typescript 静态

In Object-Oriented Programming, we write a lot of classes.

在面向对象编程中, 我们编写了许多

Classes contain properties (methods and attributes) which hold variables and operations.

类包含保存变量和操作的属性 ( 方法属性 )。

Every time we define the properties of a class, they are said to belong to either:


  • an instance of the class (an object created via constructor) OR

    类的实例 (通过构造函数创建的对象)或

  • the class itself (we call this a class member)

    班级本身 (我们称其为班级成员)

What do we mean by that?


How can properties belong to only the instance vs. only the class?


When we choose to use or omit the static keyword, it changes who the properties belong to.


Let's look at regular usage without the static keyword.


常规用法(属性属于实例) (Regular usage (properties belong to the instance))

Normally, when we define properties on a class, the only time they can be accessed is after we've created an instance of that class or if we use this to refer to the properties that will eventually reside on an instance of the object.


Take this early example from White Label.

以White Label为例。

type Genre = 'rock' | 'pop' | 'electronic' | 'rap'class Vinyl {public title: string;public artist: string;public genres: Genre[];constructor (title: string, artist: string, genres: Genre[]) {this.title = title;this.artist = artist;this.genres = genres;} public printSummary (): void {console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}
}const vinyl = new Vinyl('Goo', 'Sonic Youth', ['rock']);
console.log(vinyl.title)    // 'Goo'
console.log(vinyl.artist)   // 'Sonic Youth'
console.log(vinyl.genres)   // ['rock']
vinyl.printSummary();         // 'Goo is an album by Sonic Youth'

Each of the methods (printSummary(): void) and attributes (title, artist, genres) on the Vinyl class are said to belong to an instance of the class.

Vinyl类上的每个方法( printSummary(): void )和属性( titleartistgenres )都属于该类的实例

In the example, we were only able to access the properties title, artist and genres directly from the object after it was created.

在示例中,创建对象 ,我们只能直接从其访问titleartistgenres属性。

console.log(vinyl.title)    // This is valid!

Also note that when we use printSummary(): void, we can access title and artist using the this keyword:

还要注意,当我们使用printSummary(): void ,我们可以使用this关键字访问titleartist

class Vinyl {...public printSummary (): void {console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}

That works because at this point, the resulting object / instance of Vinyl owns those properties.

之所以可行,是因为此时, Vinyl的最终对象/实例拥有这些属性。

If we check out TypeScript Playground, we can look at the compiled JavaScript for this code sample:

如果我们查看TypeScript Playground ,我们可以查看此代码示例的已编译JavaScript:

"use strict";
class Vinyl {constructor(title, artist, genres) {this.title = title;this.artist = artist;this.genres = genres;}printSummary() {console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}
}const vinyl = new Vinyl('Goo', 'Sonic Youth', ['rock']);
console.log(vinyl.title); // 'Goo'
console.log(vinyl.artist); // 'Sonic Youth'
console.log(vinyl.genres); // ['rock']
vinyl.printSummary(); // 'Goo is an album by Sonic Youth'

The resulting JavaScript looks nearly identical.


Let's talk a bit about what happens when the properties are owned by the class.


静态属性(属性属于该类) (Static properties (properties belong to the class))

When we use the static keyword on properties we define on a class, they belong to the class itself.


That means that we cannot access those properties from an instance of the class.


We can only access the properties directly by referencing the class itself.


To demonstrate, let's add a counter NUM_VINYL_CREATED that increments the number of times that a Vinyl was created.

为了演示,让我们添加一个计数器NUM_VINYL_CREATED ,该计数器增加创建Vinyl的次数。

type Genre = 'rock' | 'pop' | 'electronic' | 'rap'class Vinyl {public title: string;public artist: string;public genres: Genre[];public static NUM_VINYL_CREATED: number = 0;constructor (title: string, artist: string, genres: Genre[]) {this.title = title;this.artist = artist;this.genres = genres;Vinyl.NUM_VINYL_CREATED++;        // increment number of vinyl createdconsole.log(Vinyl.NUM_VINYL_CREATED)  } public printSummary (): void { console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}
}let goo = new Vinyl ('Goo', 'Sonic Youth', ['rock']);
// prints out 0let daydream = new Vinyl ('Daydream Nation', 'Sonic Youth', ['rock']);
// prints out 1

Because the properties can only be accessed through the class itself, we can't do:


let goo = new Vinyl ('Goo', 'Sonic Youth', ['rock']);
goo.MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL    // Error
goo.NUM_VINYL_CREATED       // Error

You might have heard of a term called Class Members. An attribute or a method is a class member because they can ONLY be accessed through the class itself; therefore, they're members of the class.

您可能听说过一个称为“ 班级成员 ”的术语。 属性或方法是类成员,因为只能通过类本身来访问它们。 因此,他们是班上的成员。

That's great and all, but when would you want to use static properties?


如何知道何时使用静态属性 (How to know when to use static properties)

Before you add that attribute or method, as yourself:


Will this property ever need to be used by another class, without having an instance of this class?


In other words, should I need to call it on an object created by this class? If yes, then continue normally.

换句话说,是否需要在此类创建的对象上调用它? 如果是,则正常继续。

If no, then you might want to make a static member.


可能需要使用静态属性的方案 (Scenarios where it could make sense to use a static property)

  • to check a business rule or constraint from another class检查另一类的业务规则或约束
  • to implement a factory method to encapsulate the complexity required in order to create an instance of the class

    实现factory method以封装创建类实例所需的复杂性

  • to use an abstract factory in order to create a specific type of instance of the class

    使用abstract factory 来创建类的实例的特定类型

  • when the property shouldn't ever change当财产永远不应该改变

看起来很合理但实际上导致贫血的领域模型的场景: (Scenarios where it seems like it might make sense but actually leads to an anemic domain model:)

  • to perform validation logic on atttributes for that class (use Value Objects instead)

    对该类的属性执行验证逻辑(改为使用Value Objects )

To demonstrate a worthwhile scenario, let's add a static MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL attribute to "document a constraint" that a Vinyl may only have at max 2 different types of Genres.

为了演示一个有价值的场景,让我们添加一个static MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL属性来“记录约束”,一个Vinyl最多只能具有2种不同类型的Genres

type Genre = 'rock' | 'pop' | 'electronic' | 'rap'class Vinyl {public title: string;public artist: string;public genres: Genre[];public static MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL: number = 2;constructor (title: string, artist: string, genres: Genre[]) {this.title = title;this.artist = artist;this.genres = genres;}public printSummary (): void { console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}

And then let's add an addGenre(genre: Genre): void method to enforce this business rule.

然后,我们添加一个addGenre(genre: Genre): void方法来实施此业务规则。

type Genre = 'rock' | 'pop' | 'electronic' | 'rap'class Vinyl {public title: string;public artist: string;public genres: Genre[];public static MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL: number = 2;constructor (title: string, artist: string, genres: Genre[]) {this.title = title;this.artist = artist;this.genres = genres;}public addGenre (genre: Genre): void {// Notice that in order to reference the value, we have go through the class// itself (Vinyl), not through an instance of the class (this).const maxLengthExceeded = this.genres.length < Vinyl.MAX_GENRES_PER_VINYL;const alreadyAdded = this.genres.filter((g) => g === genre).length !== 0;if (!maxLengthExceeded && !alreadyAdded) {this.genres.push(genre);}}public printSummary (): void { console.log(`${this.title} is an album by ${this.artist}`);}

Advanced TypeScript和Node.js博客 (Advanced TypeScript & Node.js blog)

If you enjoyed this article, you should check out my blog. I write about Advanced TypeScript & Node.js best practices for large-scale applications and teach developers how to write flexible, maintainable software.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,则应该查看我的博客 。 我写了针对大型应用程序的Advanced TypeScript和Node.js最佳实践,并教开发人员如何编写灵活,可维护的软件。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/all-about-typescript-static-members-typescript-oop/

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