
1. 历史背景

1.1 frame pointers

1.2 .debug_frame (DWARF)

1.3 .eh_frame (LSB)

1.4 CFI directives

2. .debug_frame (DWARF) 详解

2.1 Call Frame Table

2.2 Call Frame Instructions

2.3 Instructions Opcode

2.4 DWARF expression

2.5 Call Frame Instruction Usage

2.6 Call Frame Calling Address

2.7 CFI Example

3. .eh_frame 详解

3.1 .eh_frame 格式

3.1.1 CIE 格式

3.1.2 FDE 格式

3.1.3 .eh_frame_hdr 格式

3.1.4 DWARF Exception Header Encoding

3.2 .eh_frame 实例

3.2.1 解析信息

3.2.2 原始信息

4. CFI directives 详解

4.1 CFI 详解

4.2 CFI 实例

5. kernel unwind 实现

5.1 .eh_frame的加载

5.2 unwind解析

6. 用户态常见取栈方法

6.1 gcc取栈

6.2 glibc取栈

6.3 libunwind取栈


1. 历史背景

1.1 frame pointers

在调试的时候经常需要进行堆栈回溯。最简单的方式是使用一个独立的寄存器(ebp)来保存每层函数调用的堆栈栈顶(frame pointer):



1.2 .debug_frame (DWARF)

调试信息标准DWARF(Debugging With Attributed Record Formats)定义了一个.debug_frame section用来解决上述的难题。


1.3 .eh_frame (LSB)

现代Linux操作系统在LSB(Linux Standard Base)标准中定义了一个.eh_frame section来解决上述的难题。这个section和.debug_frame非常类似,但是它解决了上述难题:


1.4 CFI directives

为了解决上述难题,GAS(GCC Assembler)汇编编译器定义了一组伪指令来协助生成调用栈信息CFI(Call Frame Information)。

CFI directives伪指令是一组生成CFI调试信息的高级语言,它的形式类似于:

.cfi_def_cfa_offset 8
.cfi_offset ebp,-8


2. .debug_frame (DWARF) 详解

在DWARF6.4 Call Frame Information一节详细的描述了调用栈帧的定义。

2.1 Call Frame Table


可以使用readelf -wF xxx命令来查看通过elf文件中的.eh_frame解析出来的这张表:

$ readelf -wF a.out ...LOC           CFA      rbx   rbp   r12   r13   r14   r15   ra
00000000000006b0 rsp+8    u     u     u     u     u     u     c-8
00000000000006b2 rsp+16   u     u     u     u     u     c-16  c-8
00000000000006b4 rsp+24   u     u     u     u     c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006b9 rsp+32   u     u     u     c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006bb rsp+40   u     u     c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006c3 rsp+48   u     c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006cb rsp+56   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006d8 rsp+64   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070a rsp+56   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070b rsp+48   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070c rsp+40   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070e rsp+32   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000710 rsp+24   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000712 rsp+16   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000714 rsp+8    c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8


如果按上述说明实际构建,此表将非常大。 该表中任何位置的大多数条目与它们上方的条目相同。通过仅记录从程序中每个子例程的起始地址开始的差异,可以非常紧凑地表示整个表。

虚拟展开信息被编码在称为.debug_frame的独立部分中。 .debug_frame节中的条目相对于该节的开头按地址大小的倍数对齐,并以两种形式出现:公共信息条目(CIE)和帧描述条目(FDE)。



2.2 Call Frame Instructions




Instructions Descript Descript
DW_CFA_set_loc Location = Address

所需的操作是使用指定位置的地址来创建新的表行。 新行中的所有其他值最初都与当前行相同。 新位置值始终大于当前位置值。

The DW_CFA_set_loc instruction takes a single operand that represents a target address. The required action is to create a new table row using the specified address as the location. All other values in the new row are initially identical to the current row. The new location value is always greater than the current one. If the segment_size field of this FDE's CIE is non-zero, the initial location is preceded by a segment selector of the given length.
DW_CFA_advance_loc Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor)

所需的操作是使用位置值创建一个新表行,该位置值是通过获取当前条目的位置值并加上“ delta * code_alignment_factor”的值来计算的。 新行中的所有其他值最初都与当前行相同。

The DW_CFA_advance instruction takes a single operand (encoded with the opcode) that represents a constant delta. The required action is to create a new table row with a location value that is computed by taking the current entry’s location value and adding the value of `delta * code_alignment_factor`. All other values in the new row are initially identical to the current row.
DW_CFA_advance_loc1 Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor)


The DW_CFA_advance_loc1 instruction takes a single ubyte operand that represents a constant delta. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_advance_loc except for the encoding and size of the delta operand.
DW_CFA_advance_loc2 Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor)


The DW_CFA_advance_loc2 instruction takes a single uhalf operand that represents a constant delta. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_advance_loc except for the encoding and size of the delta operand.
DW_CFA_advance_loc4 Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor)


The DW_CFA_advance_loc4 instruction takes a single uword operand that represents a constant delta. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_advance_loc except for the encoding and size of the delta operand.


Instructions Descript Descript
DW_CFA_def_cfa register = new register num
offset = new offset
CFA = register + offset


The DW_CFA_def_cfa instruction takes two unsigned LEB128 operands representing a register number and a (non-factored) offset. The required action is to define the current CFA rule to use the provided register and offset.
DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf register = new register num
offset = (factored_offset * data_alignment_factor)
CFA = register + offset

该指令与DW_CFA_def_cfa相同,不同之处在于第二个操作数是有符号并且乘以因数。 结果偏移量为factored_offset * data_alignment_factor。

The DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number and a signed LEB128 factored offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_def_cfa except that the second operand is signed and factored. The resulting offset is factored_offset * data_alignment_factor.
DW_CFA_def_cfa_register register = new register number
CFA = register + old offset


The DW_CFA_def_cfa_register instruction takes a single unsigned LEB128 operand representing a register number. The required action is to define the current CFA rule to use the provided register (but to keep the old offset). This operation is valid only if the current CFA rule is defined to use a register and offset.
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset offset = new offset
CFA = old register + offset


The DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset instruction takes a single unsigned LEB128 operand representing a (non-factored) offset. The required action is to define the current CFA rule to use the provided offset (but to keep the old register). This operation is valid only if the current CFA rule is defined to use a register and offset.
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf offset = (factored_offset * data_alignment_factor)
CFA = old register + offset

该指令与DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset相同,除了操作数是有符号并且乘以因数。 结果偏移量为factored_offset * data_alignment_factor。 仅当当前CFA规则定义为使用寄存器和偏移量时,此操作才有效。

The DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf instruction takes a signed LEB128 operand representing a factored offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset except that the operand is signed and factored. The resulting offset is factored_offset * data_alignment_factor. This operation is valid only if the current CFA rule is defined to use a register and offset.
DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression CFA = DWARF expression


The DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression instruction takes a single operand encoded as a DW_FORM_exprloc value representing a DWARF expression. The required action is to establish that expression as the means by which the current CFA is computed.



Rule Descript Descript
undefined 具有此规则的寄存器在前一帧中没有可恢复的值。(按照惯例,被调用方不会保留它。) A register that has this rule has no recoverable value in the previous frame. (By convention, it is not preserved by a callee.)
same value 没有从前一帧修改此寄存器。(按照惯例,它是由被调用方保留的,但是被调用方尚未对其进行修改。) This register has not been modified from the previous frame. (By convention, it is preserved by the callee, but the callee has not modified it.)
offset(N) 该寄存器的先前值保存在地址CFA + N中,其中CFA是当前CFA值,N是有符号偏移量。 The previous value of this register is saved at the address CFA+N where CFA is the current CFA value and N is a signed offset.
val_offset(N) 该寄存器的前一个值为CFA + N,其中CFA为当前CFA值,N为有符号偏移量。 The previous value of this register is the value CFA+N where CFA is the current CFA value and N is a signed offset.
register(R) 该寄存器的先前值存储在另一个编号为R的寄存器中。 The previous value of this register is stored in another register numbered R.
expression(E) 该寄存器的先前值位于通过执行DWARF表达式E产生的地址。 The previous value of this register is located at the address produced by executing the DWARF expression E.
val_expression(E) 该寄存器的先前值是通过执行DWARF表达式E产生的值。 The previous value of this register is the value produced by executing the DWARF expression E.
architectural 该规则由增强器在此规范的外部定义。 The rule is defined externally to this specification by the augmenter.


Instructions Rule Descript Descript
DW_CFA_undefined undefined reg num = undefined


The DW_CFA_undefined instruction takes a single unsigned LEB128 operand that represents a register number. The required action is to set the rule for the specified register to “undefined.”
DW_CFA_same_value same value reg num = same value


The DW_CFA_same_value instruction takes a single unsigned LEB128 operand that represents a register number. The required action is to set the rule for the specified register to “same value.”
DW_CFA_offset offset(N) offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = *(CFA + offset)

所需的操作是将由寄存器编号指示的寄存器的规则更改为offset(N)规则,其中N的值是`factored offset* data_alignment_factor`。

The DW_CFA_offset instruction takes two operands: a register number (encoded with the opcode) and an unsigned LEB128 constant representing a factored offset. The required action is to change the rule for the register indicated by the register number to be an offset(N) rule where the value of N is factored offset * data_alignment_factor.
DW_CFA_offset_extended offset(N) offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = *(CFA + offset)


The DW_CFA_offset_extended instruction takes two unsigned LEB128 operands representing a register number and a factored offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_offset except for the encoding and size of the register operand.
DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf offset(N) offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = *(CFA + offset)

该指令与DW_CFA_offset_extended相同,不同之处在于第二个操作数有符号且乘以因数。 结果偏移量为factored_offset * data_alignment_factor。

The DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number and a signed LEB128 factored offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_offset_extended except that the second operand is signed and factored. The resulting offset is factored_offset * data_alignment_factor.
DW_CFA_val_offset val_offset(N) offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = CFA + offset

所需的操作是将寄存器编号指示的寄存器规则更改为val_offset(N)规则,其中N的值是factored_offset * data_alignment_factor。

The DW_CFA_val_offset instruction takes two unsigned LEB128 operands representing a register number and a factored offset. The required action is to change the rule for the register indicated by the register number to be a val_offset(N) rule where the value of N is factored_offset * data_alignment_factor.
DW_CFA_val_offset_sf val_offset(N) offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = CFA + offset

该指令与DW_CFA_val_offset相同,不同之处在于第二个操作数有符号且乘以因数。 结果偏移量为factored_offset * data_alignment_factor。

The DW_CFA_val_offset_sf instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number and a signed LEB128 factored offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_val_offset except that the second operand is signed and factored. The resulting offset is factored_offset * data_alignment_factor.
DW_CFA_register register(R) reg num = R (second operands)


The DW_CFA_register instruction takes two unsigned LEB128 operands representing register numbers. The required action is to set the rule for the first register to be register(R) where R is the second register.
DW_CFA_expression expression(E) reg num = *(DWARF expression)

所需的操作是将由寄存器编号指示的寄存器的规则更改为expression(E)规则,其中E是DWARF表达式。 即,DWARF表达式计算地址。

The DW_CFA_expression instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number, and a DW_FORM_block value representing a DWARF expression. The required action is to change the rule for the register indicated by the register number to be an expression(E) rule where E is the DWARF expression. That is, the DWARF expression computes the address. The value of the CFA is pushed on the DWARF evaluation stack prior to execution of the DWARF expression.
DW_CFA_val_expression val_expression(E) reg num = DWARF expression

所需的操作是将由寄存器号指示的寄存器的规则更改为val_expression(E)规则,其中E是DWARF表达式。 也就是说,DWARF表达式计算给定寄存器的值。

The DW_CFA_val_expression instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number, and a DW_FORM_block value representing a DWARF expression. The required action is to change the rule for the register indicated by the register number to be a val_expression(E) rule where E is the DWARF expression. That is, the DWARF expression computes the value of the given register. The value of the CFA is pushed on the DWARF evaluation stack prior to execution of the DWARF expression.
DW_CFA_restore initial_instructions in the CIE reg num = initial_instructions in the CIE


The DW_CFA_restore instruction takes a single operand (encoded with the opcode) that represents a register number. The required action is to change the rule for the indicated register to the rule assigned it by the initial_instructions in the CIE.
DW_CFA_restore_extended initial_instructions in the CIE reg num = initial_instructions in the CIE


The DW_CFA_restore_extended instruction takes a single unsigned LEB128 operand that represents a register number. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_restore except for the encoding and size of the register operand.


Instructions Descript Descript
DW_CFA_remember_state DW_CFA_remember_state指令不接受任何操作数。
The DW_CFA_remember_state instruction takes no operands. The required action is to push the set of rules for every register onto an implicit stack.
DW_CFA_restore_state DW_CFA_restore_state指令不接受任何操作数。
The DW_CFA_restore_state instruction takes no operands. The required action is to pop the set of rules off the implicit stack and place them in the current row.
Instructions Descript Descript
DW_CFA_nop DW_CFA_nop指令没有操作数,也没有必需的操作。 它用作填充以使CIE或FDE大小合适。 The DW_CFA_nop instruction has no operands and no required actions. It is used as padding to make a CIE or FDE an appropriate size.
Instructions Descript Descript
DW_CFA_GNU_args_size DW_CFA_GNU_args_size指令采用表示参数大小的无符号LEB128操作数。 该指令指定已推入堆栈的参数的总大小。 The DW_CFA_GNU_args_size instruction takes an unsigned LEB128 operand representing an argument size. This instruction specifies the total of the size of the arguments which have been pushed onto the stack.
DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended offset = (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)
reg num = *(CFA + offset)

该指令与DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf相同,除了减去操作数以产生偏移量。 该指令已被DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf废弃。

The DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf instruction takes two operands: an unsigned LEB128 value representing a register number and an unsigned LEB128 which represents the magnitude of the offset. This instruction is identical to DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf except that the operand is subtracted to produce the offset. This instructions is obsoleted by DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf.

2.3 Instructions Opcode


Instruction High 2Bits Low 6 Bits Operand 1 Operand 2
DW_CFA_advance_loc 0x1 delta    
DW_CFA_offset 0x2 register ULEB128 offset  
DW_CFA_restore 0x3 register    
DW_CFA_nop 0 0    
DW_CFA_set_loc 0 0x01 address  
DW_CFA_advance_loc1 0 0x02 1-byte delta  
DW_CFA_advance_loc2 0 0x03 2-byte delta  
DW_CFA_advance_loc4 0 0x04 4-byte delta  
DW_CFA_offset_extended 0 0x05 ULEB128 register ULEB128 offset
DW_CFA_restore_extended 0 0x06 ULEB128 register  
DW_CFA_undefined 0 0x07 ULEB128 register  
DW_CFA_same_value 0 0x08 ULEB128 register  
DW_CFA_register 0 0x09 ULEB128 register ULEB128 register
DW_CFA_remember_state 0 0x0a    
DW_CFA_restore_state 0 0x0b    
DW_CFA_def_cfa 0 0x0c ULEB128 register ULEB128 offset
DW_CFA_def_cfa_register 0 0x0d ULEB128 register  
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset 0 0x0e ULEB128 offset  
DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression 0 0x0f BLOCK  
DW_CFA_expression 0 0x10 ULEB128 register BLOCK
DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf 0 0x11 ULEB128 register SLEB128 offset
DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf 0 0x12 ULEB128 register SLEB128 offset
DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf 0 0x13 SLEB128 offset  
DW_CFA_val_offset 0 0x14 ULEB128 ULEB128
DW_CFA_val_offset_sf 0 0x15 ULEB128 SLEB128
DW_CFA_val_expression 0 0x16 ULEB128 BLOCK
DW_CFA_lo_user 0 0x1c    
DW_CFA_GNU_args_size 0 0x2e ULEB128  
DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended 0 0x2f ULEB128 ULEB128
DW_CFA_hi_user 0 0x3f    

2.4 DWARF expression

DWARF表达式描述了在程序调试期间如何计算值或命名位置。 它们以对一堆值进行操作的DWARF操作表示。

所有DWARF操作都被编码为流,每个操作码后跟零个或多个文字操作数。 操作数的数量由操作码决定。

具体DWARF表达式的运算指令在这里就不展开,感兴趣可以参考DWARF2.5 DWARF Expressions一节。

DW_CFA_def_cfa_expressionDW_CFA_expression 、 DW_CFA_val_expression这几条指令在计算时用到了DWARF表达式。同时它也有限制,以下DWARF运算符不能在此类操作数中使用:

因为DWARF expression拥有完备的图灵计算的能力,所以eh_frame容易成为攻击的后门。

2.5 Call Frame Instruction Usage


首先为了给虚拟展开规则集设置一个确定位置(L1),人们在FDE标头中进行搜索,查看initial_locationaddress_range值以查看L1是否包含在FDE中。 如果存在,则:

2.6 Call Frame Calling Address


如果在虚拟展开表中定义了返回地址寄存器,并且未定义其规则(例如,通过DW_CFA_undefined定义),则没有返回地址(return address),也没有调用地址(call address),并且堆栈激活的虚拟展开已完成。

在大多数情况下,返回地址与调用地址在同一上下文中,但不必如此,特别是如果生产者以某种方式知道该调用永不返回。 “返回地址”的上下文可能在不同的行中,在不同的词法块中或在调用子例程的末尾。如果使用者假定它与呼叫地址处于同一上下文中,则展开可能会失败。


2.7 CFI Example


•有8个4字节寄存器:R0 始终为0 R1 保存调用时的返回地址R2-R3 临时寄存器(在调用时不保护)R4-R6 在调用时保护R7 堆栈指针

以下是来自名为foo的子例程的两个代码片段,该子例程使用帧指针(除了堆栈指针之外)。 第一列的值是字节地址。 <fs>表示以字节为单位的堆栈帧大小,即12。

     ;; 保存现场,保护 R1/R6/R4;; start prologue
foo     sub R7, R7, <fs> ; Allocate frame
foo+4  store R1, R7, (<fs>-4) ; Save the return address
foo+8  store R6, R7, (<fs>-8) ; Save R6
foo+12     add R6, R7, 0 ; R6 is now the Frame ptr
foo+16     store R4, R6, (<fs>-12) ; Save a preserved reg;;  R5 在子函数中没有调用,所以没有保护;;  This subroutine does not change R5...;; 恢复现场,恢复 R4/R6/R1;; Start epilogue (R7 is returned to entry value)
foo+64     load R4, R6, (<fs>-12) ; Restore R4
foo+68     load R6, R7, (<fs>-8) ; Restore R6
foo+72     load R1, R7, (<fs>-4) ; Restore return address
foo+76     add R7, R7, <fs> ; Deallocate frame
foo+80     jump R1 ; Return

以上代码最终生成的CFI Table如下:


1. R8 is the return address
2. s = same_value rule
3. u = undefined rule
4. rN = register(N) rule
5. cN = offset(N) rule
6. a = architectural rule


1. <fs> = frame size
2. <caf> = code alignment factor
3. <daf> = data alignment factor

3. .eh_frame 详解

使用gcc -g生成的DWARF信息存储在debug_*类型的section,我们可以使用readelf -wi xxx查看debug_info段,或者dwarfdump xxx查看debug信息。

无论是否有-g选项,gcc默认都会生成.eh_frame.eh_frame_hdr section。-fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables选项可以禁止生成.eh_frame.eh_frame_hdr section。

3.1 .eh_frame 格式

在LSB(Linux Standard Base)中对.eh_frame格式有详细的描述。

.eh_frame section 包含一个或者多个CFI(Call Frame Information)记录。每个CFI包含一个CIE(Common Information Entry Record)记录,每个CIE包含一个或者多个FDE(Frame Description Entry)记录。


3.1.1 CIE 格式

Field Description
Length Required
Extended Length Optional
CIE ID Required
Version Required
Augmentation String Required
Code Alignment Factor Required
Data Alignment Factor Required
Return Address Register Required
Augmentation Data Length Optional
Augmentation Data Optional
Initial Instructions Required


  • 1、Length。读取4个字节。如果它们不是0xffffffff,则它们是CIE或FDE记录的长度。否则,接下来的64位将保留长度,这是64位DWARF格式。就像.debug_frame。

  • 2、ID。一个4字节无符号值,对于CIE,它是0。对于FDE,它是从该字段到与该FDE关联的CIE开头的字节偏移。字节偏移量到达CIE的长度记录。正值向后退;也就是说,您必须从当前字节位置减去ID字段的值才能获得CIE位置。这与.debug_frame不同,因为偏移是相对的,而不是.debug_frame节中的偏移。

  • 3、Version。1字节的CIE版本。在撰写本文时,该值为1或3。

  • 4、Augmentation String。扩充参数字符串,以NULL结尾。这是一个字符序列。非常老版本的gcc在这里使用字符串“ eh”,但我不会对此进行记录。这将在下面进一步描述。

  • 5、Code Alignment Factor。代码对齐因子,无符号LEB128(LEB128是数字的DWARF编码,在此不再赘述)。对于.eh_frame,该值应始终为1。

  • 6、Data Alignment Factor。数据对齐因子,带符号的LEB128。如.debug_frame中所示,这是偏移指令之外的常数。

  • 7、Return Address Register。返回地址寄存器。在CIE版本1中,这是一个字节。在CIE版本3中,这是未签名的LEB128。这表明框架表中的哪一列代表返回地址。

  • 8、下面的字段含义,取决于Augmentation String的定义:

    • 'z’可以作为字符串的第一个字符出现。如果存在,则应显示Augmentation Data字段。 扩展数据的内容应根据扩展字符串中的其他字符来解释。
      如果扩展字符串以’z’开头,下一个字段是一个无符号的LEB128即扩展数据的长度Augmentation Data Length,将其补齐以使CIE在地址边界处结束。如果看到无法识别的扩充字符,则用于跳到扩充数据augmentation data的末尾。

    • 字符串的第一个字符之后的任何位置都可能存在’L’。 仅当’z’是字符串的第一个字符时,才可以显示该字符。
      如果存在,则表示CIE的扩展数据Augmentation Data中存在一个参数argument,而FDE的扩展数据Augmentation Data中也存在相应的参数argument

    • 字符串的第一个字符之后的任何位置都可以出现’R’。 仅当’z’是字符串的第一个字符时,才可以显示该字符。

    • 扩充字符串中的字符’S’表示此CIE表示用于调用信号处理程序的堆栈帧。展开堆栈时,信号堆栈帧的处理方式略有不同:指令指针被假定为在下一条要执行的指令之前而不是在其之后。

    • 字符串的第一个字符之后的任何位置都可能存在“ P”。 仅当“ z”是字符串的第一个字符时,才可以显示该字符。
      个性例程用于处理语言和特定于供应商的任务。 系统展开库接口通过指向个性例程的指针访问特定于语言的异常处理语义。 个性例程没有特定于ABI的名称。 个性例程指针的大小由所使用的指针编码指定。

  • 9、Initial Instructions。其余字节是DW_CFA_xxx操作码数组,它们定义帧表的初始值。然后,根据需要跟在DW_CFA_nop填充字节之后,以匹配CIE的总长度。

3.1.2 FDE 格式

Field Description
Length Required
Extended Length Optional
CIE Pointer Required
PC Begin Required
PC Range Required
Augmentation Data Length Optional
Augmentation Data Optional
Call Frame Instructions Required


3.1.3 .eh_frame_hdr 格式

Encoding Field
unsigned byte version
unsigned byte eh_frame_ptr_enc
unsigned byte fde_count_enc
unsigned byte table_enc
encoded eh_frame_ptr
encoded fde_count
  binary search table

.eh_frame_hdr section包含.eh_frame的额外信息。


3.1.4 DWARF Exception Header Encoding

DWARF异常标头编码用于描述.eh_frame和.eh_frame_hdr部分中使用的数据类型。 高4位指示如何应用该值, 低4位表示数据格式。

Name Value Meaning Descript
DW_EH_PE_absptr 0x00 Pointer (long) The Value is a literal pointer whose size is determined by the architecture.
DW_EH_PE_uleb128 0x01 Unsigned LEB128 Unsigned value is encoded using the Little Endian Base 128 (LEB128) as defined by DWARF Debugging Information Format, Revision 2.0.0.
DW_EH_PE_udata2 0x02 A 2 bytes unsigned value.  
DW_EH_PE_udata4 0x03 A 4 bytes unsigned value.  
DW_EH_PE_udata8 0x04 An 8 bytes unsigned value.  
DW_EH_PE_sleb128 0x09 Signed LEB128 Signed value is encoded using the Little Endian Base 128 (LEB128) as defined by DWARF Debugging Information Format, Revision 2.0.0.
DW_EH_PE_sdata2 0x0A A 2 bytes signed value.  
DW_EH_PE_sdata4 0x0B A 4 bytes signed value.  
DW_EH_PE_sdata8 0x0C An 8 bytes signed value.  
Name Value Meaning Descript
DW_EH_PE_pcrel 0x10 Value is relative to the current program counter. 值是相对于当前程序计数器的。
DW_EH_PE_textrel 0x20 Value is relative to the beginning of the .text section. 值是相对于.text section的。
DW_EH_PE_datarel 0x30 Value is relative to the beginning of the .got or .eh_frame_hdr section. 值是相对于.got或者.eh_frame_hdr section的。
DW_EH_PE_funcrel 0x40 Value is relative to the beginning of the function. 值是相对于当前函数的。
DW_EH_PE_aligned 0x50 Value is aligned to an address unit sized boundary. 值与地址单元大小的边界对齐。
Name Value Meaning Descript
DW_EH_PE_omit 0xFF indicate that no value is present  

3.2 .eh_frame 实例


$ cat test.c
#include <stdio.h>int test(int x)
{int c =10;return x*c;
}void main()
{int a,b;a = 10;b = 11;printf("hello test~, %d\n", a+b);a = test(a+b);
$ gcc test.c

3.2.1 解析信息

可以使用readelf -wF xxx命令来查看elf文件中的.eh_frame解析信息:

$ readelf -wF a.out
Contents of the .eh_frame section:00000000 0000000000000014 00000000 CIE "zR" cf=1 df=-8 ra=16LOC           CFA      ra
0000000000000000 rsp+8    u     ...000000c8 0000000000000044 0000009c FDE cie=00000030 pc=00000000000006b0..0000000000000715LOC           CFA      rbx   rbp   r12   r13   r14   r15   ra
00000000000006b0 rsp+8    u     u     u     u     u     u     c-8
00000000000006b2 rsp+16   u     u     u     u     u     c-16  c-8
00000000000006b4 rsp+24   u     u     u     u     c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006b9 rsp+32   u     u     u     c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006bb rsp+40   u     u     c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006c3 rsp+48   u     c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006cb rsp+56   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
00000000000006d8 rsp+64   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070a rsp+56   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070b rsp+48   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070c rsp+40   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
000000000000070e rsp+32   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000710 rsp+24   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000712 rsp+16   c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8
0000000000000714 rsp+8    c-56  c-48  c-40  c-32  c-24  c-16  c-8


CFA (Canonical Frame Address, which is the address of %rsp in the caller frame),CFA就是上一级调用者的堆栈指针。


3.2.2 原始信息

也可以使用readelf -wf xxx命令来查看elf文件中的.eh_frame原始信息:

$ readelf -wf a.out
...000000c8 0000000000000044 0000009c FDE cie=00000030 pc=00000000000006b0..0000000000000715DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 00000000000006b2DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 16DW_CFA_offset: r15 (r15) at cfa-16DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 00000000000006b4DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 24DW_CFA_offset: r14 (r14) at cfa-24DW_CFA_advance_loc: 5 to 00000000000006b9DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 32DW_CFA_offset: r13 (r13) at cfa-32DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 00000000000006bbDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 40DW_CFA_offset: r12 (r12) at cfa-40DW_CFA_advance_loc: 8 to 00000000000006c3DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 48DW_CFA_offset: r6 (rbp) at cfa-48DW_CFA_advance_loc: 8 to 00000000000006cbDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 56DW_CFA_offset: r3 (rbx) at cfa-56DW_CFA_advance_loc: 13 to 00000000000006d8DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 64DW_CFA_advance_loc: 50 to 000000000000070aDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 56DW_CFA_advance_loc: 1 to 000000000000070bDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 48DW_CFA_advance_loc: 1 to 000000000000070cDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 40DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 000000000000070eDW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 32DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000000710DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 24DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000000712DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 16DW_CFA_advance_loc: 2 to 0000000000000714DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset: 8DW_CFA_nop

这些信息就是.eh_frame的原始格式,是GAS(GCC Assembler)汇编编译器搜集汇编代码中所有的CFI伪指令汇总而成。

其中CIEFDE的格式在第一节中已经介绍,不好理解的是DW_CFA_*开头的这些指令,这些指令的具体含义可以查看DWARF6.4.2 Call Frame Instructions一节或者CFI(Call Frame Information)/ARM CFI的定义。

而上一节使用readelf -wF xxx命令解析了这些信息,我们初步看看对应关系:

4. CFI directives 详解

4.1 CFI 详解

在GAS(GCC Assembler)汇编编译器CFI(Call Frame Information)/ARM CFI文档中,对所有CFI伪指令的含义有详细描述。或者查看查看DWARF6.4.2 Call Frame Instructions一节。


.cfi_sections用来描述产生的目标是.eh_frame section and/or .debug_frame section
如果section_list为.eh_frame,.eh_frame则产生,如果section_list为.debug_frame,.debug_frame则产生。两者同时产生.eh_frame, .debug_frame。如果不使用此指令,则默认值为.cfi_sections .eh_frame。




CFA = register + offset

认基址寄存器register = rsp。



完整x86_64的DWARF Register Number Mapping可以参考x86_64 ABI 3.7 Stack Unwind Algorithm一节。


register = new register


CFA = register + offset(new)


CFA = register + pre_offset + offset(new)


*(CFA + offset) = register(pre_value)



4.2 CFI 实例


kernel\arch\x86\kernel\entry_64.S:ENTRY(system_call)CFI_STARTPROC    simpleCFI_SIGNAL_FRAMECFI_DEF_CFA   rsp,KERNEL_STACK_OFFSETCFI_REGISTER rip,rcx/*CFI_REGISTER   rflags,r11*/SWAPGS_UNSAFE_STACK#define CFI_STARTPROC        .cfi_startproc
#define CFI_ENDPROC     .cfi_endproc
#define CFI_DEF_CFA     .cfi_def_cfa
#define CFI_DEF_CFA_REGISTER    .cfi_def_cfa_register
#define CFI_DEF_CFA_OFFSET  .cfi_def_cfa_offset
#define CFI_ADJUST_CFA_OFFSET   .cfi_adjust_cfa_offset
#define CFI_OFFSET      .cfi_offset
#define CFI_REL_OFFSET      .cfi_rel_offset
#define CFI_REGISTER        .cfi_register
#define CFI_RESTORE     .cfi_restore
#define CFI_REMEMBER_STATE  .cfi_remember_state
#define CFI_RESTORE_STATE   .cfi_restore_state
#define CFI_UNDEFINED       .cfi_undefined
#define CFI_SAME_VALUE      .cfi_same_value


gcc -S test.c           // c语言生成汇编代码
vim test.s              // 查看汇编代码


使用readelf -wF xxx读出对应FDE的信息:

000000a8 000000000000001c 0000007c FDE cie=00000030 pc=0000000000000661..00000000000006a7LOC           CFA      rbp   ra
0000000000000661 rsp+8    u     c-8
0000000000000662 rsp+16   c-16  c-8
0000000000000665 rbp+16   c-16  c-8
00000000000006a6 rsp+8    c-16  c-8

5. kernel unwind 实现


5.1 .eh_frame的加载



kernel\include\asm-generic\vmlinux.lds.h#ifdef CONFIG_STACK_UNWIND
#define EH_FRAME                            \/* Unwind data binary search table */          \. = ALIGN(8);                     \.eh_frame_hdr : AT(ADDR(.eh_frame_hdr) - LOAD_OFFSET) {    \VMLINUX_SYMBOL(__start_unwind_hdr) = .;       \*(.eh_frame_hdr)               \VMLINUX_SYMBOL(__end_unwind_hdr) = .;     \}                          \/* Unwind data */                  \. = ALIGN(8);                     \.eh_frame : AT(ADDR(.eh_frame) - LOAD_OFFSET) {        \VMLINUX_SYMBOL(__start_unwind) = .;       \*(.eh_frame)                   \VMLINUX_SYMBOL(__end_unwind) = .;     \}
#define EH_FRAME


start_kernel()↓void __init unwind_init(void)
{init_unwind_table(&root_table, "kernel",_text, _end - _text,NULL, 0,__start_unwind, __end_unwind - __start_unwind,__start_unwind_hdr, __end_unwind_hdr - __start_unwind_hdr);
}↓static void init_unwind_table(struct unwind_table *table,const char *name,const void *core_start,unsigned long core_size,const void *init_start,unsigned long init_size,const void *table_start,unsigned long table_size,const u8 *header_start,unsigned long header_size)
{const u8 *ptr = header_start + 4;const u8 *end = header_start + header_size;table->core.pc = (unsigned long)core_start;table->core.range = core_size;table->init.pc = (unsigned long)init_start;table->init.range = init_size;table->address = table_start;table->size = table_size;/* See if the linker provided table looks valid. */if (header_size <= 4|| header_start[0] != 1|| (void *)read_pointer(&ptr, end, header_start[1], 0, 0)!= table_start|| !read_pointer(&ptr, end, header_start[2], 0, 0)|| !read_pointer(&ptr, end, header_start[3], 0,(unsigned long)header_start)|| !read_pointer(&ptr, end, header_start[3], 0,(unsigned long)header_start))header_start = NULL;table->hdrsz = header_size;smp_wmb();table->header = header_start;table->link = NULL;table->name = name;


5.2 unwind解析


show_trace_log_lvl(struct task_struct *task, struct pt_regs *regs,unsigned long *stack, unsigned long bp, char *log_lvl)
{printk("%sCall Trace:\n", log_lvl);/* 指定了ops为print_trace_ops */dump_trace(task, regs, stack, bp, &print_trace_ops, log_lvl);
↓kernel\arch\x86\kernel\entry_64.S:#ifdef CONFIG_STACK_UNWIND
/*%rdi 参数1:unwind_frame_info%rsi 参数2:unwind_callback_fn = dump_trace_unwind()%rdx 参数3:stacktrace_ops%rcx 参数4:void *data = NULL*/
ENTRY(arch_unwind_init_running)CFI_STARTPROCmovq    %r15, R15(%rdi)     /* 给参数1赋值:构造本进程的寄存器值 unwind_frame_info->regs */movq   %r14, R14(%rdi)xchgq    %rsi, %rdxmovq  %r13, R13(%rdi)movq %r12, R12(%rdi)xorl %eax, %eaxmovq  %rbp, RBP(%rdi)movq %rbx, RBX(%rdi)movq (%rsp), %r9xchgq    %rdx, %rcx          /* 交换参数3和参数4 */movq %rax, R11(%rdi)movq %rax, R10(%rdi)movq %rax, R9(%rdi)movq  %rax, R8(%rdi)movq  %rax, RAX(%rdi)movq %rax, RCX(%rdi)movq %rax, RDX(%rdi)movq %rax, RSI(%rdi)movq %rax, RDI(%rdi)movq %rax, ORIG_RAX(%rdi)movq    %r9, RIP(%rdi)leaq  8(%rsp), %r9movq    $__KERNEL_CS, CS(%rdi)movq  %rax, EFLAGS(%rdi)movq  %r9, RSP(%rdi)movq  $__KERNEL_DS, SS(%rdi)jmpq  *%rcx               /* 使用构造好的参数来调用dump_trace_unwind() */CFI_ENDPROC
#endif↓int asmlinkage dump_trace_unwind(struct unwind_frame_info *info,const struct stacktrace_ops *ops, void *data)
{int n = 0;
#ifdef CONFIG_STACK_UNWINDunsigned long sp = UNW_SP(info);if (arch_unw_user_mode(info))return -1;/* (1) 循环调用unwind()函数获取每一层堆栈的寄存器信息 info->regs*/while (unwind(info) == 0 && UNW_PC(info)) {n++;/* (1.1) 调用ops->address来处理每一层的pc值 */ops->address(data, UNW_PC(info), 1);/* (1.2) 是否是用户态判断 */if (arch_unw_user_mode(info))break;/* (1.3) sp合法性判断 */if ((sp & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1)) == (UNW_SP(info) & ~(PAGE_SIZE - 1))&& sp > UNW_SP(info))break;sp = UNW_SP(info);}
#endifreturn n;


int unwind(struct unwind_frame_info *frame)
#define FRAME_REG(r, t) (((t *)frame)[reg_info[r].offs])const u32 *fde = NULL, *cie = NULL;const u8 *ptr = NULL, *end = NULL;unsigned long pc = UNW_PC(frame) - frame->call_frame, sp;unsigned long startLoc = 0, endLoc = 0, cfa;unsigned i;signed ptrType = -1;uleb128_t retAddrReg = 0;const struct unwind_table *table;struct unwind_state state;if (UNW_PC(frame) == 0)return -EINVAL;/* (1) 根据pc找到对应的unwind table查找PC对应的FDE*/if ((table = find_table(pc)) != NULL&& !(table->size & (sizeof(*fde) - 1))) {const u8 *hdr = table->header;unsigned long tableSize;smp_rmb();/* (1.1) 根据`.eh_frame_hdr`查找到PC对应的FDE`.eh_frame_hdr`的格式--------------------------------------------------------------------Field               | expression--------------------------------------------------------------------version             | hdr[0]eh_frame_ptr_enc    | hdr[1]fde_count_enc       | hdr[2]table_enc           | hdr[3]eh_frame_ptr        | read_pointer(&ptr, end, hdr[1], 0, 0)fde_count           | read_pointer(&ptr, end, hdr[2], 0, 0))binary search table | (2 * tableSize)*fde_count ,(location, address)---------------------------------------------------------------------`binary search table`是一张FDE的查询表:每张表有fde_count个条目每个条目有两个元素(location, address),每个元素的大小为tableSize表以降序来排序*/if (hdr && hdr[0] == 1) {/* 根据`table_enc`计算出tableSize大小 */switch (hdr[3] & DW_EH_PE_FORM) {case DW_EH_PE_native: tableSize = sizeof(unsigned long); break;case DW_EH_PE_data2: tableSize = 2; break;case DW_EH_PE_data4: tableSize = 4; break;case DW_EH_PE_data8: tableSize = 8; break;default: tableSize = 0; break;}ptr = hdr + 4;end = hdr + table->hdrsz;if (tableSize/* 确认`eh_frame_ptr`指向的是`.eh_frame` */&& read_pointer(&ptr, end, hdr[1], 0, 0)== (unsigned long)table->address/* 计算`fde_count`存储到i变量,并且进行合法性判断 */&& (i = read_pointer(&ptr, end, hdr[2], 0, 0)) > 0&& i == (end - ptr) / (2 * tableSize)&& !((end - ptr) % (2 * tableSize))) {/* 使用二分法在`binary search table`入口表中查询,根据PC找到对应的FDE地址*/do {const u8 *cur = ptr + (i / 2) * (2 * tableSize);startLoc = read_pointer(&cur,cur + tableSize,hdr[3], 0,(unsigned long)hdr);if (pc < startLoc)i /= 2;else {ptr = cur - tableSize;i = (i + 1) / 2;}} while (startLoc && i > 1);if (i == 1&& (startLoc = read_pointer(&ptr,ptr + tableSize,hdr[3], 0,(unsigned long)hdr)) != 0&& pc >= startLoc)fde = (void *)read_pointer(&ptr,ptr + tableSize,hdr[3], 0,(unsigned long)hdr);}}if (hdr && !fde)dprintk(3, "Binary lookup for %lx failed.", pc);/* (1.2) 解析`FDE`,确认PC值是否在FDE的范围中--------------------------------------------------------------------Field                     | expression--------------------------|------------------------------------------Length                    | fdeCIE Pointer                | (fde + 1)PC Begin                | ptr = (const u8 *)(fde + 2);| read_pointer(&ptr, (const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde, ptrType, 0, 0)PC Range                 | read_pointer(&ptr, (const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde, ptrType, 0, 0)Augmentation Data Length  |Augmentation Data         |Call Frame Instructions    |Padding                    |---------------------------------------------------------------------*/if (fde != NULL) {/* 根据fde中的指针找到对应cie */cie = cie_for_fde(fde, table);ptr = (const u8 *)(fde + 2);if (cie != NULL&& cie != &bad_cie&& cie != &not_fde/* 得到cie中的指针类型 */&& (ptrType = fde_pointer_type(cie)) >= 0/* 读出`PC Begin`,确认`.eh_frame_hdr`中的PC基址和FDE中的PC基址相等 */&& read_pointer(&ptr,(const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde,ptrType, 0, 0) == startLoc) {if (!(ptrType & DW_EH_PE_indirect))ptrType &= DW_EH_PE_FORM|DW_EH_PE_signed;/* 读出`PC Range`,得到FDE的结束PC值 */endLoc = startLoc+ read_pointer(&ptr,(const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde,ptrType, 0, 0);if (pc >= endLoc)fde = NULL;} elsefde = NULL;if (!fde)dprintk(1, "Binary lookup result for %lx discarded.", pc);}/* (1.3) 如果从`.eh_frame_hdr`中查找PC对应的FDE失败 (快路径)尝试直接从`.eh_frame`中查找PC对应的FDE (慢路径)*/if (fde == NULL) {for (fde = table->address, tableSize = table->size;cie = NULL, tableSize > sizeof(*fde)&& tableSize - sizeof(*fde) >= *fde;tableSize -= sizeof(*fde) + *fde,fde += 1 + *fde / sizeof(*fde)) {cie = cie_for_fde(fde, table);if (cie == &bad_cie) {cie = NULL;break;}if (cie == NULL|| cie == &not_fde|| (ptrType = fde_pointer_type(cie)) < 0)continue;ptr = (const u8 *)(fde + 2);startLoc = read_pointer(&ptr,(const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde,ptrType, 0, 0);if (!startLoc)continue;if (!(ptrType & DW_EH_PE_indirect))ptrType &= DW_EH_PE_FORM|DW_EH_PE_signed;endLoc = startLoc+ read_pointer(&ptr,(const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde,ptrType, 0, 0);if (pc >= startLoc && pc < endLoc)break;}if (!fde)dprintk(3, "Linear lookup for %lx failed.", pc);}}/* (2) 解析出`CIE`各字段--------------------------------------------------------------------Field                     | expression--------------------------|------------------------------------------Length                      | cieCIE ID                     | (cie + 1)Version                     | ptr = (const u8 *)(cie + 2)Augmentation String          | Code Alignment Factor     |Data Alignment Factor      |Return Address Register    |Augmentation Data Length  |Augmentation Data       |Initial Instructions   |Padding                    |---------------------------------------------------------------------(2.1) 解析出CIE中的`Length`、`CIE ID`、`Version`、`Augmentation String`这几个字段*/if (cie != NULL) {memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));state.cieEnd = ptr; /* keep here temporarily */ptr = (const u8 *)(cie + 2);end = (const u8 *)(cie + 1) + *cie;frame->call_frame = 1;/* 解析出`Version` */if ((state.version = *ptr) != 1)cie = NULL; /* unsupported version *//* 解析出`Augmentation String` */else if (*++ptr) {/* check if augmentation size is first (and thus present) */if (*ptr == 'z') {while (++ptr < end && *ptr) {switch (*ptr) {/* check for ignorable (or already handled)* nul-terminated augmentation string */case 'L':case 'P':case 'R':continue;case 'S':frame->call_frame = 0;continue;default:break;}break;}}if (ptr >= end || *ptr)cie = NULL;}if (!cie)dprintk(1, "CIE unusable (%p,%p).", ptr, end);++ptr;}/* (2.2) 解析出CIE中的`Code Alignment Factor`、`Data Alignment Factor`、`Return Address Register`、`Augmentation Data Length`、`Augmentation Data`这几个字段*/if (cie != NULL) {/* get code aligment factor *//* 解析出`Code Alignment Factor` */state.codeAlign = get_uleb128(&ptr, end);/* get data aligment factor *//* 解析出`Data Alignment Factor` */state.dataAlign = get_sleb128(&ptr, end);if (state.codeAlign == 0 || state.dataAlign == 0 || ptr >= end)cie = NULL;else if (UNW_PC(frame) % state.codeAlign|| UNW_SP(frame) % sleb128abs(state.dataAlign)) {dprintk(1, "Input pointer(s) misaligned (%lx,%lx).",UNW_PC(frame), UNW_SP(frame));return -EPERM;} else {/* 解析出`Return Address Register` */retAddrReg = state.version <= 1 ? *ptr++ : get_uleb128(&ptr, end);/* skip augmentation *//* 解析出`Augmentation Data Length` */if (((const char *)(cie + 2))[1] == 'z') {uleb128_t augSize = get_uleb128(&ptr, end);ptr += augSize;}if (ptr > end|| retAddrReg >= ARRAY_SIZE(reg_info)|| REG_INVALID(retAddrReg)|| reg_info[retAddrReg].width != sizeof(unsigned long))cie = NULL;}if (!cie)dprintk(1, "CIE validation failed (%p,%p).", ptr, end);}/* (2.3) 解析出CIE中的`Initial Instructions`位置和FDE中的`Call Frame Instructions`位置*/if (cie != NULL) {state.cieStart = ptr;                   /* state.cieStart: CIE的`Initial Instructions`开始 */ptr = state.cieEnd;                     state.cieEnd = end;                     /* state.cieEnd: CIE的`Initial Instructions`结束 */end = (const u8 *)(fde + 1) + *fde;     /* end: FDE的`Call Frame Instructions`结束 *//* skip augmentation */if (((const char *)(cie + 2))[1] == 'z') {uleb128_t augSize = get_uleb128(&ptr, end);if ((ptr += augSize) > end)         /* ptr: FDE的`Call Frame Instructions`开始 */fde = NULL;}if (!fde)dprintk(1, "FDE validation failed (%p,%p).", ptr, end);}/* (3) 如果CIE和FDE任一为空,出错返回 */if (cie == NULL || fde == NULL) {
#ifdef CONFIG_FRAME_POINTERunsigned long top = TSK_STACK_TOP(frame->task);unsigned long bottom = STACK_BOTTOM(frame->task);unsigned long fp = UNW_FP(frame);unsigned long sp = UNW_SP(frame);unsigned long link;if ((sp | fp) & (sizeof(unsigned long) - 1))return -EPERM;# if FRAME_RETADDR_OFFSET < 0if (!(sp < top && fp <= sp && bottom < fp))
# elseif (!(sp > top && fp >= sp && bottom > fp))
# endifreturn -ENXIO;if (probe_kernel_address(fp + FRAME_LINK_OFFSET, link))return -ENXIO;# if FRAME_RETADDR_OFFSET < 0if (!(link > bottom && link < fp))
# elseif (!(link < bottom && link > fp))
# endifreturn -ENXIO;if (link & (sizeof(link) - 1))return -ENXIO;fp += FRAME_RETADDR_OFFSET;if (probe_kernel_address(fp, UNW_PC(frame)))return -ENXIO;/* Ok, we can use it */
# if FRAME_RETADDR_OFFSET < 0UNW_SP(frame) = fp - sizeof(UNW_PC(frame));
# elseUNW_SP(frame) = fp + sizeof(UNW_PC(frame));
# endifUNW_FP(frame) = link;return 0;
#elsereturn -ENXIO;
#endif}/* (4) 解析CIE的`Initial Instructions`中的cfa指令 和FDE的`Call Frame Instructions`中的cfa指令解析结果放到state数据结构中*/state.org = startLoc;memcpy(&state.cfa, &badCFA, sizeof(state.cfa));/* process instructions */if (!processCFI(ptr, end, pc, ptrType, &state)|| state.loc > endLoc|| state.regs[retAddrReg].where == Nowhere|| state.cfa.reg >= ARRAY_SIZE(reg_info)|| reg_info[state.cfa.reg].width != sizeof(unsigned long)|| FRAME_REG(state.cfa.reg, unsigned long) % sizeof(unsigned long)|| state.cfa.offs % sizeof(unsigned long)) {dprintk(1, "Unusable unwind info (%p,%p).", ptr, end);return -EIO;}/* update frame *//* (5) 信号相关的帧处理 */
#ifndef CONFIG_AS_CFI_SIGNAL_FRAMEif (frame->call_frame&& !UNW_DEFAULT_RA(state.regs[retAddrReg], state.dataAlign))frame->call_frame = 0;
#endif/* (6) 首先根据指令解析结果,计算cfa的值:CFA = register + offset*/cfa = FRAME_REG(state.cfa.reg, unsigned long) + state.cfa.offs;startLoc = min((unsigned long)UNW_SP(frame), cfa);endLoc = max((unsigned long)UNW_SP(frame), cfa);if (STACK_LIMIT(startLoc) != STACK_LIMIT(endLoc)) {startLoc = min(STACK_LIMIT(cfa), cfa);endLoc = max(STACK_LIMIT(cfa), cfa);}
#ifndef CONFIG_64BIT
# define CASES CASE(8); CASE(16); CASE(32)
# define CASES CASE(8); CASE(16); CASE(32); CASE(64)
#endifpc = UNW_PC(frame);sp = UNW_SP(frame);/* (7) 再根据指令解析结果更新寄存器集的值(7.1) 第1遍轮询解析Register类型:state.regs[i].value = FRAME_REG(state.regs[i].value)*/for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(state.regs); ++i) {if (REG_INVALID(i)) {if (state.regs[i].where == Nowhere)continue;dprintk(1, "Cannot restore register %u (%d).",i, state.regs[i].where);return -EIO;}switch (state.regs[i].where) {default:break;case Register:if (state.regs[i].value >= ARRAY_SIZE(reg_info)|| REG_INVALID(state.regs[i].value)|| reg_info[i].width > reg_info[state.regs[i].value].width) {dprintk(1, "Cannot restore register %u from register %lu.",i, state.regs[i].value);return -EIO;}switch (reg_info[state.regs[i].value].width) {
#define CASE(n) \case sizeof(u##n): \state.regs[i].value = FRAME_REG(state.regs[i].value, \const u##n); \breakCASES;
#undef CASEdefault:dprintk(1, "Unsupported register size %u (%lu).",reg_info[state.regs[i].value].width,state.regs[i].value);return -EIO;}break;}}/* (7.2) 第2遍轮询解析*/for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(state.regs); ++i) {if (REG_INVALID(i))continue;switch (state.regs[i].where) {/* Nowhere类型:UNW_SP(frame) = cfa; */case Nowhere:if (reg_info[i].width != sizeof(UNW_SP(frame))|| &FRAME_REG(i, __typeof__(UNW_SP(frame)))!= &UNW_SP(frame))continue;UNW_SP(frame) = cfa;break;/* Register类型:把第一轮计算出来的寄存器的值state.regs[i].value,更新完到FRAME_REG(i)结构中*/case Register:switch (reg_info[i].width) {
#define CASE(n) case sizeof(u##n): \FRAME_REG(i, u##n) = state.regs[i].value; \breakCASES;
#undef CASEdefault:dprintk(1, "Unsupported register size %u (%u).",reg_info[i].width, i);return -EIO;}break;/* Value类型:reg =  CFA +  (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)*/case Value:if (reg_info[i].width != sizeof(unsigned long)) {dprintk(1, "Unsupported value size %u (%u).",reg_info[i].width, i);return -EIO;}FRAME_REG(i, unsigned long) = cfa + state.regs[i].value* state.dataAlign;break;/* Memory类型:reg =  *(CFA +  (factored offset * data_alignment_factor))*/case Memory: {unsigned long addr = cfa + state.regs[i].value* state.dataAlign;if ((state.regs[i].value * state.dataAlign)% sizeof(unsigned long)|| addr < startLoc|| addr + sizeof(unsigned long) < addr|| addr + sizeof(unsigned long) > endLoc) {dprintk(1, "Bad memory location %lx (%lx).",addr, state.regs[i].value);return -EIO;}switch (reg_info[i].width) {
#define CASE(n)         case sizeof(u##n): \if (probe_kernel_address(addr, \FRAME_REG(i, u##n))) \return -EFAULT; \breakCASES;
#undef CASEdefault:dprintk(1, "Unsupported memory size %u (%u).",reg_info[i].width, i);return -EIO;}}break;}}if (UNW_PC(frame) % state.codeAlign|| UNW_SP(frame) % sleb128abs(state.dataAlign)) {dprintk(1, "Output pointer(s) misaligned (%lx,%lx).",UNW_PC(frame), UNW_SP(frame));return -EIO;}if (pc == UNW_PC(frame) && sp == UNW_SP(frame)) {dprintk(1, "No progress (%lx,%lx).", pc, sp);return -EIO;}return 0;
#undef CASES
#undef FRAME_REG
}↓static int processCFI(const u8 *start,const u8 *end,unsigned long targetLoc,signed ptrType,struct unwind_state *state)
{union {const u8 *p8;const u16 *p16;const u32 *p32;} ptr;int result = 1;/* (4.1) 先递归的解析CIE中的cfa指令 */if (start != state->cieStart) {state->loc = state->org;result = processCFI(state->cieStart, state->cieEnd, 0, ptrType, state);if (targetLoc == 0 && state->label == NULL)return result;}/* (4.2) 再解析FDE中的cfa指令这段指令解析请参考本文的`2.2 Call Frame Instructions`一节,就非常好理解了*/for (ptr.p8 = start; result && ptr.p8 < end; ) {switch (*ptr.p8 >> 6) {uleb128_t value;case 0:switch (*ptr.p8++) {/* (4.2.1) 更新PC位置到:state->loc */case DW_CFA_nop:break;case DW_CFA_set_loc:/* 计算:Location = Address */state->loc = read_pointer(&ptr.p8, end, ptrType, 0, 0);if (state->loc == 0)result = 0;break;case DW_CFA_advance_loc1:/* 计算:Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor) */result = ptr.p8 < end && advance_loc(*ptr.p8++, state);break;case DW_CFA_advance_loc2:/* 计算:Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor) */result = ptr.p8 <= end + 2&& advance_loc(*ptr.p16++, state);break;case DW_CFA_advance_loc4:/* 计算:Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor) */result = ptr.p8 <= end + 4&& advance_loc(*ptr.p32++, state);break;/* (4.2.2) 更新通用寄存器的值:state->regs[reg].where/value */case DW_CFA_offset_extended:/*  计算 rule:offset(N)reg num = *(CFA + (factored offset * data_alignment_factor))*/value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value, Memory, get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;case DW_CFA_val_offset:/*  计算 rule:val_offset(N)reg num = CFA + (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)*/value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value, Value, get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;case DW_CFA_offset_extended_sf:/*  计算 rule:offset(N)reg num = *(CFA + (factored offset * data_alignment_factor))*/value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value, Memory, get_sleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;case DW_CFA_val_offset_sf:/*  计算 rule:val_offset(N)reg num = CFA + (factored offset * data_alignment_factor)*/value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value, Value, get_sleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;case DW_CFA_restore_extended:case DW_CFA_undefined:case DW_CFA_same_value:set_rule(get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), Nowhere, 0, state);break;case DW_CFA_register:/*  计算 rule:register(R)reg num = R (second operands)*/value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value,Register,get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;/* (4.2.3) 寄存器集的存栈和恢复 */case DW_CFA_remember_state:/*  本次是寄存器集恢复动作:重新解析指令一直恢复到label处 */if (ptr.p8 == state->label) {state->label = NULL;return 1;}if (state->stackDepth >= MAX_STACK_DEPTH) {dprintk(1, "State stack overflow (%p,%p).", ptr.p8, end);return 0;}/* 本次是寄存器集存栈动作:把当前location存入到堆栈中 */state->stack[state->stackDepth++] = ptr.p8;break;case DW_CFA_restore_state:if (state->stackDepth) {const uleb128_t loc = state->loc;const u8 *label = state->label;/* 碰到需要恢复寄存器的情况:1、从堆栈中弹出需要恢复到哪一步的label2、把cfa和regs寄存器集的值都设置成初始状态3、从头重新开始解析,直到label处为止4、寄存器集就恢复到了之前`DW_CFA_remember_state`指令保存的状态*/state->label = state->stack[state->stackDepth - 1];memcpy(&state->cfa, &badCFA, sizeof(state->cfa));memset(state->regs, 0, sizeof(state->regs));state->stackDepth = 0;result = processCFI(start, end, 0, ptrType, state);state->loc = loc;state->label = label;} else {dprintk(1, "State stack underflow (%p,%p).", ptr.p8, end);return 0;}break;/* (4.2.4) cfa值的更新:state->cfa 更新cfa计算公式的两个变量register和offset通常情况下:CFA = regitser + offset*/case DW_CFA_def_cfa:/* 同时更新register和offset:register = new registeroffset = new offset */state->cfa.reg = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);/*nobreak*/case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset:/* 只更新offset:offset = new offset */state->cfa.offs = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);break;case DW_CFA_def_cfa_sf:/* 同时更新register和offset:register = new registeroffset = (new offset * data_alignment_factor)*/state->cfa.reg = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);/*nobreak*/case DW_CFA_def_cfa_offset_sf:/* 只更新offset:offset = (new offset * data_alignment_factor)*/state->cfa.offs = get_sleb128(&ptr.p8, end)* state->dataAlign;break;case DW_CFA_def_cfa_register:/* 只更新register:register = new register*/state->cfa.reg = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);break;/* (4.2.5) 对 DWARF expression的处理,没看明白  *//*todo case DW_CFA_def_cfa_expression: *//*todo case DW_CFA_expression: *//*todo case DW_CFA_val_expression: */case DW_CFA_GNU_args_size:get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);break;case DW_CFA_GNU_negative_offset_extended:value = get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end);set_rule(value,Memory,(uleb128_t)0 - get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;case DW_CFA_GNU_window_save:default:dprintk(1, "Unrecognized CFI op %02X (%p,%p).", ptr.p8[-1], ptr.p8 - 1, end);result = 0;break;}break;/* DW_CFA_advance_loc */case 1:/* 计算:Location += (delta * code_alignment_factor) */result = advance_loc(*ptr.p8++ & 0x3f, state);break;/* DW_CFA_offset */case 2:/*  计算 rule:offset(N)reg num = *(CFA + (factored offset * data_alignment_factor))*/value = *ptr.p8++ & 0x3f;set_rule(value, Memory, get_uleb128(&ptr.p8, end), state);break;/* DW_CFA_restore */case 3:/*  计算 rule:initial_instructions in the CIEreg num = initial_instructions in the CIE*/set_rule(*ptr.p8++ & 0x3f, Nowhere, 0, state);break;}if (ptr.p8 > end) {dprintk(1, "Data overrun (%p,%p).", ptr.p8, end);result = 0;}/* (4.2.6) 读取fde的条目,直到大于PC值的位置 */if (result && targetLoc != 0 && targetLoc < state->loc)return 1;}if (result && ptr.p8 < end)dprintk(1, "Data underrun (%p,%p).", ptr.p8, end);return result&& ptr.p8 == end&& (targetLoc == 0|| (/*todo While in theory this should apply, gcc in practice omitseverything past the function prolog, and hence the locationnever reaches the end of the function.targetLoc < state->loc &&*/ state->label == NULL));

6. 用户态常见取栈方法

6.1 gcc取栈

gcc提供了__builtin_return_address() 宏来做栈的回溯:

#include <stdio.h>void do_backtrace()
{void *pc0 = __builtin_return_address(0);void *pc1 = __builtin_return_address(1);//void *pc2 = __builtin_return_address(2);//void *pc3 = __builtin_return_address(3);printf("Frame 0: PC=%p\n", pc0);printf("Frame 1: PC=%p\n", pc1);//printf("Frame 2: PC=%p\n", pc2);//printf("Frame 3: PC=%p\n", pc3);
}int main()


> gcc gcc_backtrace.c
> ./a.out
Frame 0: PC=0x400590
Frame 1: PC=0x7f4052ab8c36

6.2 glibc取栈


#include <stdio.h>
#include <execinfo.h>#define BACKTRACE_SIZ   64
void do_backtrace()
{void    *array[BACKTRACE_SIZ];size_t   size, i;char   **strings;size = backtrace(array, BACKTRACE_SIZ);strings = backtrace_symbols(array, size);for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {printf("%p : %s\n", array[i], strings[i]);}free(strings);  // malloced by backtrace_symbols
}int  main()
{do_backtrace();return 0;


> gcc glibc_backtrace.c
> ./a.out
0x400646 : ./a.out() [0x400646]
0x4006c0 : ./a.out() [0x4006c0]
0x7fd564f97c36 : /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe6) [0x7fd564f97c36]
0x400569 : ./a.out() [0x400569]


> gcc -g -rdynamic glibc_backtrace.c
> ./a.out
0x4008d6 : ./a.out(do_backtrace+0x1c) [0x4008d6]
0x400950 : ./a.out(main+0xe) [0x400950]
0x7f9ed1f6bc36 : /lib64/libc.so.6(__libc_start_main+0xe6) [0x7f9ed1f6bc36]
0x4007f9 : ./a.out() [0x4007f9]


6.3 libunwind取栈


// suse11sp4
sudo zypper install libunwind libunwind-devel// ubuntu18.04
sudo apt-get install libunwind-dev


#include <stdio.h>
#include <libunwind.h>void do_backtrace()
{unw_cursor_t    cursor;unw_context_t   context;unw_getcontext(&context);unw_init_local(&cursor, &context);while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0) {unw_word_t  offset, pc;char        fname[64];unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP, &pc);fname[0] = '\0';(void) unw_get_proc_name(&cursor, fname, sizeof(fname), &offset);printf ("%p : (%s+0x%x) [%p]\n", pc, fname, offset, pc);}
}int main()


$ gcc -g libunwind_backtrace.c -lunwind
$ ./a.out
0x55e6635819cb : (main+0xe) [0x55e6635819cb]
0x7f8f4e88db97 : (__libc_start_main+0xe7) [0x7f8f4e88db97]
0x55e6635817fa : (_start+0x2a) [0x55e6635817fa]

libunwind提供了更多能力来检查每帧的程序状态。 例如,可以打印保存的寄存器值:

void do_backtrace2()
{unw_cursor_t    cursor;unw_context_t   context;unw_getcontext(&context);unw_init_local(&cursor, &context);while (unw_step(&cursor) > 0) {unw_word_t  offset;unw_word_t  pc, eax, ebx, ecx, edx;char        fname[64];unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_REG_IP,  &pc);unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_X86_64_RAX, &eax);unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_X86_64_RDX, &edx);unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_X86_64_RCX, &ecx);unw_get_reg(&cursor, UNW_X86_64_RBX, &ebx);fname[0] = '\0';unw_get_proc_name(&cursor, fname, sizeof(fname), &offset);printf ("%p : (%s+0x%x) [%p]\n", pc, fname, offset, pc);printf("\tEAX=0x%08x EDX=0x%08x ECX=0x%08x EBX=0x%08x\n",eax, edx, ecx, ebx);}


$ gcc libunwind_bt.c  -lunwind
$ ./a.out
0x55e24c1f7b50 : (main+0xe) [0x55e24c1f7b50]EAX=0xe8a1c4e0 EDX=0x7f6977ca ECX=0x4c1f7b60 EBX=0x00000000
0x7f027f095b97 : (__libc_start_main+0xe7) [0x7f027f095b97]EAX=0xe8a1c4e0 EDX=0x7f6977ca ECX=0x4c1f7b60 EBX=0x00000000
0x55e24c1f77fa : (_start+0x2a) [0x55e24c1f77fa]EAX=0xe8a1c4e0 EDX=0x7f6977ca ECX=0x4c1f7b60 EBX=0x00000000

相关资源:libunwind project、libunwind with Android ARM support


1.CFI directives introduce
2..eh_frame section
3.DWARF Version 4
8.linux c 及 c++打印调用者函数caller function的方法,包括arm c平台
11.x86-64 下函数调用及栈帧原理
12.Exploiting the Hard-Working DWARF
14.Linux ELF文件和VMA间的关系
16.DWARF Extensions

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