
descriptions of communicating objects and classes that are customized to solve a general design problem in a particular context.



  • 创建模式:用于创建对象从而将某个对象从实现中解耦合。
  • 架构模式:用于在不同的对象之间构造大的对象结构。
  • 行为模式:用于在不同的对象之间管理算法、关系以及职责。

Creational Patterns



/*** Singleton class*/
final class Product
{/*** @var self*/private static $instance;/*** @var mixed*/public $mix;/*** Return self instance** @return self*/public static function getInstance() {if (!(self::$instance instanceof self)) {self::$instance = new self();}return self::$instance;}private function __construct() {}private function __clone() {}
}$firstProduct = Product::getInstance();
$secondProduct = Product::getInstance();$firstProduct->mix = 'test';
$secondProduct->mix = 'example';print_r($firstProduct->mix);
// example
// example


<?phpabstract class FactoryAbstract {protected static $instances = array();public static function getInstance() {$className = static::getClassName();if (!(self::$instances[$className] instanceof $className)) {self::$instances[$className] = new $className();}return self::$instances[$className];}public static function removeInstance() {$className = static::getClassName();if (array_key_exists($className, self::$instances)) {unset(self::$instances[$className]);}}final protected static function getClassName() {return get_called_class();}protected function __construct() { }final protected function __clone() { }
}abstract class Factory extends FactoryAbstract {final public static function getInstance() {return parent::getInstance();}final public static function removeInstance() {parent::removeInstance();}
// using:class FirstProduct extends Factory {public $a = [];
class SecondProduct extends FirstProduct {
}FirstProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 1;
SecondProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 2;
FirstProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 3;
SecondProduct::getInstance()->a[] = 4;print_r(FirstProduct::getInstance()->a);
// array(1, 3)
// array(2, 4)



* Registry class
class Package {protected static $data = array();public static function set($key, $value) {self::$data[$key] = $value;}public static function get($key) {return isset(self::$data[$key]) ? self::$data[$key] : null;}final public static function removeObject($key) {if (array_key_exists($key, self::$data)) {unset(self::$data[$key]);}}
}Package::set('name', 'Package name');print_r(Package::get('name'));
// Package name



<?phpinterface Factory {public function getProduct();
}interface Product {public function getName();
}class FirstFactory implements Factory {public function getProduct() {return new FirstProduct();}
}class SecondFactory implements Factory {public function getProduct() {return new SecondProduct();}
}class FirstProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'The first product';}
}class SecondProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'Second product';}
}$factory = new FirstFactory();
$firstProduct = $factory->getProduct();
$factory = new SecondFactory();
$secondProduct = $factory->getProduct();print_r($firstProduct->getName());
// The first product
// Second product



<?phpclass Config {public static $factory = 1;
}interface Product {public function getName();
}abstract class AbstractFactory {public static function getFactory() {switch (Config::$factory) {case 1:return new FirstFactory();case 2:return new SecondFactory();}throw new Exception('Bad config');}abstract public function getProduct();
}class FirstFactory extends AbstractFactory {public function getProduct() {return new FirstProduct();}
class FirstProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'The product from the first factory';}
}class SecondFactory extends AbstractFactory {public function getProduct() {return new SecondProduct();}
class SecondProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'The product from second factory';}
}$firstProduct = AbstractFactory::getFactory()->getProduct();
Config::$factory = 2;
$secondProduct = AbstractFactory::getFactory()->getProduct();print_r($firstProduct->getName());
// The first product from the first factory
// Second product from second factory

Object pool(对象池)


class Factory {protected static $products = array();public static function pushProduct(Product $product) {self::$products[$product->getId()] = $product;}public static function getProduct($id) {return isset(self::$products[$id]) ? self::$products[$id] : null;}public static function removeProduct($id) {if (array_key_exists($id, self::$products)) {unset(self::$products[$id]);}}
}Factory::pushProduct(new Product('first'));
Factory::pushProduct(new Product('second'));print_r(Factory::getProduct('first')->getId());
// first
// second

Lazy Initialization(延迟初始化)


<?phpinterface Product {public function getName();
}class Factory {protected $firstProduct;protected $secondProduct;public function getFirstProduct() {if (!$this->firstProduct) {$this->firstProduct = new FirstProduct();}return $this->firstProduct;}public function getSecondProduct() {if (!$this->secondProduct) {$this->secondProduct = new SecondProduct();}return $this->secondProduct;}
}class FirstProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'The first product';}
}class SecondProduct implements Product {public function getName() {return 'Second product';}
}$factory = new Factory();print_r($factory->getFirstProduct()->getName());
// The first product
// Second product
// The first product



<?phpinterface Product {
}class Factory {private $product;public function __construct(Product $product) {$this->product = $product;}public function getProduct() {return clone $this->product;}
}class SomeProduct implements Product {public $name;
}$prototypeFactory = new Factory(new SomeProduct());$firstProduct = $prototypeFactory->getProduct();
$firstProduct->name = 'The first product';$secondProduct = $prototypeFactory->getProduct();
$secondProduct->name = 'Second product';print_r($firstProduct->name);
// The first product
// Second product



<?phpclass Product {private $name;public function setName($name) {$this->name = $name;}public function getName() {return $this->name;}
}abstract class Builder {protected $product;final public function getProduct() {return $this->product;}public function buildProduct() {$this->product = new Product();}
}class FirstBuilder extends Builder {public function buildProduct() {parent::buildProduct();$this->product->setName('The product of the first builder');}
}class SecondBuilder extends Builder {public function buildProduct() {parent::buildProduct();$this->product->setName('The product of second builder');}
}class Factory {private $builder;public function __construct(Builder $builder) {$this->builder = $builder;$this->builder->buildProduct();}public function getProduct() {return $this->builder->getProduct();}
}$firstDirector = new Factory(new FirstBuilder());
$secondDirector = new Factory(new SecondBuilder());print_r($firstDirector->getProduct()->getName());
// The product of the first builder
// The product of second builder

Structural Patterns



class HtmlTemplate {// any parent class methods
}class Template1 extends HtmlTemplate {protected $_html;public function __construct() {$this->_html = "<p>__text__</p>";}public function set($html) {$this->_html = $html;}public function render() {echo $this->_html;}
}class Template2 extends HtmlTemplate {protected $_element;public function __construct($s) {$this->_element = $s;$this->set("<h2>" . $this->_html . "</h2>");}public function __call($name, $args) {$this->_element->$name($args[0]);}
}class Template3 extends HtmlTemplate {protected $_element;public function __construct($s) {$this->_element = $s;$this->set("<u>" . $this->_html . "</u>");}public function __call($name, $args) {$this->_element->$name($args[0]);}



<?phpclass SimpleBook {private $author;private $title;function __construct($author_in, $title_in) {$this->author = $author_in;$this->title  = $title_in;}function getAuthor() {return $this->author;}function getTitle() {return $this->title;}
}class BookAdapter {private $book;function __construct(SimpleBook $book_in) {$this->book = $book_in;}function getAuthorAndTitle() {return $this->book->getTitle().' by '.$this->book->getAuthor();}
}// Usage
$book = new SimpleBook("Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides", "Design Patterns");
$bookAdapter = new BookAdapter($book);
echo 'Author and Title: '.$bookAdapter->getAuthorAndTitle();function echo $line_in) {echo $line_in."<br/>";

Behavioral Patterns



<?phpinterface OutputInterface {public function load();
}class SerializedArrayOutput implements OutputInterface {public function load() {return serialize($arrayOfData);}
}class JsonStringOutput implements OutputInterface {public function load() {return json_encode($arrayOfData);}
}class ArrayOutput implements OutputInterface {public function load() {return $arrayOfData;}



<?phpinterface Observer {function onChanged($sender, $args);
}interface Observable {function addObserver($observer);
}class CustomerList implements Observable {private $_observers = array();public function addCustomer($name) {foreach($this->_observers as $obs)$obs->onChanged($this, $name);}public function addObserver($observer) {$this->_observers []= $observer;}
}class CustomerListLogger implements Observer {public function onChanged($sender, $args) {echo( "'$args' Customer has been added to the list \n" );}
}$ul = new UserList();
$ul->addObserver( new CustomerListLogger() );
$ul->addCustomer( "Jack" );

Chain of responsibility(责任链模式)


<?phpinterface Command {function onCommand($name, $args);
}class CommandChain {private $_commands = array();public function addCommand($cmd) {$this->_commands[]= $cmd;}public function runCommand($name, $args) {foreach($this->_commands as $cmd) {if ($cmd->onCommand($name, $args))return;}}
}class CustCommand implements Command {public function onCommand($name, $args) {if ($name != 'addCustomer')return false;echo("This is CustomerCommand handling 'addCustomer'\n");return true;}
}class MailCommand implements Command {public function onCommand($name, $args) {if ($name != 'mail')return false;echo("This is MailCommand handling 'mail'\n");return true;}
}$cc = new CommandChain();
$cc->addCommand( new CustCommand());
$cc->addCommand( new MailCommand());
$cc->runCommand('addCustomer', null);
$cc->runCommand('mail', null);

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