本文翻译自 Explicit Versus Implicit Batch



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TensorRT supports two modes for specifying a network: explicit batch and implicit batch:

TensorRT 有两种指定网络的模式:explicit(显式) batch 模式 和 implicit(隐式) batch 模式

In implicit batch mode, every tensor has an implicit batch dimension and all other dimensions must have constant length. This mode was used by early versions of TensorRT, and is now deprecated but continues to be supported for backwards compatibility.

implicit batch 模式中,每一个张量有一个隐式的batch维度,而所有其他维度必须是一个常数值.
(译者注:我猜是 [-1, 3, 224, 224] 这样的shape的意思)
implicit batch 模式在早期版本的 TensorRT 经常使用,但是现在将被废弃了,不过为了向下兼容,依旧会被支持。

哦,有个新词组:backwards compatibility 向下兼容hhh

In explicit batch mode, all dimensions are explicit and can be dynamic, that is their length can change at execution time. Many new features, such as dynamic shapes and loops, are available only in this mode. It is also required by the ONNX parser.

explicit batch 模式中,所有的维度都是显式的并且是动态的,意思是在执行的时候,每一维度的长度都可以变化.
许多新特性,例如动态shapes与loops, 只有在explicit batch 模式下才可以使用.
值得一提的是,使用 ONNX parser 时,也需要该模式.

For example, consider a network that processes N images of size HxW with 3 channels, in NCHW format. At runtime, the input tensor has dimensions [N,3,H,W]. The two modes differ in how the INetworkDefinition specifies the tensor’s dimensions:

  • In explicit batch mode, the network specifies [N,3,H,W].
  • In implicit batch mode, the network specifies only [3,H,W]. The batch dimension N is implicit.

举个例子,酱紫一个场景:NNN张333通道 H×WH\times WH×W的图片,也就是 NCHW 的格式.
在运行的时候,输入张量的维度为 [N,3,H,W]. 这两种模式在 INetworkDefinition 指定张量维度时是不同的:

  • 显式(explicit batch)模式下,网络被指定为 [N,3,H,W].
  • 隐式(implicit batch)模式下,网络被指定为 [3,H,W],Batch 维度 N 是隐式指定的.

Operations that “talk across a batch” are impossible to express in implicit batch mode because there is no way to specify the batch dimension in the network. Examples of inexpressible operations in implicit batch mode:

  • reducing across the batch dimension
  • reshaping the batch dimension
  • transposing the batch dimension with another dimension

涉及到Batch维度的操作在隐式(implicit batch)模式下是无法操作的,因为在网络中无法指定batch的维度。以下是以下在隐式(implicit batch)模式下,无法表达的操作:

  • reducing across the batch dimension (在batch维度上规约,可能是 [N,3,H,W]->[1,3,H,W])
  • reshaping the batch dimension (可能是 [N,3,H,W]->[X,3,H,W])
  • transposing the batch dimension with another dimension (可能是 [N,3,H,W]->[3,N,H,W])

The exception is that a tensor can be broadcast across the entire batch, through the ITensor::setBroadcastAcrossBatch method for network inputs, and implicit broadcasting for other tensors.

当然,也有例外。通过对模型输入使用 ITensor::setBroadcastAcrossBatch 方法和其他张量使用隐式广播,一个张量可以在整个Batch中广播

Explicit batch mode erases the limitations - the batch axis is axis 0. A more accurate term for explicit batch would be “batch oblivious,” because in this mode, TensorRT attaches no special semantic meaning to the leading axis, except as required by specific operations. Indeed in explicit batch mode there might not even be a batch dimension (such as a network that handles only a single image) or there might be multiple batch dimensions of unrelated lengths (such as comparison of all possible pairs drawn from two batches).

显式批处理模式(Explicit batch mode)消除了限制—— Batch 轴是 axis 0.

显式批处理的更准确术语是“batch oblivious”,因为在这种模式下,TensorRT 对Batch引导轴没有特殊的语义含义(意思是,直接看成一个整体的张量,Batch维度没有那个语义),除非特定操作需要。


The choice of explicit versus implicit batch must be specified when creating the INetworkDefinition, using a flag. Here is the C++ code for explicit batch mode:

IBuilder* builder = ...;
INetworkDefinition* network = builder->createNetworkV2(1U << static_cast<uint32_t>(NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH)))

For implicit batch, use createNetwork or pass a 0 to createNetworkV2.

在创建 INetworkDefinition 时,必须使用flag指定显式还是隐式批处理。 这是显式批处理模式的 C++ 代码:

IBuilder* builder = ...;
INetworkDefinition* network = builder->createNetworkV2(1U << static_cast<uint32_t>(NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag::kEXPLICIT_BATCH)))

当隐式初始Batch时,使用方法createNetwork 或者给 createNetworkV2方法传入 0

Here is the Python code for explicit batch mode:

builder = trt.Builder(...)
builder.create_network(1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH))

For implicit batch, omit the argument or pass a 0.


builder = trt.Builder(...)
builder.create_network(1 << int(trt.NetworkDefinitionCreationFlag.EXPLICIT_BATCH))


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