
2002.12.10 Chapter 11 Linguistics and FLT Chapter 11 Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching Applied Linguistics Main Points Foreign language Second language communicative Syllabus Syllabus design Foreign language and Second language A foreign language is learned as educational courses but is not used as a medium of instruction in education, nor as a language of communication. A second language, on the other hand, is widely used as a medium of communication alongside the native language. English is a foreign language in China, but a second language in Singapore. Another term "target language" refers to the language which a person is learning. Chapter 11 Linguistics and FLT 11.1 The relation of linguistics to foreign language teaching 11.2 Various linguistic views and their significance in language 11.3 Syllabus design 11.4 Language learning 11.5 Error analysis 11.6 Testing 11.1 The relation of linguistics to FLT Why should we teach or learn linguistics? Since linguistics is defined as the scientific study of language, it seems obvious that such a study would help a lot in language teaching and learning, although there is much difference between linguistics and language teaching or learning in their attitudes towards language, their goals, and their methods. Applied linguistics ?"Applied linguistics " also has a broader meaning: the study of linguistics and other theories in relation to any language-related problems. It includes psychology, neuro-physiology, information theory, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, cognitive science, etc. 11.2 Various linguistic views and their significance in language 11.2.1 Traditional grammar 11.2.2 Structuralist linguistics 11.2.3 Transformational-Generative linguistics 11.2.4 Functional linguistics 11.2.5 The theory of communicative competence 11.2.1 Traditional grammar The traditional approach to language teaching involves the presentation of numerous definitions, rules and explanations

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