2020/06/10 每日十句英语口语

I can't believe you told Grover the world's gonna end.真不敢相信你告诉葛罗弗世界末日要来了 You know, this is why people hate scientists.这就是人们讨厌科学家的原因 That's kind of an alarming thing to hear从一个学校校长嘴里说出这种话 coming from a school principal.真是令人担忧 You can't say those kinds of things in front of kids.你不能在孩子面前说那种话 I don't want Grover freaking out about the end of the world.我不想葛罗弗因为世界末日而抓狂 Well, I'm sorry, Gemma, but I'm a scientist;杰玛 抱歉 但我是科学家I work with the facts.我只说实话 And I'm a parent, Marty; I lie.而我是家长 马蒂 我撒谎 Okay. So what are you saying?你想说什么 We should just sugarcoat the truth我们应该只是粉饰真相 and stuff him full of ignorance and falsehoods?给他灌输无知和谎言吗Yes.对啊


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