
数据处理中心或数据中心 (Data Processing Center Or Data Center)

A Data Center or Data Processing Center (DPC) is the place where they are concentrated processing equipment and data storage of a company or organization. These resources consist essentially of a properly equipped units, computers and communications networks. The Data Processing Center is also known as Datacenter or Data Center. It is usually designed to be extremely safe, home to thousands of servers and databases, data storage, processing large amounts of information.

数据中心或数据处理中心(DPC)是集中处理设备或公司或组织的数据存储的地方。 这些资源主要由装备精良的单元,计算机和通信网络组成。 数据处理中心也称为数据中心或数据中心。 它通常被设计为非常安全,可以容纳数千个服务器和数据库,数据存储,处理大量信息。

A Data Center is a building or large room used to keep it a host of electronic equipment. They are usually created and maintained by large organizations in order to have access to information necessary for their operations. For example, a bank may have a data center for the purpose of storing all customer data and the operations they perform on their accounts. Virtually all companies that are medium to large have some form of Data Centers, while the largest reach to have several.

数据中心是一栋建筑物或较大的房间,用于容纳大量电子设备。 它们通常是由大型组织创建和维护的,以便能够访问其运营所需的信息。 例如,银行可能有一个数据中心,用于存储所有客户数据及其对帐户执行的操作。 几乎所有大中型公司都拥有某种形式的数据中心,而最大的公司则拥有数种形式。

Among the most important factors motivating the creation of a data center can be highlighted to guarantee continuity of service to customers, employees, citizens, suppliers and business partners, because in these areas is very important to the physical protection of computer or communications equipment involved and database servers that may contain critical information.


数据中心设计 (Data Center Design )

The design of a data processing center or data center begins with the choice of geographical location, and requires a balance between several factors:


  • Financial costs: land costs, taxes, insurance, etc.财务成本:土地成本,税金,保险等
  • Infrastructure available nearby: electricity, roads, electricity connections, telecommunication switchboards, fire brigade.附近可用的基础设施:电力,道路,电力连接,电信交换机,消防队。
  • Risk: the possibility of flooding, fire, theft, earthquake, etc.风险:可能发生洪水,火灾,盗窃,地震等。

After selecting the location, it is necessary to find a suitable premises for their high-end data processing center purpose, whether a local new or an existing building to buy or rent. Some requirements of the units are:

选择位置后,有必要找到适合其高端数据处理中心用途的场所,无论是要购买或租用的本地新建筑物或现有建筑物。 这些单元的一些要求是:

  • Double electrical junction.双电结。
  • Loading and unloading.上货和下货。
  • Forklifts and wide doors.叉车和宽门。
  • Height of the plants enough.植物的高度足够。
  • Safety measures in case of fire or flooding, drainage, fire extinguishers, escape routes, fire doors, etc.火灾或洪水,排水,灭火器,逃生路线,防火门等情况下的安全措施。
  • Air conditioning, taking into account to be used for cooling computer equipment.考虑到要用于冷却计算机设备的空调。
  • Cash.现金。
  • Etc.等等。

Some infrastructure deployment inside can be:


  • False floors and ceilings.错误的地板和天花板。
  • Network cabling and telephone.网络电缆和电话。
  • Double wiring.双接线。
  • Generators and electrical switchboards.发电机和电气配电盘。
  • Fitness room.健身房。
  • Installation of alarms, temperature and humidity control with SNMP or SMTP messages.通过SNMP或SMTP消息安装警报,温度和湿度控制。
  • Etc.等等。

A key aspect of these data center infrastructures are those involving physical security of the facility, including:


  • Electromagnetic locks.电磁锁。
  • Turnstiles.旋转栅门。
  • Security cameras.监控摄像头。
  • Motion Detectors.运动探测器。
  • Identification cards.身份证。
  • Etc.等等。

After conditioning the carrier made the installation of computers, local area networks, etc. This task requires a logical design and network environments, especially for the sake of security. Some performances are:

调节后,运营商需要安装计算机,局域网等。此任务需要逻辑设计和网络环境,尤其是出于安全性考虑。 一些表演是:

  • Creating demilitarized zones (DMZ).创建非军事区(DMZ)。
  • Segmentation of local networks and creation of virtual networks (VLAN).本地网络分段和虚拟网络(VLAN)的创建。
  • Deployment and configuration of the network electronics, gateways, routers, switches, etc.网络电子设备,网关,路由器,交换机等的部署和配置
  • Creation of operating environments, pre-exploitation, application development and network management.创建操作环境,预开发,应用程序开发和网络管理。
  • Creation of the storage network.创建存储网络。
  • Installation and configuration of servers and peripherals.服务器和外围设备的安装和配置。
  • Etc.等等。

Assembled in a room protected from unauthorized access, has raised floor to allow the passage of electrical cables and data, metal cabinets (racks), where they are assembled equipment and a totally controlled environment.


They feature cutting-edge systems for firefighting, intelligent system for early detection of smoke, and fire suppression with inert gas, not to affect the equipment. Access is controlled by electronic cards and / or biometrics, permanent monitoring, access through door-lock.

它们具有用于消防的尖端系统,用于烟雾的早期检测的智能系统以及使用惰性气体灭火的效果,不会影响设备。 出入由电子卡和/或生物识别技术控制,进行永久监控,并通过门锁进行出入。

Precision Air-conditioned, with constant monitoring, maintaining a constant temperature, cooling equipment. Operating environment constantly monitored in all aspects, physical and logical.

精密空调,具有不断监测,维持恒定温度的冷却设备。 在物理和逻辑的各个方面对运行环境进行持续监控。

The supply of energy, besides the local dealership, uses power generators and large capacity uninterruptible power supply (also commonly known as UPS or UPS) large, mounted in adjoining rooms to keep equipment on, even in event of a fall in supply. Datacenters consume up to one hundred times more energy than a typical office.

能源供应,除当地经销店外,还使用发电机和大容量不间断电源(也称为UPS或UPS),大容量不间断电源安装在相邻房间中,即使在电源不足的情况下,也可以保持设备运转。 数据中心的能耗是普通办公室的一百倍。

Datacenters are designed to meet strict international standards. The infrastructure of data centers requires high physical and logical security, ensured by the most modern technologies in the market. The rules of the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) are the most used, specifically the TIA 942 establishing the safety rating TIER 1-4.

数据中心旨在满足严格的国际标准。 数据中心的基础架构要求高度的物理和逻辑安全性,这要通过市场上最先进的技术来确保。 电信行业协会(TIA)的规则最常用,特别是TIA 942建立的安全等级为TIER 1-4。

Study: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The text is available under the Creative Commons.

研究:来自维基百科,免费的百科全书。 该文本可在“ 知识共享”下找到 。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/data-processing-center-or-data-center/



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