

ETHZ(ETH Zürich) 计算机视觉实验室招聘医学图像分析方向博士后研究员

Prof. Fisher Yu 领导的视觉智能和系统小组致力于计算机视觉研究,表示学习和交互式系统设计。该小组正在招募一名博士后研究员来研究用于医学成像分析的交互式感知算法。研究员将与计算机视觉实验室的教授和学生紧密合作。

Project background

While medical imaging techniques are revolutionizing disease diagnosis, interpreting the images still fully relies on radiologists with multiple years of training and practicing. This human-system interaction potentially introduces subjective biases into the diagnosis processes, significantly increases time and costs of medical imaging interpretation and subsequent patient management decision making, and hinders the use of those advanced technologies in developing parts of the world where access to trained experts is scarce. We aim to develop interactive algorithms and software systems that can assist radiology professionals and medical doctors in analyzing medical images. This work will combine the recent advances in deep learning and classical statistical analysis to resolve the challenges of incomplete data annotation, data scarcity, structured multitask learning, and supervision discrepancy. An industry leader will provide access to large scale datasets, consultation with frontline medical experts, and technical advice to support the success of this research.

Job description

●Develop machine learning and computer vision algorithms to locate and segment disease target areas in CT/PET/MRI images

●Investigate active learning and online learning techniques to build collaboration between radiologists and algorithms for comprehensive and efficient medical image analysis

●Prototype the next generation software systems to deploy the invented algorithms in practice

●Collaborate with industrial partners and radiologists to iterate the design of the systems

●Publish the algorithms and systems in top-tier conferences on machine learning, computer vision, or medical imaging

We offer

●An opportunity to further your scientific career at a leading academic institution

●Access to industry-scale medical data and close collaboration with industry leaders and medical experts

●Competitive salary (ETH Zurich Salary) for postdoc positions

关于ETH Zurich Salary,详见:


●Excellent working conditions

●A chance to work in a stimulating environment as part of a multi-cultural research team

●Exposure to both academia and the industry world

●High quality of life in one of the world’s most livable cities

Your profile


●Ph.D. degree in computer science, engineering, or a related subject

●Strong capabilities in algorithm design, mathematical formulation, and statistical analysis

●Proficiency in programming and object-oriented design

●Documented experience with deep learning technology and computer vision

●Fluent communication in English (both written and spoken)

●Motivation, curiosity, and willingness to learn

●Leadership skills in nurturing junior researchers

Bonus points

●Experience in medical imaging analysis

●Experience in 3D data parsing and understanding

●Experience in active learning, online learning, and interactive systems

●Experience in large-scale software development


We are looking forward to your online application including a statement of research interests, your CV, the URL of your Google Scholar page, and the names and contact information of two referees.

Please note that we exclusively accept applications submitted through our online application portal. Applications via email or postal services will not be considered.

Further information about the Computer Vision Lab can be found on our website www.vision.ee.ethz.ch. Questions regarding the position should be directed to Prof. Fisher Yu, email: i@yf.io (no applications).

Apply online now:





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