赘述了。


理解和学习数据结构的过程很枯燥。 直到我们开始使用的时候,慢慢的明白如何使用,慢慢的理解其中的原理。 慢慢地体会大神们编写这些结构的时候的良苦用心。同时能够更好的应用到实际开发,写出更高质量的代码。


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