public class Solution {List<Integer> ret = new ArrayList<Integer>();public List<Integer> majorityElement(int[] nums) {int len=nums.length;quickSort(nums,0,len-1);return ret;}private void quickSort(int[] nums,int low,int high){int n=nums.length;if((high-low+1) <= n/3)return;int lt=low,gt=high,i=low+1,temp=nums[low];while(i<=gt){if(nums[i]<temp){swap(nums,i++,lt++);}else if(nums[i]>temp){swap(nums,i,gt--);}else{i++;}}if(i-lt > n/3){ret.add(nums[lt]);}quickSort(nums,low,lt-1);quickSort(nums,i,high);}private void swap(int[] nums,int i,int j){int temp=nums[i];nums[i]=nums[j];nums[j]=temp;        }

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