
  • 一、数据库SQL语言增、删、改、查功能
  • 二、视图SQL语言功能
  • 三、源程序代码和实验结果


2. 查询选了1号课但不选2号课的学生的班号、学号
5. 查询不选1号课的学生班号及学号
6. 查询选2号课的学生名字及相应2号课成绩,按成绩从高到低排序
7. 统计学生选修课程的班号、学号及总学分
8. 统计1班选修3号课的学号及平均分
9. 把个人信息及选课信息插入到Student和SC 表及新增加一门“无机化学”课程信息
10. 删除选修3号课的所有选课信息并显示删除后的结果
11. 把选修1号课的所有男同学年龄增加1岁并显示最终学生Student信息
12. 把每个选课人的学号、班号及平均成绩插入到一个新表中。


1 使用企业管理器创建视图:在ST库中以“student”表为基础,建立信息系学生的视图V_ISStudent
2 使用SQL语句创建视图:
① 建立一个每个学生的学号、班号、姓名、选修的课名及成绩的视图S_C_GRADE;
② 建立信息系建立信息系选修了1号课程且成绩在90分以上的学生的视图V_IS_Score
③ 将各系学生人数,平均年龄定义为视图V_NUM_AVG。
3 查询以上所建的视图结果
4 查询选修了1号课程的信息系学生
5 在信息系学生的视图中找出年龄小于20岁的学生
6 将信息系学生视图V_ISStudent中学号一班2号的学生姓名改为“刘辰”
7 用SQL语句删除视图S_C_GRADE




select distinct SCX.sno,SCX.sclass
from SC SCX
where exists ( select *from SC SCYwhere SCX.sno=SCY.sno and SCX.sclass=SCY.sclass and SCY.cno=1)and exists( select * from SC SCZ where SCX.sno=SCZ.sno and SCX.sclass=SCZ.sclass   and SCZ.cno=2);


select SCX.sno,SCX.sclass
from SC SCX
where exists ( select *from SC SCYwhere SCX.sno=SCY.sno and SCX.sclass=SCY.sclass and SCY.cno=1)and not exists( select * from SC SCZ where SCX.sno=SCZ.sno and SCX.sclass=SCZ.sclass   and SCZ.cno=2);


select SC.sclass,SC.sno,sname,ssex,Sdept,cno,grade
from SC,Student
where SC.sclass=Student.sclass and SC.sno=Student.sno and SC.sclass=1 and SC.sno in
(select sno from SC where sclass=1 group by sno having avg(grade)>85);


select distinct SCX.sclass,SCX.sno,sname
from Student,SC SCX
where Student.sno=SCX.sno and Student.sclass=SCX.sclass and not exists(select *from SC SCYwhere SCY.sclass='1' and SCY.sno='2' and not exists (select *from SC SCZwhere SCZ.cno=SCY.cno and SCZ.sno=SCX.sno and SCZ.sclass=SCX.sclass)


select Student.sclass,Student.sno
from Student
where not exists (select *from SCwhere SC.sclass=Student.sclass and SC.sno=Student.sno and SC.cno=1)


select Student.sname,grade
from SC,Student
where SC.sclass=Student.sclass and SC.sno=Student.sno and cno=2
order by grade desc


select sclass,sno,sum(ccredit) sum_credit
from Course,SC
where Course.cno=SC.cno
group by sno,sclass


select avg(grade) avg_grade
from SC
where sclass=1 and cno=3
select sno
from SC
where sclass=1 and cno=3

1.9把个人信息及选课信息插入到Student和SC 表及新增加一门“无机化学”课程信息

insert into Course(cno,cname)values(8, '无机化学');


delete from SC where cno=3;
select *
from SC;


update  Student
set sage=sage+1
where ssex= '男'and exists(select * from SC where cno=1 and SC.sclass=Student.sclass and SC.sno=Student.sno);
select *
from Student;


create table avg_grade(sno int not null,sclass int not null,avggrade float,primary key(sclass,sno)
insert into avg_grade
select sno,sclass,avg(grade)
from SC
group by sclass,sno;
select *
from avg_grade


create view V_ISStudent AS
select *
from Student
where Sdept = 'IS' with check option;select *
from V_ISStudent

① 建立一个每个学生的学号、班号、姓名、选修的课名及成绩的视图S_C_GRADE;

create view S_C_GRADE AS
select Student.sno,Student.sclass,sname,cname,grade
from Student join SC on (Student.sclass=SC.sclass and Student.sno=SC.sno)join Course on SC.cno=Course.cno;select *
from S_C_GRADE

② 建立信息系建立信息系选修了1号课程且成绩在90分以上的学生的视图V_IS_Score

create view V_IS_Score AS
select *
from V_ISStudent
where exists(select * from SC where cno=1 and grade>90 and V_ISStudent.sno=SC.sno and V_ISStudent.sclass=SC.sclass);select *
from V_IS_Score

③ 将各系学生人数,平均年龄定义为视图V_NUM_AVG。

create view V_NUM_AVG AS
select Sdept,count(*) num,avg(sage) avg_age
from Student
group by Sdept;
select  *
from V_NUM_AVG


select * from V_ISStudent
where exists
(select *
from SC
where cno=1 and V_ISStudent.sno=SC.sno
and V_ISStudent.sclass=SC.sclass);


select *
from V_ISStudent
where sage<20;


update V_ISStudent
set sname= '刘辰'
where sclass=1 and sno=2;select sname
from V_ISStudent
where sclass=1 and sno=2


drop view S_C_GRADE;


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