The System.exit() method terminates the Java virtual machine. This method takes an argument, which is the status code passed to the caller.

System.exit()方法终止Java虚拟机。 此方法采用一个参数,这是传递给调用方的状态代码。

A status code of zero signifies a normal exit whereas a status code of non-zero signifies an abnormal code.


The code is not so important within Java itself. However, it’s common for scripts to rely on the exit codes of commands it invokes.

在Java本身中,代码并不是那么重要。 但是,脚本通常依赖于它调用的命令的退出代码。

Several non-zero codes can mean several different types of exits. This enables programmers to design their response system accordingly.

几种非零代码可能意味着几种不同类型的出口。 这使程序员可以相应地设计其响应系统。

The System.exit() is like a harsh version of breaking out of loops using conditionals.


System.exit(),状态码为0 (System.exit() with status code 0)

Let’s write a for loop and use System.exit(0) to exit out of the program with a status code of 0.


public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {for(int i=0;i<10;i++){System.out.println(i);if(i>5){System.exit(0);}}}

6Process finished with exit code 0

We can see that the program terminates with an exit code of 0.


以非零状态码退出 (Exiting with a non-zero status code )

We can exit out of the program with any non zero exit code.


public class Main {public static void main(String[] args) {for(int i=0;i<10;i++){System.out.println(i);if(i>5){System.exit(10);}}}

You can see that the exit code is printed as 10 in the output.


何时使用System.exit() (When to use System.exit())

It’s useful when you are calling a Java program from shell script. You can terminate the program in case of an abnormal scenario and pass on the status code to the caller shell script.

从外壳程序脚本调用Java程序时,此功能很有用。 您可以在异常情况下终止程序,并将状态代码传递给调用方外壳脚本。

结论 (Conclusion )

That is how Java.lang.System.exit() works. It is common to use it to exit loops and functions. Interestingly enough, System.exit() if not placed properly can render a certain portion of your code unreachable.

这就是Java.lang.System.exit()的工作方式。 通常使用它退出循环和功能。 有趣的是,如果未正确放置System.exit(),可能会使代码的某些部分无法访问。



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