• python运算优先级

PEMDAS 括号(parentheses)指数(exponents)乘(multipilication)除(division)加(addition)减(subtraction)


  • 变量与命名
cars = 100
space_in_a_car = 4.0
drivers = 30
passengers = 90
cars_not_driven = cars - drivers
cars_driven = drivers
carpool_capacity = cars_driven * space_in_a_car
average_passengers_per_car = passengers / cars_driven
print("There are", cars, "cars available.")
print("There are only", drivers, "drivers available.")
print("There will be", cars_not_driven, "empty car today.")
print("We can transport", carpool_capacity, "people today.")
print("We have", passengers, "to carpool today.")
print("We need to put about", average_passengers_per_car, "in each car.")


PS C:\\Users\\ARAN\\lpthw> python ex4.py
There are 100 cars available.
There are only 30 drivers available.
There will be 70 empty car today.
We can transport 120.0 people today.
We have 90 to carpool today.
We need to put about 3.0 in each car.
  • 字符串的使用
my_name = 'Zed A. shaw'
my_age = 35
my_height = 74 #m
my_weight = 180 #kg
my_eyes = 'blue'
my_teeth = 'White'
my_hair = 'brown'
my_height2 = 100 * my_height #my_height2==mm
my_weight2 = 2 * my_weight #my_weight2==g
# test print (f"{my_height2}")print(f"Let's talk about {my_name}.")
print(f"He's {my_height2} inches tall")
print("Actually that's not too heavy.")
print(f"He's got {my_eyes} eyes and {my_hair} hair.")
print(f"His teeth are usually {my_teeth} depending on the coffee.")total = my_age + my_height + my_weightprint(f"If I add {my_age}, {my_weight2}, and {my_height2} I get {total}."


PS C:\\Users\\ARAN\\lpthw> python ex5.py
Let's talk about Zed A. shaw.
He's 7400 inches tall
Actually that's not too heavy.
He's got blue eyes and brown hair.
His teeth are usually White depending on the coffee.
If I add 35, 360, and 7400 I get 289.
  • round四舍五入函数,示例
f = round(1.77)


打印 打印

type_of_people = 10
x = f"There are {type_of_people} type of types of people."
binary = "binary"
do_not = "don't"
y = f"Those who know {binary} and those who {do_not}."
print(y)print(f"i said: {x}")
print(f"I also said: {y}")
#带{}的前面一定要加fhilarious = False
joke_evaluation = "Isn't taht joke so funny?!{}"print(joke_evaluation.format(hilarious))w = "This is the left side of..."
e = "a string with a right side"print(w + e)
a = 1
b = 2
c = a + b
print(c)a_b = 1
a_b_c = a_b + 1
print(a_b_c)a = "I"
b = "LOVE"
c = "CHINA"
d = a + b + c
e = "You"
print(f"If I told who loves {c}, I hope the one is {e}. ")
f = "If i told who loves {}"
g = "I hope the one is {}"
print(f.format(c), g.format(e))h = True

打印 打印 打印

print("Mary had a little lamb")
print("Its fleece was white as {}.".format('snow'))
print("And everywhere thar Mary went")
print("." * 10) #What's that do?end1 = "C"
end2 = "h"
end3 = "e"
end4 = "e"
end5 = "s"
end6 = "e"
end7 = "B"
end8 = "u"
end9 = "r"
end10 = "g"
end11 = "e"
end12 = "r"#watch that comma at the end. try removing it to see what happens
print(end1 + end3 + end4 + end5 + end6, end=' ')
print(end7 + end8 + end9 + end10 + end11 + end12)
  • 如果不想python以另起一行的形式打印,可以在末尾加, end=‘ ‘


  • 另外,字符串可以乘数字以输出更多字符

例如 ”.“ * 10

formatter = "{} {} {} {}"print(formatter.format(1, 2, 3, 4))
print(formatter.format("one", "two", "three", "four"))
print(formatter.format(True, False, True, False))
print(formatter.format(formatter, formatter, formatter, formatter))
print(formatter.format(" Try your\\n","Own text here\\n","Maybe a poem\\n","Or a song about fear "
  • 打印 打印 打印
#Here's some new strange stuff, remember type it exactlydays = "Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun"
months = "\\nJan\\nFeb\\nMar\\nMay\\nJUn\\nJul\\nAug"print("Here are the days:", days)
print("Here are the months:", months)print("""There is something going on here.With the three double-quotes.We'll be albe to type as much as we like.Even 4 lines if we want, or 5, or 6.
  • 三个引号”“”代表超长打印,可以放很长很长的字符串
  • 转义字符
tabby_cat = "\\tI'm tabbed in."
persian_cat = "I'm split\\non a line"
backslash_cat = "I'm \\\\ a \\\\ cat"fat_cat ="""
I'll do a list:
\\t* Cat food
\\t* Fishies
\\t* Catnip\\n\\t* Grass


  • input函数
print("How old are you?", end=' ')
age = input()
print("How tall are you?", end=' ')
height = input()
print("How much do you weight?", end=' ')
weight = input()print(f"So, you're {age} old, {height} tall and {weight} heavy.")
  • 可以在input函数中加入问题,因此上面的问法可以替换为
age = input("How old are you? ")
height = input("How tall are you? ")
weight = input("How much do you weight? ")print(f"So, you're {age} old, {height} tall and {weight} heavy.")
  • 参数、解包和变量
from sys import argv
# read the WYSS section for how to run this
script, first, second, third = argvprint(">>>> argv = ",repr(argv))print("The script is called:", script)
print("Your first variable is:", first)
print("Your second cariable is:", second)
print("Your third variable is:", third)
  • 写一个类似《Zork》的文字游戏
from sys import argvscript, user_name = argv
prompt = '> '
print(f"Hi {user_name}, I'm the {script} scripter")
print("I'd like to ask you a few questions.")
print(f"Do you like me {user_name}?")
likes = input(prompt)print(f"Where do you live {user_name}")
live = input(prompt)print(f"What kind of computer do you have?")
computer = input(prompt)print(f"""
Alright, so you said {likes} about liking me.
You live in {live}.
Not sure where that is.
And you have a {computer} computer.


  • 尽量不要把代码中的内容写死(hardcode),让用户来决定写哪个文件
  • 读取ex15_sample.txt中的文本,代码如下
from sys import argvscript, filename = argvtxt = open(filename)print(f"Here's your file {filename}:")
print("\\n")print("Type the filename again:")
file_again = input("> ")txt_again = open(file_again)print(txt_again.read())
  • 只用input读取并打印代码
filename = input("please typing your filename\\n >>>")
txt = open(filename)

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