

在本文中,我编译了 25 个 Python 程序的集合。

我已包含链接以了解有关每个脚本的更多信息,例如 packages installation和 how to execute script?.

1. 将 JSON 转换为 CSV

import json
if __name__ == '__main__':try:with open('input.json', 'r') as f:data = json.loads(f.read())output = ','.join([*data[0]])for obj in data:output += f'\n{obj["Name"]},{obj["age"]},{obj["birthyear"]}'with open('output.csv', 'w') as f:f.write(output)except Exception as ex:print(f'Error: {str(ex)}')

2. 密码生成器

import random
import string
total = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + string.punctuation
length = 16
password = "".join(random.sample(total, length))

3. 从多个文件中搜索字符串

import os
text = input("input text : ")
path = input("path : ")
# os.chdir(path)
def getfiles(path):f = 0os.chdir(path)files = os.listdir()# print(files)for file_name in files:abs_path = os.path.abspath(file_name)if os.path.isdir(abs_path):getfiles(abs_path)if os.path.isfile(abs_path):f = open(file_name, "r")if text in f.read():f = 1print(text + " found in ")final_path = os.path.abspath(file_name)print(final_path)return Trueif f == 1:print(text + " not found! ")return Falsegetfiles(path)

4. 从给定网页获取所有链接

import requests as rq
from bs4 import BeautifulSoupurl = input("Enter Link: ")
if ("https" or "http") in url:data = rq.get(url)
else:data = rq.get("https://" + url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(data.text, "html.parser")
links = []
for link in soup.find_all("a"):links.append(link.get("href"))# Writing the output to a file (myLinks.txt) instead of to stdout
# You can change 'a' to 'w' to overwrite the file each time
with open("myLinks.txt", 'a') as saved:print(links[:10], file=saved)

5. 图像水印

import os
from PIL import Imagedef watermark_photo(input_image_path,watermark_image_path,output_image_path):base_image = Image.open(input_image_path)watermark = Image.open(watermark_image_path).convert("RGBA")# add watermark to your imageposition = base_image.sizenewsize = (int(position[0]*8/100),int(position[0]*8/100))# print(position)watermark = watermark.resize(newsize)# print(newsize)# return watermarknew_position = position[0]-newsize[0]-20,position[1]-newsize[1]-20# create a new transparent imagetransparent = Image.new(mode='RGBA',size=position,color=(0,0,0,0))# paste the original imagetransparent.paste(base_image,(0,0))# paste the watermark imagetransparent.paste(watermark,new_position,watermark)image_mode = base_image.modeprint(image_mode)if image_mode == 'RGB':transparent = transparent.convert(image_mode)else:transparent = transparent.convert('P')transparent.save(output_image_path,optimize=True,quality=100)print("Saving"+output_image_path+"...")folder = input("Enter Folder Path:")
watermark = input("Enter Watermark Path:")
files = os.listdir(os.getcwd())
print(files)if not os.path.isdir("output"):os.mkdir("output")c = 1
for f in files:if os.path.isfile(os.path.abspath(f)):if f.endswith(".png") or f.endswith(".jpg"):watermark_photo(f,watermark,"output/"+f)

6. 从WEB页面报废并下载所有图像

from selenium import webdriver
import requests as rq
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import time# path= E:\web scraping\chromedriver_win32\chromedriver.exe
path = input("Enter Path : ")url = input("Enter URL : ")output = "output"def get_url(path, url):driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path=r"{}".format(path))driver.get(url)print("loading.....")res = driver.execute_script("return document.documentElement.outerHTML")return resdef get_img_links(res):soup = BeautifulSoup(res, "lxml")imglinks = soup.find_all("img", src=True)return imglinksdef download_img(img_link, index):try:extensions = [".jpeg", ".jpg", ".png", ".gif"]extension = ".jpg"for exe in extensions:if img_link.find(exe) > 0:extension = exebreakimg_data = rq.get(img_link).contentwith open(output + "\\" + str(index + 1) + extension, "wb+") as f:f.write(img_data)f.close()except Exception:passresult = get_url(path, url)
img_links = get_img_links(result)
if not os.path.isdir(output):os.mkdir(output)for index, img_link in enumerate(img_links):img_link = img_link["src"]print("Downloading...")if img_link:download_img(img_link, index)
print("Download Complete!!")

7. 低电量通知

# pip install psutil
import psutilbattery = psutil.sensors_battery()
plugged = battery.power_plugged
percent = battery.percentif percent <= 30 and plugged!=True:# pip install py-notifier# pip install win10toastfrom pynotifier import NotificationNotification(title="Battery Low",description=str(percent) + "% Battery remain!!",duration=5,  # Duration in seconds).send()

8. 计算你的年龄

import time
from calendar import isleap# judge the leap year
def judge_leap_year(year):if isleap(year):return Trueelse:return False# returns the number of days in each month
def month_days(month, leap_year):if month in [1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12]:return 31elif month in [4, 6, 9, 11]:return 30elif month == 2 and leap_year:return 29elif month == 2 and (not leap_year):return 28name = input("input your name: ")
age = input("input your age: ")
localtime = time.localtime(time.time())year = int(age)
month = year * 12 + localtime.tm_mon
day = 0begin_year = int(localtime.tm_year) - year
end_year = begin_year + year# calculate the days
for y in range(begin_year, end_year):if (judge_leap_year(y)):day = day + 366else:day = day + 365leap_year = judge_leap_year(localtime.tm_year)
for m in range(1, localtime.tm_mon):day = day + month_days(m, leap_year)day = day + localtime.tm_mday
print("%s's age is %d years or " % (name, year), end="")
print("%d months or %d days" % (month, day))

9. 有组织的不同类别的下载文件夹

import os
import shutil
#print(os.getcwd())#check number of files in  directory
files = os.listdir()#list of extension (You can add more if you want)
extentions = {"images": [".jpg", ".png", ".jpeg", ".gif"],"videos": [".mp4", ".mkv"],"musics": [".mp3", ".wav"],"zip": [".zip", ".tgz", ".rar", ".tar"],"documents": [".pdf", ".docx", ".csv", ".xlsx", ".pptx", ".doc", ".ppt", ".xls"],"setup": [".msi", ".exe"],"programs": [".py", ".c", ".cpp", ".php", ".C", ".CPP"],"design": [".xd", ".psd"]}#sort to specific folder depend on extenstions
def sorting(file):keys = list(extentions.keys())for key in keys:for ext in extentions[key]:# print(ext)if file.endswith(ext):return key#iterat through each file
for file in files:dist = sorting(file)if dist:try:shutil.move(file, "../download-sorting/" + dist)except:print(file + " is already exist")else:try:shutil.move(file, "../download-sorting/others")except:print(file + " is already exist")

10. 从 CSV 文件批量发送电子邮件

import csv
from email.message import EmailMessage
import smtplibdef get_credentials(filepath):with open("credentials.txt", "r") as f:email_address = f.readline()email_pass = f.readline()return (email_address, email_pass)def login(email_address, email_pass, s):s.ehlo()# start TLS for securitys.starttls()s.ehlo()# Authentications.login(email_address, email_pass)print("login")def send_mail():s = smtplib.SMTP("smtp.gmail.com", 587)email_address, email_pass = get_credentials("./credentials.txt")login(email_address, email_pass, s)# message to be sentsubject = "Welcome to Python"body = """Python is an interpreted, high-level,general-purpose programming language.\nCreated by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991,Python's design philosophy emphasizes code readability\nwith its notable use of significant whitespace"""message = EmailMessage()message.set_content(body)message['Subject'] = subjectwith open("emails.csv", newline="") as csvfile:spamreader = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=" ", quotechar="|")for email in spamreader:s.send_message(email_address, email[0], message)print("Send To " + email[0])# terminating the sessions.quit()print("sent")if __name__ == "__main__":send_mail()

11. 获取网站的IP地址和主机名

# Get Ipaddress and Hostname of Website
# importing socket library
import socketdef get_hostname_IP():hostname = input("Please enter website address(URL):")try:print (f'Hostname: {hostname}')print (f'IP: {socket.gethostbyname(hostname)}')except socket.gaierror as error:print (f'Invalid Hostname, error raised is {error}')get_hostname_IP()

12. 终端进度条

from tqdm import tqdm
from PIL import Image
import os
from time import sleepdef Resize_image(size, image):if os.path.isfile(image):try:im = Image.open(image)im.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)im.save("resize/" + str(image) + ".jpg")except Exception as ex:print(f"Error: {str(ex)} to {image}")path = input("Enter Path to images : ")
size = input("Size Height , Width : ")
size = tuple(map(int, size.split(",")))os.chdir(path)list_images = os.listdir(path)
if "resize" not in list_images:os.mkdir("resize")for image in tqdm(list_images, desc="Resizing Images"):Resize_image(size, image)sleep(0.1)
print("Resizing Completed!")

13. Wifi密码弹出器

import subprocessdata = (subprocess.check_output(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profiles"]).decode("utf-8").split("\n")
profiles = [i.split(":")[1][1:-1] for i in data if "All User Profile" in i]
for i in profiles:results = (subprocess.check_output(["netsh", "wlan", "show", "profile", i, "key=clear"]).decode("utf-8").split("\n"))results = [b.split(":")[1][1:-1] for b in results if "Key Content" in b]try:print("{:<30}|  {:<}".format(i, results[0]))except IndexError:print("{:<30}|  {:<}".format(i, ""))

14. 给定网站的快照

import sys
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.chrome.options import Options
import chromedriver_binaryscript_name = sys.argv[0]options = Options()
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)try:url = sys.argv[1]driver.get(url)page_width = driver.execute_script('return document.body.scrollWidth')page_height = driver.execute_script('return document.body.scrollHeight')driver.set_window_size(page_width, page_height)driver.save_screenshot('screenshot.png')driver.quit()print("SUCCESS")except IndexError:print('Usage: %s URL' % script_name)

15. 将文件拆分成块

import sys
import os
import shutil
import pandas as pdclass Split_Files:'''Class file for split file program'''def __init__(self, filename, split_number):'''Getting the file name and the split indexInitializing the output directory, if present then truncate it.Getting the file extension'''self.file_name = filenameself.directory = "file_split"self.split = int(split_number)if os.path.exists(self.directory):shutil.rmtree(self.directory)os.mkdir(self.directory)if self.file_name.endswith('.txt'):self.file_extension = '.txt'else:self.file_extension = '.csv'self.file_number = 1def split_data(self):'''spliting the input csv/txt file according to the index provided'''data = pd.read_csv(self.file_name, header=None)data.index += 1split_frame = pd.DataFrame()output_file = f"{self.directory}/split_file{self.file_number}{self.file_extension}"for i in range(1, len(data)+1):split_frame = split_frame.append(data.iloc[i-1])if i % self.split == 0:output_file = f"{self.directory}/split_file{self.file_number}{self.file_extension}"if self.file_extension == '.txt':split_frame.to_csv(output_file, header=False, index=False, sep=' ')else:split_frame.to_csv(output_file, header=False, index=False)split_frame.drop(split_frame.index, inplace=True)self.file_number += 1if not split_frame.empty:output_file = f"{self.directory}/split_file{self.file_number}{self.file_extension}"split_frame.to_csv(output_file, header=False, index=False)if __name__ == '__main__':file, split_number = sys.argv[1], sys.argv[2]sp = Split_Files(file, split_number)sp.split_data()

16. 加密和解密文本

from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto import Random
from binascii import b2a_hex
import sys# get the plaintext
plain_text = sys.argv[1]# The key length must be 16 (AES-128), 24 (AES-192), or 32 (AES-256) Bytes.
key = b'this is a 16 key'# Generate a non-repeatable key vector with a length
# equal to the size of the AES block
iv = Random.new().read(AES.block_size)# Use key and iv to initialize AES object, use MODE_CFB mode
mycipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, iv)# Add iv (key vector) to the beginning of the encrypted ciphertext
# and transmit it together
ciphertext = iv + mycipher.encrypt(plain_text.encode())# To decrypt, use key and iv to generate a new AES object
mydecrypt = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CFB, ciphertext[:16])# Use the newly generated AES object to decrypt the encrypted ciphertext
decrypttext = mydecrypt.decrypt(ciphertext[16:])# output
file_out = open("encrypted.bin", "wb")
file_out.close()print("The key k is: ", key)
print("iv is: ", b2a_hex(ciphertext)[:16])
print("The encrypted data is: ", b2a_hex(ciphertext)[16:])
print("The decrypted data is: ", decrypttext.decode())

17. 定期截屏

import os
import argparse
import pyautogui
import timeparser = argparse.ArgumentParser()parser.add_argument("-p", "--path", help="absolute path to store screenshot.", default=r"./images")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--type", help="h (in hour) or m (in minutes) or s (in seconds)", default='h')
parser.add_argument("-f", "--frequency", help="frequency for taking screenshot per h/m/s.", default=1, type=int)args = parser.parse_args()sec = 0.if args.type == 'h':sec = 60 * 60 / args.frequency
elif args.type == 'm':sec = 60 / args.frequencyif sec < 1.:sec = 1.if os.path.isdir(args.path) != True:os.mkdir(args.path)try:while True:t = time.localtime()current_time = time.strftime("%H_%M_%S", t)file = current_time + ".jpg"image = pyautogui.screenshot(os.path.join(args.path,file))print(f"{file} saved successfully.\n")time.sleep(sec)except KeyboardInterrupt:print("End of script by user interrupt")

18. 十进制到二进制转换器

try:menu = int(input("Choose an option: \n 1. Decimal to binary \n 2. Binary to decimal\n Option: "))if menu < 1 or menu > 2:raise ValueErrorif menu == 1:dec = int(input("Input your decimal number:\nDecimal: "))print("Binary: {}".format(bin(dec)[2:]))elif menu == 2:binary = input("Input your binary number:\n Binary: ")print("Decimal: {}".format(int(binary, 2)))
except ValueError:print ("please choose a valid option")

19. CLI 每个应用程序

import click@click.group()
def todo(ctx):'''Simple CLI Todo App'''ctx.ensure_object(dict)#Open todo.txt – first line contains latest ID, rest contain tasks and IDswith open('./todo.txt') as f:content = f.readlines()#Transfer data from todo.txt to the contextctx.obj['LATEST'] = int(content[:1][0])ctx.obj['TASKS'] = {en.split('```')[0]:en.split('```')[1][:-1] for en in content[1:]}@todo.command()
def tasks(ctx):'''Display tasks'''if ctx.obj['TASKS']:click.echo('YOUR TASKS\n**********')#Iterate through all the tasks stored in the contextfor i, task in ctx.obj['TASKS'].items():click.echo('• ' + task + ' (ID: ' + i + ')')click.echo('')else:click.echo('No tasks yet! Use ADD to add one.\n')@todo.command()
@click.option('-add', '--add_task', prompt='Enter task to add')
def add(ctx, add_task):'''Add a task'''if add_task:#Add task to list in context ctx.obj['TASKS'][ctx.obj['LATEST']] = add_taskclick.echo('Added task "' + add_task + '" with ID ' + str(ctx.obj['LATEST']))#Open todo.txt and write current index and tasks with IDs (separated by " ```
{% endraw %}")curr_ind = [str(ctx.obj['LATEST'] + 1)] tasks = [str(i) + '
{% raw %}
```' + t for (i, t) in ctx.obj['TASKS'].items()]with open('./todo.txt', 'w') as f:f.writelines(['%s\n' % en for en in curr_ind + tasks])@todo.command()
@click.option('-fin', '--fin_taskid', prompt='Enter ID of task to finish', type=int)
def done(ctx, fin_taskid):'''Delete a task by ID'''#Find task with associated IDif str(fin_taskid) in ctx.obj['TASKS'].keys():task = ctx.obj['TASKS'][str(fin_taskid)]#Delete task from task list in contextdel ctx.obj['TASKS'][str(fin_taskid)]click.echo('Finished and removed task "' + task + '" with id ' + str(fin_taskid))#Open todo.txt and write current index and tasks with IDs (separated by " ```
{% endraw %}")if ctx.obj['TASKS']:curr_ind = [str(ctx.obj['LATEST'] + 1)] tasks = [str(i) + '
{% raw %}
```' + t for (i, t) in ctx.obj['TASKS'].items()]with open('./todo.txt', 'w') as f:f.writelines(['%s\n' % en for en in curr_ind + tasks])else:#Resets ID tracker to 0 if list is emptywith open('./todo.txt', 'w') as f:f.writelines([str(0) + '\n'])else:click.echo('Error: no task with id ' + str(fin_taskid))if __name__ == '__main__':todo()

20. 货币转换器

import requests
import json
import sys
from pprint import pprint# The below 4 lines bring out the value of currency from the api at fixer.io.  I had to register there, the key is unique to me.
url = "http://data.fixer.io/api/latest?access_key=33ec7c73f8a4eb6b9b5b5f95118b2275"
data = requests.get(url).text
data2 = json.loads(data) #brings whether request was successful,timestamp etc
fx = data2["rates"]currencies = ["AED : Emirati Dirham,United Arab Emirates Dirham","AFN : Afghan Afghani,Afghanistan Afghani","ALL : Albanian Lek,Albania Lek","AMD : Armenian Dram,Armenia Dram","ANG : Dutch Guilder,Netherlands Antilles Guilder,Bonaire,Curaçao,Saba,Sint Eustatius,Sint Maarten","AOA : Angolan Kwanza,Angola Kwanza","ARS : Argentine Peso,Argentina Peso,Islas Malvinas","AUD : Australian Dollar,Australia Dollar,Christmas Island,Cocos (Keeling) Islands,Norfolk Island,Ashmore and Cartier Islands,Australian Antarctic Territory,Coral Sea Islands,Heard Island,McDonald Islands,Kiribati,Nauru","AWG : Aruban or Dutch Guilder,Aruba Guilder","AZN : Azerbaijan Manat,Azerbaijan Manat","BAM : Bosnian Convertible Mark,Bosnia and Herzegovina Convertible Mark","BBD : Barbadian or Bajan Dollar,Barbados Dollar","BDT : Bangladeshi Taka,Bangladesh Taka","BGN : Bulgarian Lev,Bulgaria Lev","BHD : Bahraini Dinar,Bahrain Dinar","BIF : Burundian Franc,Burundi Franc","BMD : Bermudian Dollar,Bermuda Dollar","BND : Bruneian Dollar,Brunei Darussalam Dollar","BOB : Bolivian Bolíviano,Bolivia Bolíviano","BRL : Brazilian Real,Brazil Real","BSD : Bahamian Dollar,Bahamas Dollar","BTC : Bitcoin,BTC, XBT","BTN : Bhutanese Ngultrum,Bhutan Ngultrum","BWP : Botswana Pula,Botswana Pula","BYN : Belarusian Ruble,Belarus Ruble","BYR : Belarusian Ruble,Belarus Ruble","BZD : Belizean Dollar,Belize Dollar","CAD : Canadian Dollar,Canada Dollar","CDF : Congolese Franc,Congo/Kinshasa Franc","CHF : Swiss Franc,Switzerland Franc,Liechtenstein,Campione d'Italia,Büsingen am Hochrhein","CLF : Chilean Unit of Account","CLP : Chilean Peso,Chile Peso","CNY : Chinese Yuan Renminbi,China Yuan Renminbi","COP : Colombian Peso,Colombia Peso","CRC : Costa Rican Colon,Costa Rica Colon","CUC : Cuban Convertible Peso,Cuba Convertible Peso","CUP : Cuban Peso,Cuba Peso","CVE : Cape Verdean Escudo,Cape Verde Escudo","CZK : Czech Koruna,Czech Republic Koruna","DJF : Djiboutian Franc,Djibouti Franc","DKK : Danish Krone,Denmark Krone,Faroe Islands,Greenland","DOP : Dominican Peso,Dominican Republic Peso","DZD : Algerian Dinar,Algeria Dinar","EGP : Egyptian Pound,Egypt Pound,Gaza Strip","ERN : Eritrean Nakfa,Eritrea Nakfa","ETB : Ethiopian Birr,Ethiopia Birr,Eritrea","EUR : Euro,Euro Member Countries,Andorra,Austria,Azores,Baleares (Balearic Islands),Belgium,Canary Islands,Cyprus,Finland,France,French Guiana,French Southern Territories,Germany,Greece,Guadeloupe,Holland (Netherlands),Holy See (Vatican City),Ireland (Eire),Italy,Luxembourg,Madeira Islands,Malta,Monaco,Montenegro,Netherlands","FJD : Fijian Dollar,Fiji Dollar","FKP : Falkland Island Pound,Falkland Islands (Malvinas) Pound","GBP : British Pound,United Kingdom Pound,United Kingdom (UK),England,Northern Ireland,Scotland,Wales,Falkland Islands,Gibraltar,Guernsey,Isle of Man,Jersey,Saint Helena and Ascension,South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands,Tristan da Cunha","GEL : Georgian Lari,Georgia Lari","GGP : Guernsey Pound,Guernsey Pound","GHS : Ghanaian Cedi,Ghana Cedi","GIP : Gibraltar Pound,Gibraltar Pound","GMD : Gambian Dalasi,Gambia Dalasi","GNF : Guinean Franc,Guinea Franc","GTQ : Guatemalan Quetzal,Guatemala Quetzal","GYD : Guyanese Dollar,Guyana Dollar","HKD : Hong Kong Dollar,Hong Kong Dollar","HNL : Honduran Lempira,Honduras Lempira","HRK : Croatian Kuna,Croatia Kuna","HTG : Haitian Gourde,Haiti Gourde","HUF : Hungarian Forint,Hungary Forint","IDR : Indonesian Rupiah,Indonesia Rupiah,East Timor","ILS : Israeli Shekel,Israel Shekel,Palestinian Territories","IMP : Isle of Man Pound,Isle of Man Pound","INR : Indian Rupee,India Rupee,Bhutan,Nepal","IQD : Iraqi Dinar,Iraq Dinar","IRR : Iranian Rial,Iran Rial","ISK : Icelandic Krona,Iceland Krona","JEP : Jersey Pound,Jersey Pound","JMD : Jamaican Dollar,Jamaica Dollar","JOD : Jordanian Dinar,Jordan Dinar","JPY : Japanese Yen,Japan Yen","KES : Kenyan Shilling,Kenya Shilling","KGS : Kyrgyzstani Som,Kyrgyzstan Som","KHR : Cambodian Riel,Cambodia Riel","KMF : Comorian Franc,Comorian Franc","KPW : North Korean Won,Korea (North) Won","KRW : South Korean Won,Korea (South) Won","KWD : Kuwaiti Dinar,Kuwait Dinar","KYD : Caymanian Dollar,Cayman Islands Dollar","KZT : Kazakhstani Tenge,Kazakhstan Tenge","LAK : Lao Kip,Laos Kip","LBP : Lebanese Pound,Lebanon Pound","LKR : Sri Lankan Rupee,Sri Lanka Rupee","LRD : Liberian Dollar,Liberia Dollar","LSL : Basotho Loti,Lesotho Loti","LTL : Lithuanian litas","LVL : Latvia Lats","LYD : Libyan Dinar,Libya Dinar","MAD : Moroccan Dirham,Morocco Dirham,Western Sahara","MDL : Moldovan Leu,Moldova Leu","MGA : Malagasy Ariary,Madagascar Ariary","MKD : Macedonian Denar,Macedonia Denar","MMK : Burmese Kyat,Myanmar (Burma) Kyat","MNT : Mongolian Tughrik,Mongolia Tughrik","MOP : Macau Pataca,Macau Pataca","MRU : Mauritanian Ouguiya,Mauritania Ouguiya","MUR : Mauritian Rupee,Mauritius Rupee","MVR : Maldivian Rufiyaa,Maldives (Maldive Islands) Rufiyaa","MWK : Malawian Kwacha,Malawi Kwacha","MXN : Mexican Peso,Mexico Peso","MYR : Malaysian Ringgit,Malaysia Ringgit","MZN : Mozambican Metical,Mozambique Metical","NAD : Namibian Dollar,Namibia Dollar","NGN : Nigerian Naira,Nigeria Naira","NIO : Nicaraguan Cordoba,Nicaragua Cordoba","NOK : Norwegian Krone,Norway Krone,Bouvet Island,Svalbard,Jan Mayen,Queen Maud Land,Peter I Island","NPR : Nepalese Rupee,Nepal Rupee,India (unofficially near India-Nepal border)","NZD : New Zealand Dollar,New Zealand Dollar,Cook Islands,Niue,Pitcairn Islands,Tokelau","OMR : Omani Rial,Oman Rial","PAB : Panamanian Balboa,Panama Balboa","PEN : Peruvian Sol,Peru Sol","PGK : Papua New Guinean Kina,Papua New Guinea Kina","PHP : Philippine Peso,Philippines Peso","PKR : Pakistani Rupee,Pakistan Rupee","PLN : Polish Zloty,Poland Zloty","PYG : Paraguayan Guarani,Paraguay Guarani","QAR : Qatari Riyal,Qatar Riyal","RON : Romanian Leu,Romania Leu","RSD : Serbian Dinar,Serbia Dinar","RUB : Russian Ruble,Russia Ruble,Tajikistan,Abkhazia,South Ossetia","RWF : Rwandan Franc,Rwanda Franc","SAR : Saudi Arabian Riyal,Saudi Arabia Riyal","SBD : Solomon Islander Dollar,Solomon Islands Dollar","SCR : Seychellois Rupee,Seychelles Rupee","SDG : Sudanese Pound,Sudan Pound","SEK : Swedish Krona,Sweden Krona","SGD : Singapore Dollar,Singapore Dollar","SHP : Saint Helenian Pound,Saint Helena Pound","SLL : Sierra Leonean Leone,Sierra Leone Leone","SOS : Somali Shilling,Somalia Shilling","SRD : Surinamese Dollar,Suriname Dollar","STN : Sao Tomean Dobra,São Tomé and Príncipe Dobra","SVC : Salvadoran Colon,El Salvador Colon","SYP : Syrian Pound,Syria Pound","SZL : Swazi Lilangeni,eSwatini Lilangeni","THB : Thai Baht,Thailand Baht","TJS : Tajikistani Somoni,Tajikistan Somoni","TMT : Turkmenistani Manat,Turkmenistan Manat","TND : Tunisian Dinar,Tunisia Dinar","TOP : Tongan Pa'anga,Tonga Pa'anga","TRY : Turkish Lira,Turkey Lira,North Cyprus","TTD : Trinidadian Dollar,Trinidad and Tobago Dollar,Trinidad,Tobago","TWD : Taiwan New Dollar,Taiwan New Dollar","TZS : Tanzanian Shilling,Tanzania Shilling","UAH : Ukrainian Hryvnia,Ukraine Hryvnia","UGX : Ugandan Shilling,Uganda Shilling","USD : US Dollar,United States Dollar,America,American Samoa,American Virgin Islands,British Indian Ocean Territory,British Virgin Islands,Ecuador,El Salvador,Guam,Haiti,Micronesia,Northern Mariana Islands,Palau,Panama,Puerto Rico,Turks and Caicos Islands,United States Minor Outlying Islands,Wake Island,East Timor","UYU : Uruguayan Peso,Uruguay Peso","UZS : Uzbekistani Som,Uzbekistan Som","VEF : Venezuelan Bolívar,Venezuela Bolívar","VND : Vietnamese Dong,Viet Nam Dong","VUV : Ni-Vanuatu Vatu,Vanuatu Vatu","WST : Samoan Tala,Samoa Tala","XAF : Central African CFA Franc BEAC,Communauté Financière Africaine (BEAC) CFA Franc BEAC,Cameroon,Central African Republic,Chad,Congo/Brazzaville,Equatorial Guinea,Gabon","XAG : Silver Ounce,Silver","XAU : Gold Ounce,Gold","XCD : East Caribbean Dollar,East Caribbean Dollar,Anguilla,Antigua and Barbuda,Dominica,Grenada,The Grenadines and Saint Vincent,Montserrat","XDR : IMF Special Drawing Rights,International Monetary Fund (IMF) Special Drawing Rights","XOF : CFA Franc,Communauté Financière Africaine (BCEAO) Franc,Benin,Burkina Faso,Ivory Coast,Guinea-Bissau,Mali,Niger,Senegal,Togo","XPF : CFP Franc,Comptoirs Français du Pacifique (CFP) Franc,French Polynesia,New Caledonia,Wallis and Futuna Islands","YER : Yemeni Rial,Yemen Rial","ZAR : South African Rand,South Africa Rand,Lesotho,Namibia","ZMK : Zambian Kwacha,Zambia Kwacha","ZMW : Zambian Kwacha,Zambia Kwacha","ZWL : Zimbabwean Dollar,Zimbabwe Dollar",
]# The below function calculates the actual conversion
def function1():query = input("Please specify the amount of currency to convert, from currency, to currency (with space in between).\nPress SHOW to see list of currencies available. \nPress Q to quit. \n")if query == "Q":sys.exit()elif query == "SHOW":pprint(currencies)function1()else:qty, fromC, toC = query.split(" ")fromC = fromC.upper()toC = toC.upper()qty = float(round(int(qty), 2))amount = round(qty * fx[toC] / fx[fromC], 2)print(f"{qty} of currency {fromC} amounts to {amount} of currency {toC} today")try:function1()
except KeyError:print("You seem to have inputted wrongly, retry!")function1()

21. 创建一个简单的秒表

import tkinter as Tkinter
from datetime import datetime
counter = 0
running = Falsedef counter_label(label):def count():if running:global counter# To manage the intial delay. if counter == 0:display = 'Ready!'else:tt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(counter)string = tt.strftime('%H:%M:%S')display = stringlabel['text'] = display# label.after(arg1, arg2) delays by # first argument given in milliseconds # and then calls the function given as second argument. # Generally like here we need to call the # function in which it is present repeatedly. # Delays by 1000ms=1 seconds and call count again. label.after(1000, count)counter += 1# Triggering the start of the counter. count()# start function of the stopwatch
def Start(label):global runningrunning = Truecounter_label(label)start['state'] = 'disabled'stop['state'] = 'normal'reset['state'] = 'normal'# Stop function of the stopwatch
def Stop():global runningstart['state'] = 'normal'stop['state'] = 'disabled'reset['state'] = 'normal'running = False# Reset function of the stopwatch
def Reset(label):global countercounter = 0# If reset is pressed after pressing stop. if not running:reset['state'] = 'disabled'label['text'] = '00:00:00'# If reset is pressed while the stopwatch is running. else:label['text'] = '00:00:00'root = Tkinter.Tk()
root.title("Stopwatch")# Fixing the window size.
root.minsize(width=250, height=70)
label = Tkinter.Label(root, text='Ready!', fg='black', font='Verdana 30 bold')
f = Tkinter.Frame(root)
start = Tkinter.Button(f, text='Start', width=6, command=lambda: Start(label))
stop = Tkinter.Button(f, text='Stop', width=6, state='disabled', command=Stop)
reset = Tkinter.Button(f, text='Reset', width=6, state='disabled', command=lambda: Reset(label))
f.pack(anchor='center', pady=5)

22. Python脚本压缩文件夹和文件

import zipfile
import sys
import os# compress file function
def zip_file(file_path):compress_file = zipfile.ZipFile(file_path + '.zip', 'w')compress_file.write(path, compress_type=zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)compress_file.close()# Declare the function to return all file paths of the particular directory
def retrieve_file_paths(dir_name):# setup file paths variablefile_paths = []# Read all directory, subdirectories and file listsfor root, directories, files in os.walk(dir_name):for filename in files:# Create the full file path by using os module.file_path = os.path.join(root, filename)file_paths.append(file_path)# return all pathsreturn file_pathsdef zip_dir(dir_path, file_paths):# write files and folders to a zipfilecompress_dir = zipfile.ZipFile(dir_path + '.zip', 'w')with compress_dir:# write each file separatelyfor file in file_paths:compress_dir.write(file)if __name__ == "__main__":path = sys.argv[1]if os.path.isdir(path):files_path = retrieve_file_paths(path)# print the list of files to be zippedprint('The following list of files will be zipped:')for file_name in files_path:print(file_name)zip_dir(path, files_path)elif os.path.isfile(path):print('The %s will be zipped:' % path)zip_file(path)else:print('a special file(socket,FIFO,device file), please input file or dir')

23. 查找 IMDB 评级

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import requests
import pandas as pd
import os# Setting up session
s = requests.session()  # List contaiting all the films for which data has to be scraped from IMDB
films = []# Lists contaiting web scraped data
names = []
ratings = []
genres = []# Define path where your films are present
# For eg: "/Users/utkarsh/Desktop/films"
path = input("Enter the path where your films are: ")# Films with extensions
filmswe = os.listdir(path)for film in filmswe:# Append into my films list (without extensions)films.append(os.path.splitext(film)[0])# print(os.path.splitext(film)[0])for line in films:# x = line.split(", ")title = line.lower()# release = x[1]query = "+".join(title.split()) URL = "https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title=" + queryprint(URL)# print(release)try: response = s.get(URL)#getting contect from IMDB Websitecontent = response.content# print(response.status_code)soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, features="html.parser") #searching all films containers foundcontainers = soup.find_all("div", class_="lister-item-content")for result in containers:name1 = result.h3.a.textname = result.h3.a.text.lower()# Uncomment below lines if you want year specific as well, define year variable before this # year = result.h3.find(# "span", class_="lister-item-year text-muted unbold"# ).text.lower() #if film found (searching using name)if title in name:#scraping ratingrating = result.find("div",class_="inline-block ratings-imdb-rating")["data-value"]#scraping genregenre = result.p.find("span", class_="genre")genre = genre.contents[0]#appending name, rating and genre to individual listsnames.append(name1)ratings.append(rating)genres.append(genre)except Exception:print("Try again with valid combination of tile and release year")#storing in pandas dataframe
df = pd.DataFrame({'Film Name':names,'Rating':ratings,'Genre':genres}) #making csv using pandas
df.to_csv('film_ratings.csv', index=False, encoding='utf-8')

24. 网络爬虫 Youtube 评论

from selenium import webdriver
import csv
import timeitems=[]
driver=webdriver.Chrome(r"C:/Users/hp/Anaconda3/chromedriver.exe")driver.get('https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFPMz36std4')driver.execute_script('window.scrollTo(1, 500);')#now wait let load the comments
time.sleep(5)driver.execute_script('window.scrollTo(1, 3000);')username_elems = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="author-text"]')
comment_elems = driver.find_elements_by_xpath('//*[@id="content-text"]')
for username, comment in zip(username_elems, comment_elems):item = {}item['Author'] = username.textitem['Comment'] = comment.textitems.append(item)
filename = 'C:/Users/hp/Desktop/commentlist.csv'
with open(filename, 'w', newline='', encoding='utf-8') as f: w = csv.DictWriter(f,['Author','Comment']) w.writeheader() for item in items: w.writerow(item)

25. 文字转语音

from gtts import gTTS
import os
file = open("abc.txt", "r").read()speech = gTTS(text=file, lang='en', slow=False)


参考文章: https://dev.to/harendra21/a-collection-of-25-awesome-python-scripts-mini-projects-3745














手把手教你创建简单的Python Flask



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