



What Is Love? How To Love? -- A Brief Analysis Based On The Story Of Cupid And Psyche

What is love? According to the myths and legends recorded in Plato's "drinking together", people's hope and pursuit for finding another half and restoring integrity is the so-called love. Hegel inherited and developed this view, holding that love is a kind of integration, that is, to infiltrate everything contained in one individual into another's consciousness and become the object of his pursuit and possession.

When it comes to love, a great number of modern individuals see it as the ultimate result as well as the highest emotion in life. However, the road of pursuing love will not have a favorable wind all the way. As far as I am concerned, it is strongly recommended for us college students to learn and experience the tortuous love story between Cupid and Psyche in order to gain a better understanding of love.

The details of the love story are as follows. Psyche was a princess with gorgeous beauty. Venus, the well-known beauty goddess, felt humiliated as well as envious and asked Cupid to make her love some scumbag as punishment. However, once Cupid saw Psyche at the first sight, he fell in love with her and secretly married her. Psyche was a mortal, so Cupid could not let her know his true face and only met psyche at night. Feeling lonely and distressed, Psyche asked Cupid to bring her sisters here for a while and Cupid agreed. When Psyche’s sisters saw the beautiful palace where Psyche lived, they were jealous and tried to destroy her life. They poisoned Psyche’s brain and tricked her into assassinating Cupid. Psyche finally could not bear the anxiety of not knowing her husband's real identity and appearance. The night she saw Cupid’s face, the lamp oil fell, severely burning Cupid's arm in his sleep. Cupid woke up to find that his wife had betrayed her promise to him and flew away in anger and sadness. Psyche regretted it very much and vowed to spend his life looking for Cupid to express her love to him. In despair, Psyche decided to plead with Venus himself. Venus was confident that the tasks she gave were impossible for mortal, but Psyche got unexpected help and completed each. After healing, Cupid started missing her wife and implored Jupiter for Psyche’s immortality. Eventually, they lived a happy life ever after.

From the love story mentioned above, we can learn the following inspirations from different perspectives:

First, love cannot dwell with suspicion. The distrust in love can lead to some unpredictable and evil consequences. When you are in a relationship, you are encouraged to feel free to speak your mind. Most of the time, mistrust is caused by lack of communication, or imagination without any basis. If you are willing to spend more time in communicating with the other person from the bottom of your heart, it will promote mutual understanding and effectively increase trust. In addition, calmly analyzing the potential problems is also a good call when you are overwhelmed with the love mistrust.

Second, people in love need to bear responsibility and loyalty in mind. There is no lasting love. Some people are just responsible and loyal for their feelings, avoiding the dead cycle of freshness and betrayal. A sense of responsibility and loyalty can help lovers resist the temptation of the outside world and strengthen the determination to go on. When the passion disappears, the sense of responsibility enables each other to undertake the mundane and trivial feelings, and it also enables both of you to strive hard for each other and always be loyal to your feelings and lovers.

Third, correct the mistakes you have made as soon as you are aware of it. In an attempt to save love after making huge mistakes, the most important thing on the to do list is to adjust your mind, correct your mistakes and enhance your own value during the calm period. Many people want to quickly correct their mistakes and heal their feelings. The more they want to make peace, the easier they are to be anxious. The more anxious they are, the easier they are to make mistakes. Therefore, I hold the view that it is a great idea to patiently correct everything and let the other one realize the progress you have made step by step.

Fourth, listen to others’ opinions about your relationship selectively. In fact, the advice given by the individuals around you has a greater impact on your own love than expected. Sometimes, people who would like to say something about your love relationship may be jealous and want to destroy your love, or they may really have discovered your underlying emotional problems. At this very point, you need to judge the advisability of suggestions given by other people and jump out of the perceptual circle and make objective judgments. I believe that after careful and thorough analysis, you will finally get the right answers.

In a nutshell, beautiful love makes both sides reap happiness and growth. For us college students, it is necessary to correctly handle the relationship among love, study and career. In the meantime, we are required to cultivate the ability to love, including both the ability to accept love and the ability to reject love. If we encounter the setback of love unfortunately, we shall return to normal life after proper venting.

At last, let me end this article with an ancient poem. Would that we could live a long life' and together share the moonlight a thousand miles away!




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