It’s hard times now. Today Petya needs to score 100 points on Informatics exam. The tasks seem easy to Petya, but he thinks he lacks time to finish them all, so he asks you to help with one…

There is a glob pattern in the statements (a string consisting of lowercase English letters, characters “?” and “"). It is known that character "” occurs no more than once in the pattern.

Also, n query strings are given, it is required to determine for each of them if the pattern matches it or not.

Everything seemed easy to Petya, but then he discovered that the special pattern characters differ from their usual meaning.

A pattern matches a string if it is possible to replace each character “?” with one good lowercase English letter, and the character “*” (if there is one) with any, including empty, string of bad lowercase English letters, so that the resulting string is the same as the given string.

The good letters are given to Petya. All the others are bad.

The first line contains a string with length from 1 to 26 consisting of distinct lowercase English letters. These letters are good letters, all the others are bad.

The second line contains the pattern — a string s of lowercase English letters, characters “?” and “" (1 ≤ |s| ≤ 105). It is guaranteed that character "” occurs in s no more than once.

The third line contains integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 105) — the number of query strings.

n lines follow, each of them contains single non-empty string consisting of lowercase English letters — a query string.

It is guaranteed that the total length of all query strings is not greater than 105.

Print n lines: in the i-th of them print “YES” if the pattern matches the i-th query string, and “NO” otherwise.

You can choose the case (lower or upper) for each letter arbitrary.

In the first example we can replace “?” with good letters “a” and “b”, so we can see that the answer for the first query is “YES”, and the answer for the second query is “NO”, because we can’t match the third letter.

Explanation of the second example.

The first query: “NO”, because character “" can be replaced with a string of bad letters only, but the only way to match the query string is to replace it with the string “ba”, in which both letters are good.
The second query: “YES”, because characters “?” can be replaced with corresponding good letters, and character "
” can be replaced with empty string, and the strings will coincide.
The third query: “NO”, because characters “?” can’t be replaced with bad letters.
The fourth query: “YES”, because characters “?” can be replaced with good letters “a”, and character “*” can be replaced with a string of bad letters “x”.

相当难的一道模拟,题目大意是说先给你两个字符串,第一个字符串中的字符可以看作是好字符,第二个字符串中有?和 * ,?表示可以替换为任何一个好字符,而 * 表示可以替换为任何一个不含好字符的字符串。再给一系列的字符串,看是否可以由第二个字符串替换为当前字符串。



第二种情况是有?的时候,因为?可以替换为任意长度的字符串,所以不能用比较长度的方法,需要先记录* 的位置,将字符串B分成* 前后两部分,先比较前面,依然按照第一种情况的方式比较。后半部分的比较就要稍微区别一下,这里采用倒着检验的方法,因为* 替换的字符串长度不确定,倒着比较到第一个没法替换的字符,然后假定这个字符和*之间的都是替换来的,看看这个字符串是不是符合不含任何一个A中的字符,如果符合就说明这个字符是替换来的,此外如果C的长度直接小于了 *的位置,直接就不可能替换。



using namespace std;
int main()
{string A,B;cin>>A>>B;int k=-1;for(int i=0;i<B.length();i++)if(B[i]=='*'){k=i;break;}int n;cin>>n;while(n--){string C;cin>>C;if(k==-1){if(B.length()!=C.length()) cout<<"NO"<<endl;else{int flag=1;for(int i=0;i<C.length();i++){if(B[i]=='?'){if(A.find(C[i])==-1)flag=0;}  else if(B[i]!=C[i])flag=0;if(flag==0) break;}if(flag==1) cout<<"YES"<<endl;else cout<<"NO"<<endl;}}else{int flag=1;for(int i=0;i<k&&flag==1;i++){if(B[i]=='?'){if(A.find(C[i])==-1)flag=0;}else if(B[i]!=C[i])flag=0;}int i=C.length()-1,j=B.length()-1;for(;j>k&&flag==1;i--,j--){if(i<k){flag=0;break;}if(B[j]=='?'){if(A.find(C[i])==-1){flag=0;break;}        }else if(B[j]!=C[i]){flag=0;break;}       }   for(int t=k;t<=i&&flag==1;t++)if(A.find(C[t])!=-1)flag=0;if(flag==0) cout<<"NO"<<endl;else cout<<"YES"<<endl;}}return 0;

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