2016 06.1

interactive TV ads   电视互动广告

with a few taps   轻敲几下

a popular situation comedy   一部流行的情景喜剧

cable company   有线电视公司

roll out ads   推送广告

be greeted with   受到…对待

be greeted with some skepticism   遭到质疑

an overlay   一片覆盖区域

order a catalogue   订购商品目录

do with a boost   得以推进-> 迎来生机

fall by 10%   下降了10%

many of the dollars   许多费用

an interactive campaign   互动活动

30-second spots   30秒插播广告

fall far short of   差的很远

crave interaction   渴望互动

go well together   很好地匹配

check the sales items   核实特价商品

may be a result of the novelty   可能是(人们)对此感到新奇的结果

place (TV ads) at a great disadvantage   使…处于不利地位

do well in engaging the viewers   很好地让观众参与进来

this bleak view   蹩脚的观点

intellectual clarity   清醒的理智

political will   政治意志

structural unemployment   结构性失业

force into sth.

= be forced to do sth.   被迫做某事

plunge in   大幅下降

bring down rapidly   迅速下降

has soared   大幅增长

has surged   急剧增长

have been multiplying   不断增加

major occupational category   主要职业类别

a combined population   总人口

periods of high unemployment   失业高峰期

deeply root   根深蒂固

the Great Depression   大萧条时期

a large defense buildup   一次大的国防建设

a fiscal stimulus   财政刺激

adequate to the economy’s needs   满足经济需求

inadequate to   不足以

But now, as then   但是现在和那时一样

ideologically oppose   从意识形态上反对

on a sufficient scale to   大规模地去做

jump-start the economy   推动经济

cripple out economy and our society   削弱我们的经济和社会

back these claims   支持这些言论

we aren’t suffering from a shortage of // needed skills

我们并不缺少 // 所需的技能

we are suffering from a lack of // policy resolve

我们缺少的是 // 政策救助

a reason not to act on problems   对问题不作为的一个理由

corporate mismanagement   公司管理不善

the expert’s claim is groundless   专家的言论是无根据的

self-evident   不证自明的

The booming defense industry   蓬勃发展的国防工业

benefit package   福利待遇

thorough restructuring of industries   行业的全面整改

powerful opposition   强烈反对

government’s stimulus efforts   政府刺激措施

detect the problems in time   及时发现问题

2016 12.1

herald a new era   开创了新纪元

fewer than 4% of countries   不足4%的国家

be essentially climate “free-riders”   基本上都是气候的”免费搭乘者”

on the flip(v. 翻转) side   另一方面

be widely hailed   广受欢迎





be best described as sketchy   只是概略设想

commendable adj. 值得赞扬的

the emissions-reduction pledges   减排保证

pledges submitted by countries   国家所提交的保证

countries (leading up to Paris talks)   领导巴黎会谈的国家

deliver on 履行

effectively ignoring historical emissions   实质上忽略了历史排放

be a meaningful mobilization(n. 动员) 进行动员工作

neutral adj. 中立的

sugary syrups   糖浆

provision n. 份额

the policies (outlined in the agreement)   协议中规定的政策

be critical of   对…批判

the economy picks up   经济复苏

the stock market   股票市场

burden the sole responsibility   全权负责

make joint efforts   共同努力

come to a consensus   达成共识

put in effect   使…生效

Putting in effect the policies in the agreement   使协议中的政策生效

be truly in jeopardy(n. 危险边缘)   是真正危险的

have been dubbed   被称为

engage in all three of these practices   做出全部这三种行为

fall through the cracks   跌入裂缝-> 崩溃

teenagers (who are engaging in inconspicuous(adj. 不明显的) behaviors)


full-blown disorders   完全失调

Many hitherto(迄今) unobserved youngsters   很多至今未被注意到的年轻人


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